Guess who's back...back again

Hi MFPers!! Long story short, I lost 90 pounds 3 years ago, have gained most of it back in the past year and a half and I'm sick of it. I'm hopping back on this train yet again. If anyone can relate, let's be friends!


  • ptraff317
    ptraff317 Posts: 6 Member
    I hear you! It's an ongoing battle. I had lost 85lbs 2 years ago and gained 40lbs. Luckily I caught myself before gaining it all back.
  • jacieretz
    jacieretz Posts: 7 Member
    Right here with you. Lost 50-60 lbs 6 times and found it 7 times so...yep. I can not seem to make it a lifestyle change. I'm so disgusted at myself. Why am I on this yoyo? I've always gotten the weight off, but I can't seem to keep it off. I've never been a quitter and I am going to try harder again.