Just started C25K...HELP!

Today I started the C25K with the app on my iPhone. I used my treadmill. I thought I was gonna die. It was tough! and the worst part is? My walking speed was 3.0 and my running speed (if you want to call it that) was 4.0. This may just sound like faster walking but I actually DID jog when the voice said run, and within minutes I was sweating profusely. I honestly can't remember sweating that much ever before. Anyway, my question is this: Is it okay to be going this slow? I don't think I can go any faster at this point. I even had to stop for 15 second breathers a few times! Should I repeat the 1st week several times until I am going faster? Advice, PLEASE!

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  • It is not about speed it is about endurance. As long as you jog when you are supposed to jog and walk when you are supposed to walk you are fine. I run outside, that way you can self regulate your speed. When you feel overwhelmed, you can slow yourself down without having to hit buttons. I would recommend getting outside if you can. There is no set speed that you have to go, so slow down if you need to!
  • I attempted C25K, and I did not make it past week 3. I ended up doing week 1 for like 3 weeks straight and week 2 for 3 weeks. It was tough! I made the mistake of giving up when it got too hard. My advice would be to stay with week 1 until you feel the 60 seconds of 'running' is getting a little easier. Cuz week 2 brings more running for longer periods of time. Good Luck! You can do it!
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    No! Dont go faster! This is all about what is a good speed for you. Your speeds go with what I was doing, so I think they are just fine. Take you time. Dont overdo it. If you do, youll get discouraged. I redid Week 4 because I went too fast and couldnt finish. So I slowed it down and finished it. I even did intervals, started slower than slowly got up to a faster speed.

    Move on when you feel comfy about it.

    Good luck!!
  • I started the c25k as well and I would say yes it is normal. As your body gets used to the running it will naturally pick up the pace. Once your cardio gets better as well. I would not so much look at the pace you are going at this point more that in the 20 min of running you went x distance and every time you run strive to go a little farther in the 20 min. You will begin to notice your stride opening up as well and that will help you cover more distance. I also do not go to the next weeks run until I feel like I am not dying doing the week I am in. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work.

  • If you have never been a runner, then don't worry about speed right now...this program is meant to build your strength and endurance. I started it too, and two weeks into it I pulled something.....went the the Dr. and was put on muscle relaxers....haven't been able to run in two weeks :0( Make sure you stretch well before and after, and don't just stretch your legs, stretch your torso too! Have fun with it!
  • Your speed will gradually increase as you become a more efficient runner. Right now, it's just about building your endurance. Make sure your also doing strength exercises for your legs on your off days. That will help with speed. Plyometrics are great if you don't have bad knees. I'm on Week 8!! Never thought I'd see that. Good luck!!!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    yes its fine, i was like that too! just try to get through the intervals as much as you can.

    its all about the breathing too. if you can find your breathing rhythm it makes the running easier.

    im nearly finsihed with week 8, have managed to run a straight 5k, but i could probably walk as fast as i run sometimes.

    im ok with that, at the moment. if you can get you times up for running, then concerntrate on speeds later.

    good luck. the programe is awesome!!
  • loseit4ever
    loseit4ever Posts: 187 Member
    I just finished week 1 today, after doing it for the second week. I didn't feel like I was at a point to move on yet, so I did it again. I find that my speed depends on the day, and I have jogged a number of the segments at 4.0 mph. Do what works for you...your body will lead you in the right direction. I jogged a bit more than the one minute segments today, so I am getting better. When you feel stronger, try to add some segments at 4.5 or 5 mph and see how you feel. I find the treadmill to be much harder than jogging outside for some reason. Just go at your own pace...you're doing it for you!
  • kowskey
    kowskey Posts: 19 Member
    It's also a lot easier to really run (as in outside) if possible. It's too hard to self-regulate your speed on the treadmill.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    You do those run segments at whatever speed you can, and if it is 4.0....that is enough. You will build up endurance as you progress and in time the speed will improve, it may take a while, but it will come. Stick with it and push through, you will be surprised how much you can accomplish. I did C25K last fall, having never been a runner and hating running...I'm planning on running an 11 miler this Saturday! So it can be done!
  • kalcide
    kalcide Posts: 120 Member
    i also 2nd running outside!! can alter your speeds, and its so much more pleasant!!
  • I attempted C25K, and I did not make it past week 3. I ended up doing week 1 for like 3 weeks straight and week 2 for 3 weeks. It was tough! I made the mistake of giving up when it got too hard. My advice would be to stay with week 1 until you feel the 60 seconds of 'running' is getting a little easier. Cuz week 2 brings more running for longer periods of time. Good Luck! You can do it!

