Looking for Friends new to MFP

Hi everyone<3 I'm just getting started here and would love to connect with others.


  • nichellesutton783
    nichellesutton783 Posts: 2 Member
    Joined in 2011 BUT did not begin actually exploring this app until a month ago. Gained weight over the years, an empty nester now two years and with the loss of family members related to obesity AND being the only one in my family of origin NOT on BP meds or pre-diabetic, was a serious wake up call to lose weight, get back to moving and investing in my health again. New to forum would love to connect
  • milinwit
    milinwit Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone I am new here. I am 71 with HBP, pre-diabetic, and about 35 pounds to heavy. I have just started walking and am slow due to 2nd knee replacement, but getting there. Dr.s nurse turned me on to my fitnesspal and I am slowly getting the hang of it. Hoping to connect with others.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,996 Member
    Welcome. I’ve been here a couple months. I was on SparkPeople before that.

    I’m down about 55, with another 60ish to go.
    I’m diabetic, with a balance disorder. I can’t walk across the room without help, but I can exercise on my recumbent elliptical.

    Anyhow, welcome to MFP everyone!
  • 84KellieLouise
    84KellieLouise Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! Joined a few months ago.. Ignored it, deleted it and downloaded the app again 🤦‍♀️ starting afresh now tho and gonna give it my best xx
  • ColonyBiker
    ColonyBiker Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome! New here also. I managed to lose a lot of weight 15 years ago and kept it off until an accident. I found that having people in the same journey to join you and support you, same situation you are in or not, was the best way to stay on track, get motivation as well as getting motivation by helping to motivate others.

    I lost 120lbs using this same format by tracking but eating healthy the last time. Now like some of the others that posted previously, major back injury that still lets me remember it 7 years later, foot issues, recent knee surgery, and another major surgery, the exercise is difficult. Not to mention 15 years older than the last time LOL. But I am planning on going down the journey again to getting healthy not only for myself, but this time have a new wife to come along with me that also wants to get in better health. Overall the goal is to just enjoy life and not be held back due to health issues.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 44,209 Member
    You are welcome to add me ....wishing you much success on your journey :)
  • GeoJeremy
    GeoJeremy Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to join up for motivational purposes, too. I'm 37, and during the pandemic dropped I happened to stumble upon an additional 25 pounds! Let's get to work!
  • Laticak
    Laticak Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Im looking for acc/support buddy. Im a 23yo student from Croatia. Msg me if you wanna be buddies (:
  • aimievhulme5988
    aimievhulme5988 Posts: 2 Member
    Im the same struggling to lose 18lbs. I have gone to smaller portions, exercise at least 4times a week and active job.my problem is i pick and dont even realise.... HELP!!!!