100 day challenge - anyone care to join me ?

200 days ago I started and completed a 100 day challenge. It was really successful and I dropped from 86kg to 73kg (13kg which is about 28 pounds) in that time.
The rules were simple
1) Log into My Fitness Pal.
2) Weight yourself every day at the same time and log it in MFP.
3) Eat what you like but don't go over your chosen calorie intake allowance. Mine is 1500 calories a day.
4) Ignore calories burnt through exercise.
5) No eating after 6pm and desirable no eating before 10am
6) For me I gave up bread and alcohol.

I feel my weight is slowly increasing so I am going to try the 100 day challenge again.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    If your weight is increasing, you are eating over your maintenance calories. It is a logging issue or your calories have been calculated incorrectly. Either way, you are eating too much.

    Not eating back exercise calories is not advisable as it can result in consuming too few calories, especially with you (as a male- at least based on your profile pic) eating so few calories to begin with. The way MFP is designed, is TO eat back a portion of your exercise calories.

    Your body does not care what time of day you eat. It does not keep a clock that resets every day. Many people use a fasting schedule because for them, it helps limit the number of calories they eat. that is the only reason for doing it. As with any other diet 'plan', it is merely a way to reduce calories.
  • julanig612
    julanig612 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in!
  • derbygraham
    derbygraham Posts: 47 Member
    julanig612 wrote: »
    I'm in!

    Send me a friend request so we can support each other :)
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    For me personally, even if I wanted to do this challenge, the "rules" nix any possibility of it, due to my lifestyle:
    -I work rotating shifts, so I'm not even awake at the same time every day to be able to weigh in at the same time daily
    -once again, I work rotating shifts and your challenge assumes everyone works during the day & sleeps at night. I'm currently working night shift, 6pm-6am; when I work day shifts I train at 2am and I personally cannot train worth a poo if I don't eat at least something small prior to training, and then there's just no way I'm not going to eat for 8 hours after that? At worst I'd be lightheaded and/or queasy; at best I'd be an irritable wreck.

    But besides that...you did the challenge previously, and HURRAH, you had success! Yay! But...wait...just a few months later, you're backsliding. So obviously this challenge does not provide you with sustainable lifestyle changes, meaning hey cool you can do it for 100 more days but then once you stop those particular actions, you're going to regress again. FWIW, your profile pic is of a male; eating 1500 cal/day for a male who exercises and does not eat back exercise calories....well, I think I just mentioned something about it being unsustainable.

    Just my $0.02. Everyone's got an opinion, right?

    This is close to the page I'm on. I work 3rd shift, so pretty much all of my calories are consumed during your fasting window. I'm already "ignoring" exercise calories, since I built them into my calorie goal. So, at 5'3 and a girl, I'm eating 2400 for very slow loss/not quite maintenance. I haven't got a start or end date, though. This is pretty much for as long as I'd like to maintain my weight between 130 - 135. If I ever get serious about losing those last 5 - 10 lbs, I would consider lowering my goal to 2200 for a few weeks at a time, with maintenance breaks frequently.

    I'm not giving up bread and alcohol. Or ice cream, french fries, burgers and pizza. I've had some practice fitting all those things into my goal calories, and it's not that hard.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    JBanx256 wrote: »
    For me personally, even if I wanted to do this challenge, the "rules" nix any possibility of it, due to my lifestyle:
    -I work rotating shifts, so I'm not even awake at the same time every day to be able to weigh in at the same time daily
    -once again, I work rotating shifts and your challenge assumes everyone works during the day & sleeps at night. I'm currently working night shift, 6pm-6am; when I work day shifts I train at 2am and I personally cannot train worth a poo if I don't eat at least something small prior to training, and then there's just no way I'm not going to eat for 8 hours after that? At worst I'd be lightheaded and/or queasy; at best I'd be an irritable wreck.

    But besides that...you did the challenge previously, and HURRAH, you had success! Yay! But...wait...just a few months later, you're backsliding. So obviously this challenge does not provide you with sustainable lifestyle changes, meaning hey cool you can do it for 100 more days but then once you stop those particular actions, you're going to regress again. FWIW, your profile pic is of a male; eating 1500 cal/day for a male who exercises and does not eat back exercise calories....well, I think I just mentioned something about it being unsustainable.

    Just my $0.02. Everyone's got an opinion, right?

    This is close to the page I'm on. I work 3rd shift, so pretty much all of my calories are consumed during your fasting window. I'm already "ignoring" exercise calories, since I built them into my calorie goal. So, at 5'3 and a girl, I'm eating 2400 for very slow loss/not quite maintenance. I haven't got a start or end date, though. This is pretty much for as long as I'd like to maintain my weight between 130 - 135. If I ever get serious about losing those last 5 - 10 lbs, I would consider lowering my goal to 2200 for a few weeks at a time, with maintenance breaks frequently.

    I'm not giving up bread and alcohol. Or ice cream, french fries, burgers and pizza. I've had some practice fitting all those things into my goal calories, and it's not that hard.

    atta girl!

    I lost 189+ pounds eating burgers and pizza too.

    nope. not giving them up. just fit them in. ;)

    But what do we know... lol