    I disagree with this. The program is all about pushing yourself. You should never feel like you're within your "comfort zone" or that it's getting easier. As you progress through each week you'll be surprised at what you're able to do. I say if you're able to complete each week successfully (running for the entire duration required) then move on to the next week.
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    You did fantastic!!! You worked up a sweat, got your heart rate up, and stuck with it. Good job. It's all relative. Different people will go at different speeds because they are...well....different people! As time goes by you will get faster. I will be getting a new phone,
    hopefully an EVO and I'm interested in the app. you are using. Was it a free one, or what? It sure sounds great. And just to let you know, there is a good chance I will NOT be running when it says run. I will most likely go into racewalking mode. That's my relative. lol Keep up the good work.

    Funney story: yesterday I thought I would try jogging, which I haven't done in...forever. As I passed a little girl playing she said to her mom, "How come she's running so slow?" Aahh, children. Gotta love 'em. I started laughing and ran even slower!!
  • I started off at the same pace when I did C25K now I run at about 5! Work on the endurance first and foremost. Speed will come with time. Great job running!! :)
  • kowskey
    kowskey Posts: 19 Member
    I disagree with this. The program is all about pushing yourself. You should never feel like you're within your "comfort zone" or that it's getting easier. As you progress through each week you'll be surprised at what you're able to do. I say if you're able to complete each week successfully (running for the entire duration required) then move on to the next week.

    Agreed! It's not supposed to be easy. It does feel good to exhaust yourself.
  • Yes, slow is fine. Sometimes I feel like I am barely more than walking but I am "jogging". I have done all my C25K (on W4D2) outside so I have not concept of how fast or slow I am actually going.

    If necessary, repeat a day or two before moving onto the next week. I had to restart the whole program 3 times this summer before I could move onto W3.

    If I can do it, you can do it! That is a fact.
  • I am doing it too! :-) LOVE IT! But I also will stay on a certain day until I feel like I can master it with out dying! I do mine on the treadmill as well and have moved to going a little faster ad the times go longer...kind of a cool process! Good luck!!
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I just completed W4 D1 yesterday. Don't worry about the speed its about endurance. WTG!!! :smile:
  • I recently started and finished the C25K program. Here is my advice...

    Do not quit. No matter how frustrated you get, or tired or slow you feel - push through it! I promise you can do it!! I started 1 WEEK after I quit smoking. 1 WEEK! I wanted to die the first day, running 30 seconds. I pushed through each one, and somehow made it through each week. I repeated a week or two a few times - and that is ok. They encourage you to. I never have worried about my speed. Endurance is what you will need throughout the training, so be sure to drink lots of water everyday! I cannot tell you how I felt after week 3 I think it was, where I ran for a few minutes straight! I even think I burst out in tears, "I just ran X miles!" I recommend finding a partner to run with. I have found when I run alone - I cheat *walk* alot more than if I have a partner. My 50 year old mother did the entire program with me. I am not going to lie, it was very rough at times - but as long as you just push through it - you can do it! I'd love to hear your journey through this!! Add me if you like.

    I dont know if it is allowed, but read my blog emilytitmus.blogspot.com, I have tagged all my posts with C25K or Running and it goes through my Running Adventure.
    CVALGAL Posts: 108 Member
    You did fantastic!!! You worked up a sweat, got your heart rate up, and stuck with it. Good job. It's all relative. Different people will go at different speeds because they are...well....different people! As time goes by you will get faster. I will be getting a new phone,
    hopefully an EVO and I'm interested in the app. you are using. Was it a free one, or what? It sure sounds great. And just to let you know, there is a good chance I will NOT be running when it says run. I will most likely go into racewalking mode. That's my relative. lol Keep up the good work.

    Funney story: yesterday I thought I would try jogging, which I haven't done in...forever. As I passed a little girl playing she said to her mom, "How come she's running so slow?" Aahh, children. Gotta love 'em. I started laughing and ran even slower!!

    The app cost $2.99 and an extra .99 for the GPS part that can actually clock your distance and calories. Glad to hear you're giving it a try!