easiest workout's to do that burns lots calories in short ti

I'm a student and i go to school from 745 to 316 and when i get home i'm either helping my mother clean or studying. & i dont get to go to sleep till 10-12 any ideas on good calorie burners that you can do in a short time like 20-45?


  • lc504
    lc504 Posts: 130 Member
    According to my HRM, 30 Day Shred REALLY kicks my butt. I can burn anywhere from 200-250 calories for the 27ish minute work-out.
  • Commute by bike to school and on errands. It overlaps with travel time you would already be spending so it works out very nice.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    Leslie Sanson dvds, check her out! I love her workouts and it's not just walking in place but more like aerobics.
  • An elliptical burns lots of calories!! For 20 minutes I burn close to 300 calories.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    Jogging in place in your room. Turn on some dance music and just go. Got me through college!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    for me, it's cycling. as an added bonus, i stay in my FAT burning zone almost the whole time!
  • For any exercise, the amount of calories you lose depends on how much you weigh; the heavier you are, the more calories you will burn. Really though, running does an amazing job of burning calories. There's nothing quite like it. It's CHEAP and fits into a 20-40 minute schedule quite well :) Perhaps you should give running a try!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    everybody is different, and depending on your age and weight, you will burn different then others. a 20 minute run can burn 500 cal for me, easy. 45 minutes cycling can burn 1000.

    but if you want, get some good work out dvds. i do jillian micheals 30 day shred and will burn about 500 cals in 30 minutes, all from the confort of my living room.

    i feel that you are you looking for a quick fix, because there is no such thing. a good burn requires some dedication. sorry if i got the wrong idea. it's good that you help your mom around the house, and studying should come first. but your mind will reflect your body. i'm in grad school, and my grades from semesters that i work out are about one full letter grade higher then when i don't work out.
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    I agree, 30 day shred is a good quick workout. I don't like long workouts either but I like to work out. I just schedule in the 30 minutes every evening. It's a good burn for the short amount of time. Also, try the HIT workouts from
    Turbofire. Very hard workouts but super intense!
  • Running and jumping rope are good choices. Both burn tons of calories and will help you build bone mass (VERY important at your age since the older you get, the harder it is to build new bone).
  • LolaVaantz
    LolaVaantz Posts: 74 Member
    Add some wiggling while you clean, Sounds goofy I know, but since you need to clean anyway you can strap on the I-pod/mp3 player and just go to town scrubbing, hopping, and vacuum/sweep while you salsa/cha-cha. It makes the cleaning go by faster, puts you in a better mood, and adds to your overall health when you are time crunched.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    everybody is different, and depending on your age and weight, you will burn different then others. a 20 minute run can burn 500 cal for me, easy. 45 minutes cycling can burn 1000.

    but if you want, get some good work out dvds. i do jillian micheals 30 day shred and will burn about 500 cals in 30 minutes, all from the confort of my living room.

    i feel that you are you looking for a quick fix, because there is no such thing. a good burn requires some dedication. sorry if i got the wrong idea. it's good that you help your mom around the house, and studying should come first. but your mind will reflect your body. i'm in grad school, and my grades from semesters that i work out are about one full letter grade higher then when i don't work out.

    I've seen some really bad advice on MFP. And I've seen advice this guy gives. Listen to him. He's a smart dude.
  • There's nothing quite like it. It's CHEAP and fits into a 20-40 minute schedule quite well :) Perhaps you should give running a try!
    Exactly... probably the easiest way to burn calories.
  • everybody is different, and depending on your age and weight, you will burn different then others. a 20 minute run can burn 500 cal for me, easy. 45 minutes cycling can burn 1000.

    but if you want, get some good work out dvds. i do jillian micheals 30 day shred and will burn about 500 cals in 30 minutes, all from the confort of my living room.

    i feel that you are you looking for a quick fix, because there is no such thing. a good burn requires some dedication. sorry if i got the wrong idea. it's good that you help your mom around the house, and studying should come first. but your mind will reflect your body. I'm in grad school, and my grades from semesters that i work out are about one full letter grade higher then when i don't work out.

    I've seen some really bad advice on MFP. And I've seen advice this guy gives. Listen to him. He's a smart dude.

    In no way am i looking for an "Easy way out" Or a "quick fix." I thank you for your advice and will defiantly look into the DVDs and cycling. I am most defiantly looking to go at the for the long run. I just need like good 20-30 minute workouts i can do in the morning before school and before bed. :) Thanks everyone for the advice i appreciate it. I know of no one close to me who knows good workouts for lots of calories.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    everybody is different, and depending on your age and weight, you will burn different then others. a 20 minute run can burn 500 cal for me, easy. 45 minutes cycling can burn 1000.

    but if you want, get some good work out dvds. i do jillian micheals 30 day shred and will burn about 500 cals in 30 minutes, all from the confort of my living room.

    i feel that you are you looking for a quick fix, because there is no such thing. a good burn requires some dedication. sorry if i got the wrong idea. it's good that you help your mom around the house, and studying should come first. but your mind will reflect your body. I'm in grad school, and my grades from semesters that i work out are about one full letter grade higher then when i don't work out.

    I've seen some really bad advice on MFP. And I've seen advice this guy gives. Listen to him. He's a smart dude.

    In no way am i looking for an "Easy way out" Or a "quick fix." I thank you for your advice and will defiantly look into the DVDs and cycling. I am most defiantly looking to go at the for the long run. I just need like good 20-30 minute workouts i can do in the morning before school and before bed. :) Thanks everyone for the advice i appreciate it. I know of no one close to me who knows good workouts for lots of calories.

    good. personally, i hated running, and felt that i was too heavy to run effectivly. i got my old bike tuned up and love it. i can go on it a lot longer and further then a run, therefore i burn more calories, i enjoy the scenery more, and afterwards i'm not sore or anything.
  • everybody is different, and depending on your age and weight, you will burn different then others. a 20 minute run can burn 500 cal for me, easy. 45 minutes cycling can burn 1000.

    but if you want, get some good work out dvds. i do jillian micheals 30 day shred and will burn about 500 cals in 30 minutes, all from the confort of my living room.

    i feel that you are you looking for a quick fix, because there is no such thing. a good burn requires some dedication. sorry if i got the wrong idea. it's good that you help your mom around the house, and studying should come first. but your mind will reflect your body. I'm in grad school, and my grades from semesters that i work out are about one full letter grade higher then when i don't work out.

    I've seen some really bad advice on MFP. And I've seen advice this guy gives. Listen to him. He's a smart dude.

    In no way am i looking for an "Easy way out" Or a "quick fix." I thank you for your advice and will defiantly look into the DVDs and cycling. I am most defiantly looking to go at the for the long run. I just need like good 20-30 minute workouts i can do in the morning before school and before bed. :) Thanks everyone for the advice i appreciate it. I know of no one close to me who knows good workouts for lots of calories.

    good. personally, i hated running, and felt that i was too heavy to run effectivly. i got my old bike tuned up and love it. i can go on it a lot longer and further then a run, therefore i burn more calories, i enjoy the scenery more, and afterwards i'm not sore or anything.

    Thats good i don't have a bike but im sure i can steal my uncles for a few and ride up and down the street a few times (: Thanks for the advice! (: