Your mental and emotional well being definitely help with your physical well being.

Marie_20707 Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2021 in Health and Weight Loss
I posted a couple of months ago about a toxic relationship that I was in. I was a bit angry based on his comments about my weight and him saying he was going to be my accountability partner, when he was slacking.

Compiled with that he was overweight himself and his eating habits were pretty bad. So it was insulting that he was being so judgemental about me and my weight. He felt he was entitled to a pass, because many women are more lenient when it comes to a man's weight.

I finally dumped him and blocked him from every point of contact on every platform. My peace returned as soon as I made the decision to block him and move on with my life.

I've been losing weight and toning up much easier, also because I'm finally able to get the proper amount of rest, because he'd call and keep me up late at night wanting to talk or videochat.

I know many people go through toxic relationships. The one thing I can say is put yourself first. If you're focused on getting healthier, consider dripping that dead weight.

I'm about 5 lbs away from my goal, but for me itenot about the pounds. It's about getting me back, my peace back and bring able to be at peace again. I hope that anyone going through the ordeal of a toxic relationship puts themselves first.


  • MrsG1994
    MrsG1994 Posts: 49 Member
    This is amazing. You should be so proud of yourself. You’re your own hero!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,985 Member
    The mind/body connection is still so misunderstood or not understood at all. Our minds and emotions, stressors, feelings, outlook - all of it is connected. I have friends who are in the field of microbiology studying the micro gut flora, and even they have noticed that those things affect that "balance" and they see how that can so greatly affect one's overall health, and even the body's ability to do so many things we take for granted.

    Our mind is a part of a our body, and yes, it is very important to have it healthy! I know I've been struggling lately (not due to a relationship, other life crap) and started to realize that some of my physical reactions may have been linked to or exasperated by my mental state. Feel like I'm starting to turn the corner - and physically feeling better too - go figure.

    Kudos to you for realizing how it affected you, and moving on with your life!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I'm glad you posted, as I am sure it will offer encouragement to others. Good job prioritizing what's best for you and making progress towards your goals. It's inspiring.
  • NerdyScienceGrl
    NerdyScienceGrl Posts: 669 Member
    I noticed awhile back that the link between my mental/emotional well-being and physical is a delicate balance. If I’m struggling with one, the other suffers.

    You have to be satisfied on so many levels with your decision to put yourself first and see such great results! Inspiring!