New member

I’ve been tracking my food intake and walking on the MFP app. I’m needing to loose weight, get back to moving and not making excuses why I’m not exercising and eating healthy. I was doing an online weight loss challenge but the program isn’t working for me. Im not one to join a gym, I have just ordered a Peloton bike and have bands, yoga mat and blocks, the exercise ball, ab roller etc. I need to start using them. Again time to start moving and not make excuses. Oh I’ve also joined a fund raiser called Mission 22, it’s to raise money to help our Veterans when they need help, to support them and try to prevent another Veteran from committing suicide. I quit smoking 5 years ago after a friend found out she had throat cancer and I quit drinking 3 years ago after loosing a friend who lost her battle with addiction. I live in Portland Maine, enjoy spending our weekends on our boat in the summer. I am now following a medical weight loss program, I’m hoping this is the program for me. I’m not into eating or buying into buying a bunch of pills and foods that claim to be the solution to my weight issues. It’s time to take control of my body and get back to eating healthy and exercising even if it’s just a walk with my dog or a swim in the ocean.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    quitting smoking and drinking are AMAZING accomplishments! well done!

    MFP isnt a program. At its core, its simply a way to log your calories. And that is all weight loss is. Eating fewer calories than you burn.

    The key in losing weight, and take this from someone who has lost over 189 pounds, is to make small, SUSTAINABLE changes. this is a long term effort. not a sprint. you will not lose weight fast. you will not lose weight every week. you will have weeks on end with NO weight loss. its normal. trust the process.

    my main tips:

    learn how to weigh (on a food scale) your food properly and find ACCURATE database entries now. I don't know what your starting weight is, but at first you may have a lot of room for error. but as you have less to lose, you don't. If you learn how to do things properly from the beginning, it means you don' have to RE-LEARN how to do it later.

    Find an activity you ENJOY. You don't have to be a runner (ew). You don't have to work out at all to lose weight (weight loss happens in the kitchen). BUT... physical activity does have a LOT of benefits. Both mental and physical. It can be as simple as a leisurely stroll a few times a week. And as you lose weight, you may find (I did), that you WANT to do more. Simple, little things like parking a bit further out in parking lots. Taking stairs instead of elevators. walking to your mailbox instead of pulling up to it in your car as you are pulling in your driveway. Small things. Every bit counts.

    Understand that you do not have to give up your favorite foods or any food groups to lose weight. You DO need to learn how MUCH you can eat. Portion control. This goes back to my first point. For the most part, I eat the same things I always have. Just less of them. I eat burgers and pizza and chips and cookies. Just ... not all in the same day ;) well, I might could get away with it if I planned it out REALLY well. And stuck to the plan with NO deviation. Maybe. LOL

    And lastly, you will have 'bad' days. Whether its a holiday or just a ... bad day. Life happens. you will go over. It is NOT the end of the world. You will not ruin your deficit with one bad day. The problems come in when that one bad day becomes two, becomes 3, becomes a week, and goes on....

    You've got this. Take it one day at a time, and each day, try to do a little bit better. Don't try to do everything all at once. Don't try to make 1000 changes all at once. Most people who burn out, do so because they try to do too much, too soon. start small. build from there. You did not gain the weight quickly. You will not lose it quickly. Better to lose it slowly, and KEEP IT OFF, then lose it quick, and gain it all back and more!
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,390 Member
    I’ve been tracking my food intake and walking on the MFP app. I’m needing to loose weight, get back to moving and not making excuses why I’m not exercising and eating healthy. I was doing an online weight loss challenge but the program isn’t working for me. Im not one to join a gym, I have just ordered a Peloton bike and have bands, yoga mat and blocks, the exercise ball, ab roller etc. I need to start using them. Again time to start moving and not make excuses. Oh I’ve also joined a fund raiser called Mission 22, it’s to raise money to help our Veterans when they need help, to support them and try to prevent another Veteran from committing suicide. I quit smoking 5 years ago after a friend found out she had throat cancer and I quit drinking 3 years ago after loosing a friend who lost her battle with addiction. I live in Portland Maine, enjoy spending our weekends on our boat in the summer. I am now following a medical weight loss program, I’m hoping this is the program for me. I’m not into eating or buying into buying a bunch of pills and foods that claim to be the solution to my weight issues. It’s time to take control of my body and get back to eating healthy and exercising even if it’s just a walk with my dog or a swim in the ocean.

    I’m curious about the Peloton. Would love some reviews once you’ve used it for a while.

    It’s definitely not for me, due to disability. But I am curious.