September challenge for people with depression or anxiety

pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
edited August 2021 in Challenges
Hi so I was thinking since I personally have a hard time motivating myself to make sure to eat as healthy as I should or get up and exercise due a lot to my depression it might be nice to have a group who also may suffer from depression or anxiety but anyone is welcome , we will be doing weekly check ins for exercise as well as weight check ins


  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Hey there. Thanks for making this group. I also have depression and anxiety too. I'm ok with the eating and logging normally, just not motivated to do anything else right now.
  • MelRealm
    MelRealm Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, I'll join! I have anxiety and panic attacks pretty much every day and I've noticed that when I eat healthier and workout I feel better. The problem is I don't have the motivation to keep doing it. So I would love to join challenge or group that maybe would help me stay motivated or obligated to keep going.
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    Yay! I am glad you both decided to join , hopefully we can kind of keep each other accountable, I am trying the Keto diet and Paleo diet kind of mixed together

  • misslindeena
    misslindeena Posts: 16 Member
    Hello @pulga1818, @roz0810, and @MelRealm! I suffer pretty badly from depression. I'm determined to make some changes to work on improving my mood, because it derails my weight loss efforts. In September I'm going to make an effort to exercise more, and get 7.5hr sleep each night.
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    @misslindeena thats the exact same problem I have , I want to exercise and then my depression gets the best of me and I don’t want to do anything, we can do it this month
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Good luck girls We got this.
  • misslindeena
    misslindeena Posts: 16 Member
    I am going to try something new that my gym offers. It's a red light treatment - which looks like a stand up tanning booth, but has red light bulbs not UV bulbs. It's supposed to be good for skin, and also for mood. The red light is the part of the spectrum that boosts mood?

    I'm in northern California and the air has been thick with smoke for over a month. The sky is grey. So we can't exercise outside, and we're not getting the light needed for mood. Hence me being keen to give the red light treatment a go... along with exercise and eating more fruits and vegetables.
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    I am in Northern California too! Yea I think the red light is the mood boosting light

  • misslindeena
    misslindeena Posts: 16 Member
    @Pulga1818 how are you coping with the smoke? It's affecting my mood because of the light, constant sore throat (and phlegm) and its impact on what we can do outside. I'm taking extra vitamin D and doing the red light treatment. I think they will both help!
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    @misslindeena its not that bad , I hate that every year it’s the same thing with the fire and smoke
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok but i do have to actually weigh in yesterday I was so busy I forgot
    So my starting weight this month is 244 😩 I am 5’7”
    My goal weight for this month is 220
    Ultimate goal is 160
    I am doing Keto and Paleo combined and doing intermittent fasting so hopefully everything combined will help along with walking every day, I have a wedding to go to in October and I am a bridesmaid I really do not want to be a ton bigger then everyone else
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    How are you guys doing with eating healthy / weight loss so far ?
  • Infamousabc
    Infamousabc Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to join this group. I've been struggling with motivation and depression. I just had to go back on some meds for the depression. Unfortunately, the meds make me crave more food, especially carbs. But... I don't want to change the meds because it works the best for the depression. Trying to figure out have to balance.
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Doing well @pulga1818 in my first week I'm 4.8lbs down. week and a half I'm 5.4lbs down. 😊 how're u getting on?
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    @roz0810 i am doing pretty good I am down 6 lbs in two weeks this week has been a little more crazy with work and school so I’ve only lost about .5 lbs so far so a little disappointed
    @Infamousabc welcome !
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    pulga1818 wrote: »
    @roz0810 i am doing pretty good I am down 6 lbs in two weeks this week has been a little more crazy with work and school so I’ve only lost about .5 lbs so far so a little disappointed
    @Infamousabc welcome !

    That's still a good loss! Don't worry :) You're doing great.
  • connercm
    connercm Posts: 2 Member
    I suffer from depression and anxiety also. I know eating right and exercising helps, it is so hard to stay with it. After menopause, I started gaining and my body is not the way I’m comfortable. I started, again, Wednesday to eat better and exercise. I thought maybe posting here would make me more accountable and stay inspired.
  • pulga1818
    pulga1818 Posts: 10 Member
    So this week is a lot better I’ve lost some weight just from cutting calories and fasting I’ve been sick so as long as I can start exercising I am sure it will come off faster