Well I'm back :)

HealthyRae Posts: 8
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all....

I'm back after more than 6 months of being gone! I have gained 40 lbs and I'm very unhappy with myself. I have a new profile and am more than ready to start this again! I have a weight loss goal of almost 160 lbs so I really have to hustle and work my hardest! Words of encouragment are always welcome :) I hope everyone is doing well!

:heart: Rachel


  • Hello all....

    I'm back after more than 6 months of being gone! I have gained 40 lbs and I'm very unhappy with myself. I have a new profile and am more than ready to start this again! I have a weight loss goal of almost 160 lbs so I really have to hustle and work my hardest! Words of encouragment are always welcome :) I hope everyone is doing well!

    :heart: Rachel
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Welcome back!! :flowerforyou:

    You CAN do this! :smile:
  • JennaH
    JennaH Posts: 59
    Glad you decided to come back. That's the first step.
    This time you can do it!! And we are here for you.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    I am back also. Trying not to kick myself to hard but man i am so disappointed right now. i used this site to help me lose 42lbs and then i quit coming on here and fell off the wagon and gained 22 lbs back now i am fairly certain it is more than that and i am miserable. I logged in today and made the decision to do it again and follow thru this time till i get to my goal. i need all the help and support i can get. glad to be back and wish everyone a successful day. I am going to get on that coat rack (teadmill) no matter what today even if it is only 5 min it is better than 0 min. wish me luck plz and pray for me.
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    welcome back to boards and good luck on your weight loss Journey
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome back to the boards to both of you! You can do this!
  • lubililu
    lubililu Posts: 3
    :drinker: Hi,

    I just joined the site for the first time, but for the same reasons. I had lost 70 lbs using different methods (LA Weight Loss, etc.) and have recently gained 38 back. I needed some support and found this site.

    It is nice to know others are in the same predicament, not nice for you guys, but nice to know I am not alone.

    Glad to hear you are back on track, good luck, have courage, one day at a time.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    welcome back and good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • thanks for all the support guys!!!!!!
  • Sunsky
    Sunsky Posts: 5
    Welcome Rae:love:

    Good Luck and many blessings on your healthy journey.

    :heart: Sunsky
  • nibor
    nibor Posts: 57 Member
    I too came back in January after being away for about 10 months. I'm back on track now and almost weigh what I did when I left last year. This time, I'm staying until I reach my goal!!!:wink:
  • osmium
    osmium Posts: 107 Member
    You can do it! Being honest with yourself about the numbers on the scale is the first step. Don't beat yourself up too much and get back on the wagon and you'll be back on track in no time :smile:
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