Sort-of Newbie Getting Back on the Horse

Hello, everyone! I've been on MyFitnessPal for a couple of months, and it has been (or was, rather) very helpful. I was exercising, keeping track of my calories and eating healthy; doing just what I wanted to be doing! And then I went on vacation (I know!) and while I kind of kept it up on vacation, since I've been back I've been terrible! My schedule changes with my husband's work schedule, and when he was working in the mornings, that's when I was doing great; getting up with him and exercising right after he went to work. But now he's back to leaving early and I haven't been back to exercising since vacation!! I don't know what is different since I start MFP, but I'm in a slump and need encouragement/motivation. I want to get back to riding my bike, doing Pilates and strength training in the mornings and keeping track of the *hopefully* healthy foods I want to eat. That is my goal; help me if you can!

Thanks for reading, fellow MFPers!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome back and good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    welcome back. I am in a similar boat. glad your back
  • mommaLars
    mommaLars Posts: 6 Member
    I fell off the exercise wagon this summer after vacation also. Now with kids in school I have time to get back on! Stay motivated :)
  • Ok, are you ready for some tough love motivation?? Get back on the horse and do it!! Stop talking about wanting to do it...DO IT!! You know what needs to be done. Don't be depressed about falling off the wagon, get angry...and then use that anger to motivate you to get back on the wagon and be successful. I know it is not easy, but dig deep and find it! You will feel better when you quit talking about and start doing it.

    Good luck and be like Nike...Just do it!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I see that your profile information is blank...I don't know if you wrote that up the first time around and since erased it or whether you never wrote anything. Anyway, I suggest that you take some time to write some details on that profile page...include some things you hate about being overweight...include some real reasons why you want to lead a healthier lifestyle. think about why you lost the motivation and what you can do differently to avoid the same pitfall(s). how can you work the healthy lifestyle journey into YOUR OWN schedule without tying it into whatever your husband's schedule is.

    Take some time to write this out. Review it often. Add to it at times.

    The mental part of the journey is super important. If you don't start there, there's a good chance you will fall off the wagon again and need to get back on the horse again.
  • I didn't even know I had a profile thing, so that's helpful. And this is helpful already; tough love is useful, and makes me think I should not be replying here but working out like I didn't this morning!! So, bye!