"Learning to Run"-open support group

Any new or just begining runners out there...feel free to join and support each other as we progress to our running goals. Whether it be a 5K, a 1/2 marathon or even just being able to run 10mins without dying. We want happy, encouraging people to help support each other!!!
Just reply with a little info about yourself and your running goals!!!


  • J3nnaLyn
    Bumppp. Thanks Abby! I used to run xcountry in high school, so i'm working on getting back into running, as well as training for a half marathon in March of 2012!


    Oh, and I'm using John Bingham's books, "Running for Mortals" and "Marathoning for Mortals". They're similar to the C25K program, but his programs are longer, and his books are GREAT.
  • kowskey
    kowskey Posts: 19 Member
    I'm doing Couch to 5k! I'm on week three. It's been harder than I expected at times, but the progress that I see has also been incredibly fulfilling. Running itself kind of sucks, but having run is amazing.
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I have done two Half Marathons. 2009 & 2010 Rock & Roll New Orleans.
    I hope to be able to do 2012!

    I am using the "Run your Butt Off" program to get back up to running 30 mins at a time so I can start my 13.1 training program!

    I would like to hear more about some other programs people are using.

  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    I used to run too!!! Before I got fat....I actually did triathalons (which have a 6mile run) now I can barely do 20mins without resting.
    For any others:
    I'm Abby 27/f currently 148lbs...trying to "run my mass off" I hope to do a 5k (without stopping) in the end of october and I want to try for a 1/2 marathon sometime in the spring. I am not doing a specific running program....just running. I mostly run on trails (I find road running boring) and I like the outdoors and the challenge of the added hills!!

    Good luck!!
  • DanL66712

    My Couch 25k plan starts on monday next week, mixed in with some weight training at the gym on the rest days.

    Last time I tried to run I felt like my lungs were going to collapse, my heart was being slowly eaten by fire ants and I was ready to chuck up my own toenails, so hopefully c25k will help me build gradually without causing me to have a massive coronary!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    yay good....and we can post daily or weekly updates...whenever you feel like it or need a kick in the butt!!!
  • MAC15
    I haven't been good with my fitness pal however, I want to get back into shape! I used to run all the time then had a baby and slapped on some pounds in a snap and now it's so hard to run :( I hope to do a 5k then the Rock and Roll 2012. It's comforting to see how others are in a similar situation as me. :) Thank you.

    SW: 153 lbs
    CW: 151 lbs
    GW: 120 lbs
  • MAC15
    OMG Dan! That's how I feel when I run. Ugh! It's awful :(
  • veggie_rachel
    veggie_rachel Posts: 28 Member
    I'm just starting to run and had my first (small) victory yesterday when I ran the path around a pond near my apartment (about a mile) without stopping! I went slow...sometimes so slow that my dog was actually walking next to me...but I didn't stop! I'm signing up for a Halloween 5K next month and need all the help I can get!
  • MAC15
    Good Idea Abby!
  • KelieHerrera
    I am registered for a 5K in about 4 weeks, and I have NEVER been a runner!

    I've tried Couch to 5K, but now i'm sort of just doing my own thing, especially since I have such a short time to get ready. I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I am ok with running and walking, running and walking. As long as I don't walk the whole 5K, I'm good!
  • Babygirl082578
    Babygirl082578 Posts: 44 Member
    I am registered for a 5K in about 4 weeks, and I have NEVER been a runner!

    I've tried Couch to 5K, but now i'm sort of just doing my own thing, especially since I have such a short time to get ready. I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I am ok with running and walking, running and walking. As long as I don't walk the whole 5K, I'm good!

    That's what I have always found worked for me. The run/walk thing is so much easier on my body, especially now that I have a lot more weight on me. Most plans I have seen have newbies using mins and not distance. I LOVE that idea....gives me a definite end I can count down.
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    ohhh and for anyone who has a smart phone....I just downloaded the "my tracks" app (its by google and its free) and it is sooo cool. It maps your run...tells you distance, route, pace, total time, plus time just when you where moving and even total elevation!!! It almost makes me want to run just to play with it!!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    bump to answer later!
  • blue4myeyes
    blue4myeyes Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, All!

    I have never been able to, or really tried all that hard, to run. I tried earlier this year because I thought it would help me shape up, and I thought I might die. My knees and body hurt, thought I might collapse, and my lungs were on absolute fire. Now that I am in *a bit* better shape, I thought that I would give it another go. Up to this point in my life, I don't think I have ever run a lap straight through.

    I am 33 (soon to be 34 next month) and want to tone up and lose another 10-15 pounds. I have always wanted to run some type of race (lol) so I am going to put a 5K as a goal within the next 6 months. I just copied the Couch to 5K program...we will see how it goes...

    Good luck everyone! I look forward to hearing more about you all and how you are reaching your goals! :)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I am registered for a 5K in about 4 weeks, and I have NEVER been a runner!

    I've tried Couch to 5K, but now i'm sort of just doing my own thing, especially since I have such a short time to get ready. I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't be able to run the whole thing, but I am ok with running and walking, running and walking. As long as I don't walk the whole 5K, I'm good!
    That's what I have always found worked for me. The run/walk thing is so much easier on my body, especially now that I have a lot more weight on me. Most plans I have seen have newbies using mins and not distance. I LOVE that idea....gives me a definite end I can count down.
    I run and walk in intervals, too. I'm currently training for a 10K next month and plan on running for 3 minutes and walking for 1 minute for the whole distance. I can go faster with this method than running straight and it's actually better for you, too.
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    I have been running for about a month now, training for my first 5K on October 1st. In my training, I felt I was accelerating greatly with the C25K program so one day I just decided to run as long as I could mentally take it before stopping.

    I went to the track at the nearby high school before school one day so I could have an accurate measurement of time and distance and figure out my pace. After about two laps I was already hating it and wanted to stop, figuring maybe a half-mile is my limit. But I started playing games in my head and distracting myself with math of all things since I was on a school campus. I kept thinking what fraction of a 5K I would have completed after I finished each lap.

    Unbelievably I did AN ENTIRE 5K!!!
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    And since then I have done it all four times I have tried it! I still have two weeks to go before my race and I am ready to go. My goal was also to break 30 minutes for the first one and I'm doing it in about 28 minutes during the training. I hope the adrenaline of race day and actually running along other humans will make it faster.....

    Really I have FAR exceeded any of my own expectations. I'm doing it for myself too, which is the most amazing part. Nobody is making me run. Nobody is putting me on that track at 6 a.m. And I HATE IT so much when I'm running, but it feels so AMAZING afterward that I just imagine that feeling in my head as I'm running and hating it....
  • lumberjacks94
    lumberjacks94 Posts: 135 Member
    And one last thing I want to mention....I've learned running is the opposite of drugs. With drugs you get the high first, then the crash. With running you get the crash first, then the high. Much better don't you think?
  • rebeccask
    I'm in! I started running a number of months ago(maybe even a year?) but not consistently and it was quite embarrassing how pathetic I was doing, but I stuck with it. In the beginning it felt like my lungs weren't even there (plus I had asthma). I no longer have asthma and can run 35 minutes at a 10 min/mile pace. I'm nowhere near feeling comfortable while I run, I probably look worse than I think I do while running. I finally found the courage to start running outdoors (I live in the city so there's always traffic and people). Anyways, I signed up for a 5k on the 25th of this month. My goal is to finish under 30 minutes. Ultimate goal: to participate in a tough mudder!