How to find friends

Hello. I'm pretty new And trying to learn the ropes if someone could please help me try to find friends that I know are here. Thank you! .. 😊..


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    Three general ways:

    1. Use posts like this one to find friends:

    (The newest posts are at the end, on the high-numbered pages. The first posts on the early pages are old, so more of those people may've left, just playing the odds.)

    2. Join a challenge(s) over in the challenge area, "meet" people that way. Here's a direct link to that area:

    3. Get active in the Community: Read posts, reply to posts, start threads if you have questions or a good topic. Find like-minded people that way, and send them friend requests. (If they don't accept, don't let it make you feel bad. Some people just aren't very interested in that part of MFP, so it's not personal.)

    Best wishes!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    I don’t know about the friends experience others have had, and don’t mean to offend any of mine.

    90% of friends never post. You’ll see a continuous automated scroll of workouts they’ve done, and maybe diaries closed. (Many won’t bother to close if it will generate an automated post saying they’re over for the day.)

    The friends that do post are fun, but generally it’s chatter about what their day is like, frustration at work, before and after pics (love those! Very motivating and inspiring), vacation pics, photos of particularly successful meals.

    Personally, I’ve found the general forums here to be far more informative, more motivating when I’m struggling, great for dispelling diet myths (I was sooooo ignorant at first! And still gullible once in a while!)

    Reading these forums regularly has been a boon, and TBH I think if many of the people here as “friends” because people are a lot more willing to share - and in greater detail- here than in the friends feed.

    I devote at least 30 minutes a day to catching up on the forums here, more when I get crunk up. And that time spent has returned a wealth of benefits.

    But that’s just my experience.
  • mjsnailsalon1989
    mjsnailsalon1989 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi finding friends here is hard, but looking for friends on this journey.
  • TX_Bluebonnet
    TX_Bluebonnet Posts: 244 Member
    Hi, are you looking for your SparkPeople friends? I don't think there's a member search function on MFP. An option that might work for you is to click on Search and enter "SparkPeople" to bring up a list of forum posts you can scroll through to see if you recognize any user names. Or maybe there's a better way that someone can suggest.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,784 Member
    If you're looking for your SparkPeople friends specifically, not just trying to make general friends here, it may be worth noting that someone's created a new group here for people who've come from SP. Maybe you can reconnect with some of your SP friends there?
  • Hussain_Sonu
    Hussain_Sonu Posts: 3 Member
    2BDYNAMIC wrote: »
    Hello. I'm pretty new And trying to learn the ropes if someone could please help me try to find friends that I know are here. Thank you! .. 😊..

    Hi! I am also a beginner. Actually, on the same boat. So, lets make the journey interesting and motivate eachother. Thank u
  • yrc_pr
    yrc_pr Posts: 204 Member
    Hello! I'm starting too, again. Looking for friends too, we can support each other. :)
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,949 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    If you're looking for your SparkPeople friends specifically, not just trying to make general friends here, it may be worth noting that someone's created a new group here for people who've come from SP. Maybe you can reconnect with some of your SP friends there?

    Many of us Spark People people are there. There’s another group too. Not sure how much membership crossover there is. But they’re both good spots.

    Here’s the other one