Keep your eye on the prize!

So today, I went to my hometown to see some of my family. I haven't been there since last year around this time.

I have gained a substantial amount of weight (My highest weight was 260lbs.) in the last two-three years. Due to lack of sleep, my overall unhealthy view of food and the diagnosed of hypothyroidism. Up until this time I've weighed a lot less, about 180. I kind of thought I was a shoe in for my weight since I had passed the 40 year old mark.

Surprise, surprise! It doesn't work like that. Lol!! In May/June of this year I decided enough was enough. I got tired of agonizing over my weight without action and decided to do something about it.

I started working out, first going to the track at the local high school. I then got enough courage to go to the gym. Cardio was what I was familiar with. I called myself guessing with calories and stopped eating copious amounts of candy. I lost some lbs. here and there.

I'm continuing to learn how to effectively lose weight. Using my fitness app food diary, intermittent fasting, strength training with resistance bands, HIIT workouts, sleep and rest days.

I've lost 25lbs. so far and several inches off my waist, hips and bust. I've been feeling so good about my weight loss. Knowing that I haven't reached my goal of 180 but I'm actively working towards it.

I was so proud and was met with critical gazing eyes over my body and statements today when I went to see family. I believe the actual question that was said was "you were bigger than this"?, after I said how much I had lost and "you used to be so much smaller ". "Your legs were never this big before". I felt like a piece of meat. I was also asked if my daughter was still skinny. The audacity is unreal especially coming from individuals who don't look like what they value so much.

I say all that to say to the people that are struggling with their weight loss journey and people's perception of you. STAY ENCOURAGED. Keep putting in the hard work, it will pay off. Do it for you!! Love yourself!! When the mirror doesn't reflect what you want right now. Smile and keep pushing towards your goal.

I hope this helps someone.


  • sollyn23l2
    sollyn23l2 Posts: 1,652 Member
    It's always amazing to me how people think that just because they're family it's ok to make comments about someone's weight. It is not. Be proud of yourself! You're doing an awesome job!
  • Cthomasbydesign
    Cthomasbydesign Posts: 14 Member
    @sollyn23l2 Thank you.
  • Cthomasbydesign
    Cthomasbydesign Posts: 14 Member
    @callsitlikeiseeit Yes, stay true to yourself.