

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Good morning Tribe Victorious!
    Thank you so much for your prayers for my family. I believe we are all healthy now and ready to hit it hard this week :bigsmile: It's going to be a crazy week b/c we are going to the beach for a week next week and I need to work, get everyone packed, and clean house.
    Also, Wes Welker is amazing! He pulled out a win for my fantasy team this week with his amazing 99 yard touchdown run :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Have an awesome day and always remember that you are beautiful :flowerforyou: and for our man you are awesome!!
    Team Victorious Rocks!!
    :heart: Marie
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello Tribe,

    I did stay under on my calories on yesterday. Today is a new day and a fresh start.

    @ Marie - How is your daughter doing? I pray that all is well with her.

    My daughter is doing better and better each day. Today her counts are 5,805 (more than it was before she came into the hospital). She is cancer free and ready to face the "teenage" world, again. Well not that fast, but her future is so bright. Thank God.

    Thank you for all of those wonderful updates everyone!!! Nica, I am beyond thrilled to hear that your baby is doing better right now!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going to post today's challenges here in case anyone needs them:

    ***Good Morning Tribe Victorious Secret***PYGMY Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! ************************************************** ************************************************** BUSHMEN Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. ************************************************** YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Would everyone on the tribe please take the time to look at the post Mike, the creator of MFP put up today? I understand exactly what he is talking about because I've seen it go on, sigh. I think it would be a good thing for everyone who uses this site to view it. Thanks and no we don't have any issues with anyone on our tribe. HUGS!!! I just know the stuff he is talking about.

  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    I took yesterday as day of rest. I completed only what I had to today. I fractured my foot many yrs back and it's swollen and hurting now. I walked 10 minutes today and tomorrow I'll try more. Yesterday I couldn't even hardly walk, but it is already much better after one day of rest. Hopefully I'lll be back to running by this weekend.:flowerforyou:
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I took yesterday as day of rest. I completed only what I had to today. I fractured my foot many yrs back and it's swollen and hurting now. I walked 10 minutes today and tomorrow I'll try more. Yesterday I couldn't even hardly walk, but it is already much better after one day of rest. Hopefully I'lll be back to running by this weekend.:flowerforyou:

    That is wonderful Sherri!!! I pray you are back to running this weekend as well!

    I have been having a real pooper of a day due to a headache but got today's stuff done just kept my regular workout short and simple. I got a wonderful surprise this afternoon when my best friend had sent me a box of goodies. The little bottle is some black raspberry wine made in Japan!

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    I took yesterday as day of rest. I completed only what I had to today. I fractured my foot many yrs back and it's swollen and hurting now. I walked 10 minutes today and tomorrow I'll try more. Yesterday I couldn't even hardly walk, but it is already much better after one day of rest. Hopefully I'lll be back to running by this weekend.:flowerforyou:

    That is wonderful Sherri!!! I pray you are back to running this weekend as well!

    I have been having a real pooper of a day due to a headache but got today's stuff done just kept my regular workout short and simple. I got a wonderful surprise this afternoon when my best friend had sent me a box of goodies. The little bottle is some black raspberry wine made in Japan!


    So glad you're feeling better Sherri :)
    Headaches are the worst Lori but best friends are the best! Sounds like your bff knew exactly what you needed :):):)

    I've had a good day today. Under calories, over water, pygmy challenge completed :drinker:
    Good night all and sweet dreams!
    :heart: Marie
  • aninamika
    Hello there everyone!

    Ran 7 miles (thought I had to do extra miles today towards challenge so ran the extra mile. Seems I got it wrong it is supposed to be tomorrow! aw well it didn't hurt me :wink: )

    Exercise challenges
    2 x 15 swimmer's presses (10kgs), 2 x 15 lawnmowers (5kgs), 2x 15 woodchops (5kgs), 2 sets of 21s (10kgs)
    25 crunches, 50 bicycle crunches, 25 reverse crunches
  • janetj518
    Hi Team,

    So, I have figured out why I am not getting better. Pneumonia. It is in the beginning stage so should be well soon, since antibiotics were started early. Normally when I have an asthma attack, a bad one, I am down for about about 24 hours, just from the meds, stress and sleeplessness. But I wasn't getting better, so went to the doctor. Beginning stage of pneumonia, placed on antibiotics, cough syrup (full of sugar and sleepy time good stuff) and told to take it easy for a couple of days. I go back on Friday for check up to make sure I am not getting worse and don't have to spend time IN the hospital. I am very sorry team. I will make it up this weekend (if OK'd by doc) and next week.

