I need motivation!

I was doing so good! I successfully completed 30ds in June and saw awesome results. I was sticking to my calorie goal; I was 100% focused. Did I mention I was going on a cruise to the Bahama's in July. Lol I looked good in my bathing suit, but it went all down hill from there. I gained back the 10lbs I had lost and I stopped religiously working out.

I need motivation!!! I upped my calories so I'm only losing 1lb a week instead of 1 1/2. So far it's working out. Feel free to check out my diary. If I bite it, I write it!

This site is the best! Thanks everyone!



  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    do you have friends that keep you motivated? MFP friends keep it real for me.
  • AmyBlu12
    AmyBlu12 Posts: 23 Member
    My husband does, but I need more MFP friends :smile:
  • Don't be so hard on yourself. Nobody is perfect. Just start exercising again and keeping your food diary. you took off the weight before, you can do it again. you also learned what can happen when you stop doing those two things and those cruises are not good for anyone's waist line (LOL). So just make a goal for your self that it not too hard to achieve and get back in the game. You can do it! best wishes to you. if it helps, put a photo of yoruself at your personal best, on your fridge and maybe one on the bathroom mirror. you can be your own motivation. go girl!
  • AmyBlu12
    AmyBlu12 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks! I know I can do it and I will! The picture idea is a good one!
  • Set a new goal! You were probably more focused in June because you had a goal in July (the cruise). Then being on the cruise, relaxing, having fun set you off track. It's hard to get back into the habit! But, just start out slow, find something to work towards again and then go for it. You obviously know that you are capable of reaching your goal and looking great. Maintaining is always the hardest.