I'm not losing weight. 135 trying to get to 120 =/

I've been between 130-140lbs for a few years now....and i feel like now matter how im eating that month I dont lose or gain weight. I feel crappy if I go a month with a lot of going to out eat and cheeseburgers and pizza, but I dont notice any weight gain. But also when I try to eat between 1200-1400 calories/day i still dont notice weight loss....Maybe I need more excercise, maybe its my birth control...? or maybe its a health/metabolism issue I dont know. I know its harder to lose 15 lbs rather than 50lbs or 100lbs, but dang... I wana be 120 and its not happening! I would say maybe my body is just happy where it is, im 5'2" and I weigh 135 so my BMI in the normal range is very close to overweight. a couple more lbs and I'm "overweight". I'm a size 7/9 and I just want to be a 5. What gives?? =( =(


  • mkallie
    mkallie Posts: 110 Member
    How much do you exercise now?

    You might want to try increasing it and make sure you add strength training. I've hovered in the same range you're describing and a couple of serious strength training sessions a week practically melts fat off me.
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I may be reading your post wrong, but are you trying your diet/exercise routine for a month and then getting discouraged after a month? I've read it takes a good 6 weeks for your body to really respond to a change in diet and exercise. Maybe you need to be more persistant and give it a little longer? Also, take a look at WHAT you're eating. It's suggested to shop the perimeter of the grocery store, not the aisles. (Think about it, that means you're eating fresh produce, lean meats, dairy...NOT processed foods!) If you eat clean and work out regularly for at least 2-3 months *consistantly* and still don't see any results, see your dr about the possibilities of your birth control or other health issues.
  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Maybe you arent MEANT to be 120lbs.
    It shouldnt just be about a magical number - it should be how fit you FEEL.
    Being that you arent far from the size/shape you want to be - maybe you need to work out a lot harder than most might to lose weight.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm guessing 1200 calories is not enough for you, even 1400.

    http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced (You should not be eating less than you BMR, the first number)


    Also, you should be eating your exercise calories back if you aren't already, especially with only 15 lbs to lose.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    You might want to eat more, as crazy as it might sound. I am losing weight eating 1600 cals a day + exercise calories I burn off. It could help your metabolism. Also, with that little to lose be sure you are set to 1/2 lb per week and not more than that.
  • myscheer
    it depends on each body size, i plataued for a good 2 months for a bit, and i was eating 1200-1400 calories per day and exercising 300+ calories a day! and wasnt losing?

    now i have changed up, i try and eat different things each day, and do different exercises (trick the body!!!)
    i found out i wasnt losing because my body was used to what i was doing and the exercise i was doing!

    try mix it up, and 1 thing you must know if you dont already! carbohydrates are not bad for you :)

    i eat eat them just avoid them after 6pm!
    drink at least 2L a day, and i try and have a cple multi vitamins! (berocca, tablets, etc)

    goodluck bub!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    All I can say is I know how you feel. I'm 5'2" as well and at 120 I look great and at 135 I know I'm overweight. I'm working on getting back to that wonderful 120 right now.

    It took counting calories meticulously and working out hard four days a week for me to get from 135 to 120 the first time. No soda, no going out to eat, no candy.
    I didnt work out AT ALL when I started. When I added two days of cardio and two days of strength training into my calorie counting, I did start losing.

    I honestly believe that the closer you are to your ideal weight, the harder it is to lose. Us short people really get the shaft when it comes to eating. All those lovely tall people who get more calories!

    I dont really have any tips. I just wanted to say you're not the only one that feels the way you do. I dont know how you eat but this article painted me exactly. It's part of the reason why some people are saying you may need to eat more.


    Good luck!
  • Oliya
    Oliya Posts: 9 Member
    I'm having almost the exact same issue! My goal is 125 if I can make it there, or settle at 130. It's hard to be on the higher end of the BMI esp. if you want to be at least in the middle range before having a child and gaining a whole lot more some day. Seems that for short ppl (I'm 5'2 1/2) its even harder on your body to carry extra weight.

    I learned this month that I need to take it easy on exercise and let my body rest in order to lose weight esp since I was over-doing it (5x wk, of 1-2 hrs of intense cardio). Since I started to excercise LESS (2-3 times a wk, less intense) I lost 5 pounds after a month of weight staying the same. If you have NOT started to exercise regularily- than do so and you should notice a difference.

    Also, when I was at my smallest and wearing size 3 regularily- I weighed 125 lbs since I am naturally athletic/muscular. So you can be SMALL and weigh more than others that are wearing the same sizes as you. Weight is a number that is different for everyone. Don't focus too much on that. Maybe aim for a certain clothing size instead. :)
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    same issue! cw is 130 my gw is 120. no matter what i do i stay the same weight. i just started trying something new tonight to see if it will work. i dont get to eat alot during midmorning and afternoon so i end up consuming alot of my cals at night so i am going to not eat after 8pm for a week and see what happens. ill let you know! :)
  • hanaibo
    I'm 5'2'' and I've been figuring out what works for me to lose weight for the past month as well. I usually consume between 1300-1700 calories and exercise...which leaves me to my daily net of 1250. Eating little without exercising does not work for me (I love to eat..). More exercise may be the answer..eating more might be as well. There is a chance that your body is comfortable at 135...I was at that weight and felt comfortable for a while too. I think you can get to 120 if you change up some habits though! Don't forget to drink plenty of water. So far I've been fairly successful...although my weight loss is very gradual (less than 1lb a week). Good luck!
  • whateverr120
    thanks everyone, Yeah I guess I'll just excercise more because eating is really important to me too...and 1200 calories isnt cutting it. and I basically thought it didnt matter what i ate, as long as it was 1200 or less that day, but I'm realizing it does matter if I eat 1200 worth of pizza and cheeseburgers vs grilled chicken salads other more healthy meals. And I also eat less during the day and more at night (i get home from work around 9 and I like to eat with my boyfriend, we usually throw together one of those frozen meals for 2 or something) so maybe ill need to stop eating late too. ugh...i knew this wasnt going to be easy but...i feel like i should have lost something by now =/