What would be a good weight for a 5'8" 18F

My starting weight is 126, and I am wondering what would be a good stopping point.


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited August 2021
    126 is a perfectly healthy weight for a person your height and age. Which direction were you planning to go?

    edit: a word
  • Mimi2003_
    Mimi2003_ Posts: 6 Member
    Well I wanted to get down to 115 so my running times would be faster. Just generally I feel fat, and prefer the skinny look. At 126lbs I look sort of chubby.
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    The medical chart said a normal range for your height is 125 lbs to 158lbs so it depends where you feel the most comfortable more or less pounds.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Deviette wrote: »
    At 18 your body is still in the process of changing because of puberty (It can continue to around the age of 21). That consistent body shape that you had when you were a younger teen may simply no longer be achievable without putting your health at risk. This is partially because of this wonderful thing that female-born humans have called a uterus. This annoying little bench swells and bloats and generally makes a nuisance of one's self. It generally is the reason that people who are slim seem to think that they are chubby. And I hate to break it to you, no matter how much you lose, it will still be there and it will still stick out a little bit because that is what it, as an organ is supposed to do. Whenever someone who is slim who things that they are a bit chubby, I always feel the need to post a link to this amazing thread:

    Seriously, if you're an athlete you really don't want to go slimmer, it's unlikely to improve your times and in actuality it could very well make your times worse. I'm not sure what distance you run, but I suggest looking at elite athletes in that discipline and then look at their bodies. Elite athletes are not slim. They are ripped. They may not weigh a lot but the have the best trainers and nutritionists in the world and they are very well calibrated machines. Their weight control is very carefully monitored.

    For reference:
    Elaine Thompson-Herah is 2 inches shorter than you and weighs approx 123lbs

    Oh an in answer to your question from the title: 125 lbs to 158lbs.

    Here she is winning the 100m women’s race:

  • idioblast
    idioblast Posts: 114 Member
    I've been 5'8" since I was 13 and I was 135 lbs at that age....skin and bones. As an adult, around 155 lbs works well for me, though my goal is around 145. If I was you, I would start thinking about weight training to complement your running. Losing weight at this point might not assist you in your goals.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,950 Member
    I was 5’8”and 125 when I was 18.
    In part because I didn’t always have much to eat. But also because I was riding my unicycle or bike everywhere, if I wasn’t walking. And I did a lot of walking.

    I was very thin. Very. Thin. (this is how I know me at 275 wasn’t from “big bones”)

    You’re already at a very low-normal BMI.
    Take the advice given. Work your muscles. Get better at running.
    Don’t focus on getting skinnier.