Postpartum Moms

healingmindnbody Posts: 2 Member
edited August 2021 in Motivation and Support
Hi y’all! I am 2 months postpartum and looking for other moms for support & motivation. 🙂


  • JustMomming
    JustMomming Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 7 months pp!
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    I am 2.5 weeks postpartum but not dieting yet because I’m trying to breastfeed. I will eventually though!
  • CarrieVPDX
    CarrieVPDX Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5 months postpartum and finally making a push to get back on track. Would love more mama friends.
  • HrRoses76
    HrRoses76 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm about 11.5 months postpartum. Does that count :)? Dieting and exercise are challenging with babies!
  • FluffDoodle
    FluffDoodle Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I am 3 5 months postpartum and finally in the right head space and routine to resume my dieting.

    I think the trickiest part for me personally will be adding exercise into my daily routine. What do you all think will be the most challenging aspect and how do you plan to overcome it?
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    edited September 2021
    I plan to be postpartum some time in December/January haha. During my last 2 pregnancies, these board were filled with other pregnant women and now, somehow, I find myself alone (maybe pandemic related? More women opting to wait or people not worrying about weight or not struggling in the first place now that they're working from home?)! So this is the closest I've got Haha. I'll be with you ladies shortly so I'm more than happy to join this thread.

    @FluffDoodle the hardest part for me is always lack of sleep decreasing my energy and motivation for exercise. With my second, any time I dropped day calories even 100 a day, I would lose my milk so it took me till I weaned my baby before I could lose my baby weight. Not sure what will happen this time. I didn't have that issue after my first.

    Congrats everyone on your little ones!
  • eahall62
    eahall62 Posts: 1 Member
    5 months pp. I have a 20 month old and 5 month old and work full time long days. I struggle the most with lack of time. I try to spend every spare second with my kids, which leaves me not wanting to take the time to grocery shop for healthy foods, waste time cooking or working out. I would like to lose 70-80 pounds, so I need to get focused and motivated to do those things and stop eating out so much, it's just so hard. I'm rejoining, after a long break with MFP today is day 1!
  • Hey y’all!

    How is everyone’s journey going?
    Im officially 3.5 weeks PP, and decided to join this group as I am looking to be inspired by other amazing mommas out there.

    Please share your journey.

    Im a new mom for the second time in my life. My older child is now 8 and it feels like a life ago when I went through this the first time around. I’m looking forward to truly enjoying the gift of this winter but at the same time would like to start somewhat of a healthy routine from the get go.

    Baby boy will be 4 weeks later this week & I felt inspired to at the very least login here, start journaling my connection with food & how it is fueling me & looking to connect and grow with a community.

    As I was setting up my profile & intake goals I found a fantastic tool on the CDC website to help lactating & pregNant woman understand they min/Max nutritional needs.

    PS: Love free resources , please be mindful it can be customizable but it just a tool. Give your self love & grace if you choose to use these as no one knows you better than yourself & you will
    Always be your best coach/mentor.

    Please feel free to connect via Instagram as well!
    Instagram @TChristinaFernandes

    ❤️Much love