    Good Night.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hi Team,

    So, I have figured out why I am not getting better. Pneumonia. It is in the beginning stage so should be well soon, since antibiotics were started early. Normally when I have an asthma attack, a bad one, I am down for about about 24 hours, just from the meds, stress and sleeplessness. But I wasn't getting better, so went to the doctor. Beginning stage of pneumonia, placed on antibiotics, cough syrup (full of sugar and sleepy time good stuff) and told to take it easy for a couple of days. I go back on Friday for check up to make sure I am not getting worse and don't have to spend time IN the hospital. I am very sorry team. I will make it up this weekend (if OK'd by doc) and next week.

    Good Night.

    Awesome work, Marie!!!!

    Anina, you are a POWERHOUSE as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Janet, I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I pray the pneumonia quickly leaves and that you get some serious sleep so your body can repair itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • aninamika
    Today has been a much better mood and food day. Hoping I'll be back in true form tomorrow - it has been a positive 40th! I just need to TRY and not stress about the amount of work I have to do...TRY being the operative word!

    Keep up the FABULOUS work everyone and I am sorry about the weight gain. Trying not to worry too much about that as well, i'm putting it down to TOM so fingers crossed I'll be right by month end!

    Tomorrow I'm going to try going bush - LET'S DO THIS!

  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Yesterday - exercises done, over water, and under calories.

    Janet - Rest up and feel better soon!
    Lori - Hope your headache has left you and that you're able to enjoy that great care package!
  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    ❤❤I borrowed this from a friend and I wanted to share it with my awesome team to help you through this week.❤❤ Remember: " What is perfect? I want you to go look in the mirror.......Look at the person staring back at you. What do you see? Most of us immediately see all of our flaws. Now close your eyes erase your mind and open them again. Now I want you to look again deeper then your "appearance" Look at your journey and how far you have come. Think about when you first started all of this! The mountains you had to move to come this far. All of the pain, the sweat, the tears. Look at yourself and and see what you HAVE accomplished NOT what you still have to! The person staing back at you is full of beauty on the inside and out. Dont let a day pass you by without telling yourself that you are awesome. Dont look at you flaws with ugliness, look at them as challenges that you will soon overcome no matter what it takes! You can not change your body type, you cant change your skin, you can not change the way you look. BUT you can change the way that you see yourself. So I ask you again what is perfect? And the answer is staring back at you! I am honored to know you. Not a day goes by that you dont impress me, challenge me, love me, and encourage me. I THANK YOU FOR THAT! So keep up the awesome work my friend and know that I am standing here by your side cheering you on ALWAYS!" ❤❤You guys are the most encouraging, inspirational team I've ever been on! Thank you so much for being there and know that you are loved and appreciated! ❤❤ Marie
  • kjnicol
    kjnicol Posts: 198 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    So I took Tuesday as my rest day as my muscles were killing me from my first ever bootcamp. But today I felt much better so I got in my 100 crunches and a mixture of bushman and pygmy exercises done. Was under my cals and drank all my water and some.

    Marie and Nica I'm so glad that your children are doing much better.

    Janet - you take care aye!! Pneumonia sounds nasty. We will all be here for you when you get better but now the best thing for you is to rest:flowerforyou:

    Sherri - I really hope that foot of yours is better!

    Lori - Sorry to hear about your headache and hope you are having a better day today. I love your gift basket. Those chocolate sticks are call Pepperos (Anina is that how you spell it??). WE have a day in South Korea (named peppero day) where on the 11th of Nov (11/11) we give pepperos to everyone we know. :laugh: I'm sure it's just another reason so that everyone gets to eat chocolate :laugh:

    Anina - See you tomorrow at the pool! Time to get our swim on girl yeah!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!!!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    I took yesterday as day of rest. I completed only what I had to today. I fractured my foot many yrs back and it's swollen and hurting now. I walked 10 minutes today and tomorrow I'll try more. Yesterday I couldn't even hardly walk, but it is already much better after one day of rest. Hopefully I'lll be back to running by this weekend.:flowerforyou:

    That is wonderful Sherri!!! I pray you are back to running this weekend as well!

    I have been having a real pooper of a day due to a headache but got today's stuff done just kept my regular workout short and simple. I got a wonderful surprise this afternoon when my best friend had sent me a box of goodies. The little bottle is some black raspberry wine made in Japan!


    Glad you are feeling better Sherri!

    Lori, awwww.. what a nice surprise! If anyone deserves to be showered with gifts, its you!

    Yesterday -- challenges completed, under cals, over water + mile.

