New to Turbofire-HELP ME!!!

HI there,
I just got the Turbofire set of DVD's. After reading so much about it on-line, I knew it was going to be hardgoing, but OMG!! I only got through about 15-20 mins, once she done that alarm thingy I nearly died! My heart was beating so fast I could hear it!. It scared me a bit, so I stopped. Shouold I of just carried on? I am 197lbs so I know its a who;e lotta weight to be flinging around. So I supopse my question is.... was anyone else around my weight when u started and did it get any easier to do?


  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    I just got mine a bit ago as well and did one video. It is tough and very fast. I'm around 200 pounds myself so I know what you are going through:) I did modify it a bit for my body because I know I won't be able to stick it out with her unless I do. Maybe try modifying it but still get your heart rate going. That's what I'm planning to do:)
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    My best advice, take your time! When it gets too hard, just walk around the room until you catch your breath! Don't try to keep up with them at first. Of course it is hard, if it was easy, you would get bored in no time.

    Most of all, enjoy it, it's really fun. The day will come that you will realize that "I am DOING TurboFire". I remember that, it was the best!:flowerforyou:

    I started at 178 and am now 162 ~ best of luck!!
  • Well I weigh more than you do buy about 20ish lbs and I love my turbo fire...if you can't keep up with her you can always follow Ally (I follow Ally because of my weight I have to toss around and I have a bad knee)

    Are you starting the Turbo Fire Calender? She also has the Prep Schedule to help prepare you for the actual Turbo Fire Calender which you might want to look into if you feel it is to much for you....and she also has the new to class option which will really help you learn and not make you feel so uncoordinated and possibly like you are going to hurt yourself jumping around

    I do not think you should give up at all...I would think you should work on building up your stamina by following the Prep Schedule...also the first few times you do any of the DVD's I think they all feel that way but once you kind of know what is to come and expect you will start to pace yourself

    Just my two cents
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I love Chalene!!!! I have TurboJam though not Fire. In Jam she always has someone modifying the exercises for you to make it less intense, do they have that in Fire as well? I would suggest following the modifications. I would also suggest if it gets to be too much just start marching in place or walking in place, something basic to keep your heart rate up. It isn't about doing everything all at once, it is about working up to it. The important part is that you are moving and keeping your heart rate up! :D
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I love Chalene!!!! I have TurboJam though not Fire. In Jam she always has someone modifying the exercises for you to make it less intense, do they have that in Fire as well?
    Yes, she has one girl that is doing a lower impact version :)
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    No, I dont have the prep dvd, so i will follow the lower impact version, see how I get on tomorrow. Thanks
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    My best advice, take your time! When it gets too hard, just walk around the room until you catch your breath! Don't try to keep up with them at first. Of course it is hard, if it was easy, you would get bored in no time.

    Most of all, enjoy it, it's really fun. The day will come that you will realize that "I am DOING TurboFire". I remember that, it was the best!:flowerforyou:

    I started at 178 and am now 162 ~ best of luck!!

    I cant wait for the day when I actually 'DO' the dvd like one of the girls in the video, ha ha, cant ever imagine being that fit!!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Well, I'm sure I look way better doing it in my head than in reality:tongue:
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    Well, I'm sure I look way better doing it in my head than in reality:tongue:

    I actually close the curtains, just to make sure noone can see me, what a laugh they would have!!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    My cats laugh at me every day :wink:
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    My best advice, take your time! When it gets too hard, just walk around the room until you catch your breath! Don't try to keep up with them at first. Of course it is hard, if it was easy, you would get bored in no time.

    Most of all, enjoy it, it's really fun. The day will come that you will realize that "I am DOING TurboFire". I remember that, it was the best!:flowerforyou:

    I started at 178 and am now 162 ~ best of luck!!

    I cant wait for the day when I actually 'DO' the dvd like one of the girls in the video, ha ha, cant ever imagine being that fit!!

    You will get there! When I started, I was just like you-- only able to get through 15-20 minutes of Fire 30. Now, I am able to get through all of them, with modifications only during HIIT 20 and 25. Just keep doing what you can, and do a little more each time! :flowerforyou:
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    No, I dont have the prep dvd, so i will follow the lower impact version, see how I get on tomorrow. Thanks
    The prep isn't an actual DVD, just a different schedule of the exercises.
  • I am doing turbofire also. I started with the prep schedule and follow Ally. You can find the schedule in the book they send or on the Beachbody website.
  • When I first started Turbo Jam I could only do 10 minutes (I was 305 pounds) so that's all I did and every time I put the DVD in I just did one more minute then the last time. I know that seems kind of slow but it helped me build up my endurance. I now weight 266 pounds and can do the whole workout. Just remember it's not always about how much you weight, my friend is a healthy weight and couldn't do the whole workout. Its all about training our bodies.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Hang in there. I'm a large guy and I was able to do it. In fact I completed the 20 week TF program. I started out with the 9 week Prep Schedule which is located in the manual. After completing the 9 week program I started on the 12 week program. Before you know it, I ordered the advanced DVD set and completed the 20 week program. I lost 30 lbs and many inches.

    My word of advice is to preview the programs (if you have the time). Second, do the New to Program option. This will add a couple of minutes to each workout, but each segment is broken down. Third, Follow Alee (the modifier). I have a bad knee and can't jump but I can do the modified version. Finally, it's ok to take a break, catch your breath and then continue when you're ready.

    Oh yeah. Join a TF thread on MFP for support and motivation.

    Good luck.:smile:
  • char63
    char63 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks everyone, very motivating to hear how your bodies adjusted to all the extra workouts. Roll on tomorrow when I have another go!!