Stronger, Better, Faster...March 9th

yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
A beautiful new week ahead. Spring Break is next week, though I'm not sure this effects anyone on this challenge - but it's SXSW here, so that makes for a crazy town. It's also my week of yoga - yum.

MM - I can't believe I didn't think of the pillow - I have about 4 different pillows that I use to keep myself from having neck pain (smacks self on head) - glad it's better.

Yesterday - two yoga classes. The vinyasa flow class was tough. It was also what I needed - I was humbled. There were a few students in that class that were more advanced than I was (usually, only the teacher is more advanced). I need to learn to focus inwardly when taking a class.

I may have lost .5 lb in the past week - yeah!!! - oh I'm working on another part to the challenge - no eating while standing up. I'm terrible at this - even right after I thought about it, I grabbed something to eat while standing up.

Happy workouts y'all,


almost forgot: today is yoga and walking :bigsmile:


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    A beautiful new week ahead. Spring Break is next week, though I'm not sure this effects anyone on this challenge - but it's SXSW here, so that makes for a crazy town. It's also my week of yoga - yum.

    MM - I can't believe I didn't think of the pillow - I have about 4 different pillows that I use to keep myself from having neck pain (smacks self on head) - glad it's better.

    Yesterday - two yoga classes. The vinyasa flow class was tough. It was also what I needed - I was humbled. There were a few students in that class that were more advanced than I was (usually, only the teacher is more advanced). I need to learn to focus inwardly when taking a class.

    I may have lost .5 lb in the past week - yeah!!! - oh I'm working on another part to the challenge - no eating while standing up. I'm terrible at this - even right after I thought about it, I grabbed something to eat while standing up.

    Happy workouts y'all,


    almost forgot: today is yoga and walking :bigsmile:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Good Lord, you ladies have been busy the last few days! so much to catch up on: Mary & CP-awesome job, viv-did you try taking a benadryl? Sounds like allergic reaction, Melissa-we all have those days (husbands & kids!) better to let off steam than have it compound and explode... did I miss anyone?

    So I continue to feel a little better each day. The respiratory part is 100% but lingering pain in the rib. Improving, just not ready to test it by running & jarring it only to discover it's too soon. I'll stick to the gazelle for another week! I have managed to keep off the weight I lost while sick and am only 1lb from my birthday goal; I think i can, i think i can, i thnk i can!!!!

    You are all right, we need to bring the focus back to SBFs original meaning. When did we all become so focused on skinny? I am still making body fat loss my goal, not my weight (just easier to document) because the reality is I meet the definition of "over-fat" even though I'm in a healthy range of weight. If only I were 3 inches taller all would be good!

    Hey to renae; hope you got some personal time. We go on spring break next week but I'll still have to work (spring break only means more time for practice & games to the coaches)! Have a phenomenal Monday that is Stronger, Better & Faster! :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Hi Ladies! I sure love our little group! But I have been wondering, do we not have people join because it's not "exciting" or maybe because we seem clickish? I'm not complaining necessarily. I like our small group and our topics and conversations, but it's just something I was wondering about.
    AD, I'm glad you are starting to feel better and I hope the rib pain goes away soon. Did the lump go away or get smaller?
    Mary, congrats on hopefully losing 1/2 pound this week! I hope to join you in that as I am trying to get back off sweets for the most part. I may have dessert when I take my mom out for dinner tomorrow night.
    V, how's your "sunburn"? Are you feeling better today?
    I have been cleaning cleaning cleaning this morning. I am nearly done but my feet were hurting so I sat down. The house did get pretty messy since I slacked off last week on everything, but it only took a couple of hours to clean the whole house so it wasn't that bad. I may eat a snack here in a minute and go on a walk with Alex. I want to be able to have a little me time this afternoon before my mom and brothers get here, so that means I need to get some exercise this morning! I am sweating from cleaning. lol.
    I also need to do push ups and sit ups.
    I am not sure how much I will be on here the next few days but I will be thinking of you all! I'd better finish cleaning and go for a walk.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hi everybody! That's a good question, MM... We're maybe not as 'focused' these days as some of the other challenges or fitness groups, because we are all working on our own goals. But I really enjoy reading about what's going on with everybody, and I think we have some good discussions!

    Mary - congrats on the maybe 0.5 pound! I had been wondering if you might actually gain weight temporarily after your ride - I remember seeing shorerider talk about that. I guess you work out so much anyway that you are probably used to it! :laugh:

    AD - I'm glad you are finally on the mend. I agree with getting back to the SBF goal - although a lot of you gals are pretty darn strong and fast already! :wink: I am going to be weighing and measuring tomorrow for the first time in quite a while, but I am planning to go easy on myself - I know I have lost some fitness over the past couple of months, so I won't worry too much if I don't start losing right away. My two big goals are to get to 100 pushups, and to run (well, jog) in the Chase Corporate Challenge (5K) in May.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Well, I'm still a matoe-face.

    It's a little better, but still crazy. I managed to spackle enough makeup on to look vaguely presentable for teaching today, but am now washed (OUCH!) and re-slathered in my hydrocortisone cream. If it's not seriously better by tomorrow, I'm going to a doctor for something stronger.

    I'm also taking Benadryl, so, although it was my intent, I won't get my regular yoga session in today. I certainly don't want to irritate my face (or anyone who has to look at it) any further by sweating all over it in 105 degree heat. Also, Benadryl makes me super sleepy. Later, I'll do one of my more "restorative" DVDs, just so I'm following through on yoga day.

    Also, I called the "health and safety" line this a.m., not necessarily to complain, but to point out that I was having a serious reaction. . .I also took pics of my matoe face this morning, just in case I needed to document anything for them. I just want the 25 bucks I spent on the lotion back, mostly:tongue: .

    I've wondered why we don't get new folks here in the challenge, too. Maybe we need to pick a re-start date and think of a shiny new name? I do notice that there are "lurkers" around. . .way more views that people in the challenge.
    Hey, lurkers. . .you're welcome to join us.:wink: (hey, it can't hurt. . .)
    Take care of yourselves.:flowerforyou:
  • TrailRunner
    TrailRunner Posts: 140 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    cpoo5e invited me here and thank-you very much.

    I started MFP a few weeks ago. I'm looking to drop about 25 lbs. I've been about 160ish for most of my adult life. With the exeption of 210 before I was diagnose with Hyperthyrodism. That was a drag. Still is in the sense that I have to take a pill every day for the rest of my life. It really doesn't make any sense to me because it doesn't run in my family. The last thing I read about it was that 80% percent of women over 30 can have this ....disease? malfunction? I don't know what to call it. I'm not very happy about it though:cry: . Supposedly there is no cure but I'm having trouble believing that. My hopes is that through the right foods and exercise my thermostat will correct itself. We'll see.

    I've run on and off. I like to be active. Love to hike and rollerblade with the dogs. I also like to be lazy. I guess you could call me Half&Half. Like to read and have weekend Dvd marathons.

    This is probably my 4th or 5th attempt at actually counting calories. The tools on this site make it comprehensible and has showed me how many portions I've actually been eating. I've lost 3 lbs so far. I've been doing uphill treadmill work 5 days a week for about an hour.

    Besides loosing weight I'd like to strengthen, well, everything really. It would be nice to lift the toushy and build the arms. Abs have always been my weak point and I'm trying to focus on those as well. I did take a strength and toning class for about a year and was probably ended up being in the best shape I've ever been. Unfortunately I stopped going and can't bring myself to go back.

    So, enough about me, tell me about yourselve's and the challange. It sounds exciting.:bigsmile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    Welcome TrailRunner!