This is so unfair!



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    How many lbs a week are you set to lose? If you are set at 2lbs a week try 1.5 or 1 lbs instead and you will allowed more calories. I agree with the above posters get up and workout.....then eat those calories as well.

    You will also need to learn to "budget" calories better. If you are eating a 700 calorie breakfast that only leaves you 500 for lunch, dinner and snacks you will need to make better choices.

  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yup. Exercise. I was dying on 1200 cals a day. I was cold and hungry all the time.
  • 76wendyful
    Well, obviously the key here is exercising! :ohwell: I really need to get back into that. I just really started this journey again on Monday, so I will have to start up that exercise regimen!
  • daves160
    If you aren't already doing it; Try a low glycemic diet. and eat at least 5- 6 times a day to get your betabolism going.

    And yes, lots of good cardio exercise. That has helped me emmensely.
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    What is your weight loss goal per week? Perhaps it is too aggressive.
    1.5 pounds per week

    I'd change it to 1 lb per week.
    skip corn and add a green veggie
    don't drink calories. so skip the milk and add a protein.. egg white, whey protein or veggie sausage etc
  • martinimcbride
    What are you eating for breakfast & lunch? I've never gone over my calorie limit & only go to the gym 3x a week. The food logging really helps me stay away from cheeses & breads, my downfall. I'm new but have lost 6 lbs in a few weeks. Good luck, don't give up!!!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Drink your water.
    Eat lean proteins, plenty of fiber, good fats, fresh fruits and veggies.
    Exercise will allow you a few extra calories to eat as well.
    Are the calories you are eating junk?
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    Well, obviously the key here is exercising! :ohwell: I really need to get back into that. I just really started this journey again on Monday, so I will have to start up that exercise regimen!

    I walk 3 times a day.. it can be that simple.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    This is just me and my opinon. What your eating isn't "bad" but I would start batch cooking for lunches at work. For 300 cals you could have a piece of boneless/skinless chicken(110), 2 cups broccoli(60), apple(80) and still have 50 cals left. I didn't find those frozen dinners very filling.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Go get on a thread mill and run for 1 hour!
  • LMDelphia
    I think if you exercise and eat your exercise calories, and that works, great. Sounds great.

    Personally, I don't eat my exercise calories. I work hard to burn them, not eat them!!! Otherwise, I'd just eat less and not bother!!!

    My two cents is eat more protein to feel more full on less. Eggwhites and salad, anyone?
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Meat, tons of vegetables, pull back (or cut out the grains), at least 30 mins of moderate exercise daily, eat back at least some of your exercise calories. Protein shakes usually make me feel full just be sure to get decent powder.
  • 76wendyful
    This is just me and my opinon. What your eating isn't "bad" but I would start batch cooking for lunches at work. For 300 cals you could have a piece of boneless/skinless chicken(110), 2 cups broccoli(60), apple(80) and still have 50 cals left. I didn't find those frozen dinners very filling.
    Good idea! They are not satisfying at all! As I am writing I am thinking about what else I can eat and I just finished lunch!
  • missybda
    I have a huuugee appetite like a guy and I am still on 1200 calories. I think I look just fine but still have a personal goal of mine set. I have lost 23 and counting and my secret is exercise. It's like saying you want to go on a ride at the amusement park and your there but your not in line. Obviously you are gonna be let down when you see everyone else who had a ball on that ride and your still standing there. Similar with only getting 1200 cals getting discouraged, wanting more food but not willing to kick butt to get it (or stand in line for the ride). You want more cals? Earn them. If you work walk 20 mins at lunch even if it is around and around the parking lot. If your a stay at home mom kick a soccer ball around, or wait til the kids are down for nap and walk that yard, apartment complex like you own it. At any rate the ball is in your court. You can gripe, complain and rant or you can say your worth it and earn as many cals as you want back in exercise! I just want you to succeed.
  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Also, if you are saying that you have already eaten breakfast and lunch and still have 525cals left for dinner, then I think you are doing fine! There are lots of delicious meals that are under 500cals. Sure, they won't be pizza or pasta bolognese, but a heathy protein, lots of veggies, and even some starch will easily fit within that range.
    For example:
    1 medium sweet potato w/cinnamon butter and brown sugar - under 200cals
    6oz chicken breast - about 200cals
    Big salad with lots of veggies (cucumber, tomato, etc) and a light dressing - maybe 50cals
    Just one example - you can also do lots of soups, chili....the list is almost limitless.

    Now, if you are commenting that you've only eaten breakfast and have 525 left...well, then I would re-evaluate your breakfast!

    (Note: I am 6'0", 160lbs, and training for an Olympic distance triathlon - on my non-training days I can eat 1200-1300cals and feel totally satisfied. I actually have to almost force myself to consume more on heavy workout days. Just to clarify that I'm not preaching something that I've never practiced)
  • RuthAne
    RuthAne Posts: 130
    What helps me is to start meals with a salad and/or soup. And sometimes just a glass of seltzer will satiate what I thought was hunger.
  • Eats_With_A_Fist
    Well, obviously the key here is exercising! :ohwell: I really need to get back into that. I just really started this journey again on Monday, so I will have to start up that exercise regimen!

    I walk 3 times a day.. it can be that simple.

    ^ this. Walking is one of the best fat burning exercises you can do...even at an easy pace.
  • Jazzyjules71
    Jazzyjules71 Posts: 150 Member
    Drink lots of water! A lot of times hunger is really thirsty, I think most people don't drink anough.
    Don't drink your calories....I saw Milk was taking up too much calories in my day!
    I think higher protein, veggies,fat and fiber is much more filling.....carbs make you more hungry-
    I think eating ever 2-3 hours works better for me. Snacks keep me going, then I lower my meal calories.

  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Other than what people have already said (more lean protein, fiber, exercise), is it possible for you to drink 1% or fat-free milk? Same with cottage cheese? It's an easy way that I see some of your calories creeping in.

    And remember that higher fiber foods can be veggies; broccoli, tomatoes, zucchini, etc. have been very helpful to me in controlling my hunger.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I would really ditch that 290 calorie potato. It's taking up 25% of your daily calories and I bet it's making you more hungry an hour later. Replace with veggies and legumes. String beans, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, greens, anything like that.