    It looks like 80% of the time, I'm going to have to either text Lori (which I know she's prob sick of..lol) or post here the day after. I'm keeping up with exercising... just life is a lil busier these days. I'm usually a very active and encouraging team member. But, know that I am rooting each of you on and so proud of all of you. Even with obstacles, we've come a long way! Love and hugs to you all.
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    ❤❤I borrowed this from a friend and I wanted to share it with my awesome team to help you through this week.❤❤ Remember: " What is perfect? I want you to go look in the mirror.......Look at the person staring back at you. What do you see? Most of us immediately see all of our flaws. Now close your eyes erase your mind and open them again. Now I want you to look again deeper then your "appearance" Look at your journey and how far you have come. Think about when you first started all of this! The mountains you had to move to come this far. All of the pain, the sweat, the tears. Look at yourself and and see what you HAVE accomplished NOT what you still have to! The person staing back at you is full of beauty on the inside and out. Dont let a day pass you by without telling yourself that you are awesome. Dont look at you flaws with ugliness, look at them as challenges that you will soon overcome no matter what it takes! You can not change your body type, you cant change your skin, you can not change the way you look. BUT you can change the way that you see yourself. So I ask you again what is perfect? And the answer is staring back at you! I am honored to know you. Not a day goes by that you dont impress me, challenge me, love me, and encourage me. I THANK YOU FOR THAT! So keep up the awesome work my friend and know that I am standing here by your side cheering you on ALWAYS!" ❤❤You guys are the most encouraging, inspirational team I've ever been on! Thank you so much for being there and know that you are loved and appreciated! ❤❤ Marie

    Aww, thank you for sharing! Love this!!
  • Nica_LosN_It
    Nica_LosN_It Posts: 115 Member
    Hello Tribe,

    Quick update: I have completed PYGMY Day 2 (week 3). I am going to have to work on the crunches:tongue: Calories under, water well over!
    Daughter is doing good. Hopefully we go home on Monday.
    Have a great night. I am running around talking to docs, nurses and trying to prepare for our transition, most of the day, so the next couple of days will be me peeking in for a few minutes.
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    Went 5 miles on the elliptical today! So, we get an extra point from the Bushman series.
    I'm working on the crunches...40 Monday, 15 yesterday, 15 today...I hope to get a LOT done tomorrow (trying to stay optimistic).

    Finished Wk 3, Day 3: 10 globe jumps, 10 modified burpees, 25 toe touches, 25 squat kicks

    Already over on water and I'm on track to be under on calories.

    *sigh* *pant* Whew!

    And I was proud of myself today - I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and a water. They accidentally put some delicious looking fries on my tray and it took everything in me, but I said, "I actually just ordered a sandwich," and watched them take them off of my tray and throw them away...
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hello Tribe!!! Before I do say anything I want to ask that everyone PLEASE update their info on the spreadsheets if they haven't lately. TY!!!!


    TY for all of those wonderful updates!!! I will NEVER get tired of getting texts from you Reesa!!!!! I love them!!!!!:smooched:

    K, I got everything done today but my workout was not as intense. I did a mixture of dance and pilates since I still have a headache which is unusual for me. I'm thinking maybe it's sinus/hayfever/Missouri change of weather nonsense. :grumble:

    Sorry I've been more quiet today. My head is really not feeling good but I don't like to be a complainer so I just suck it up and move on. Maybe if I get to bed earlier tonight that will help and I will feel normal in the am. :ohwell:

    LOVE YOU TRIBE and I read everything you posted and I love you all and I'm VERY proud of you!!!! I have gotten messages from other tribes that are not bonding too great this month... so I'm pretty rootin tootin proud of us!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • janetj518
    Just wanted to check in. Sounds like you are all doing well.

    Nica- that is SOOO AWESOME about your daughter. I hope you get to have her come home sooner than soon!!

    Spent most of the day sleeping, so I am getting rest. Need to get rid of this cough tho and then I might be able to breathe just a bit better. Well, I'm off to take more meds and do a breathing treament. Will check in again tomorrow.

    Good night.
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Just wanted to check in. Sounds like you are all doing well.

    Nica- that is SOOO AWESOME about your daughter. I hope you get to have her come home sooner than soon!!

    Spent most of the day sleeping, so I am getting rest. Need to get rid of this cough tho and then I might be able to breathe just a bit better. Well, I'm off to take more meds and do a breathing treament. Will check in again tomorrow.

    Good night.

    Thx for checking in with us Janet!!!! That is great that you are able to get some rest!!!!! :heart: