Anyone made ice cream w/almond milk?

Does it freeze well? I would like to make some with silk's unsweetened almond milk. Any advice?


  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    Someone once posted making icecream in baggies with salt and ice in one with your almond milk and fruit/whatever in another tucked inside and shake. Hopefully someone who has done this will respond.
  • staceyb00
    staceyb00 Posts: 43 Member
    Here's a recipe for a non-fat, low-cal tasty ice cream treat.

    Fill a large zip lock bag with ice and add a 1/2 cup of table salt. The salt is to make the ice super cold and speed freezing. It does not touch the ice cream.
    In a measuring cup, pour 1 cup of almond milk (I like PureAlmond Unsweetened only 35 calories for 1 cup)
    1/2 tsp vanilla
    2 tbsp of a natural or artificial sweetner (Splenda, Truvia, honey, etc..).
    Mix well and pour liquid into a smaller zip lock bag and seal it tight.
    Place the small bag inside the larger bag, seal and then shake vigorously for 4 to 5 minutes until the mixture hardens.
    Tip: use oven mits to keep your hangs from getting too cold as you shake the bag.
    Also, consider adding cinnamon, cocoa or instant coffee to the mixture for variety. Enjoy!
    * Add a scoop of vanilla protein and you its an awesome meal replacement!

    It definitely curbs any ice cream cravings.

    I found this in one of the postings.
  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, but not the unsweetened kind. I have used coconut milk as well. It works it's just a little softer than cow's milk but definitely worth the lower calories and if you're like me the lactose free milk.
    If you search online there are a lot of good recipes and I found some books at my local library with recipes for ice cream makers.
  • DestineeTrue
    DestineeTrue Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, but not the unsweetened kind. I have used coconut milk as well. It works it's just a little softer than cow's milk but definitely worth the lower calories and if you're like me the lactose free milk.
    If you search online there are a lot of good recipes and I found some books at my local library with recipes for ice cream makers.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i've made froyo with almond milk, if you add some xanthan gum to your base it will prevent crystallization, of course the fattier the the base the smoother richer the treat will be
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I saw that recipe elsewhere too and I think it sounds amazing!

    If my husband hadn't run off with my vanilla almond milk, I'd go try it right now without the added vanilla or sweetener. But alas, he took it to work.
  • Thanks to everyone! I have plenty of healthy home-made ice cream and sherbet recipes, I just never knew of anyone using the silk almond milk before. Good to know it works!
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    Awesome! I just bought a half-gallon of unsweetened vanilla Almond Breeze. I am SO trying this over the weekend. Thanks!!
  • ndswimchick22
    ndswimchick22 Posts: 58 Member
    Not going to lie...I tried it and it was an epic fail.....all the shaking and shaking....and when I thought I finally was going to get it, my baggie decided to leak everywhere. :( There must be some sort of secret to making it that I'm missing...
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Not going to lie...I tried it and it was an epic fail.....all the shaking and shaking....and when I thought I finally was going to get it, my baggie decided to leak everywhere. :( There must be some sort of secret to making it that I'm missing...

    The secret - an ice cream maker ;-).....

    Found this stunning recipe - not quite low calorie - but looks yummy.....and if you read down in the comments she has a version without the cream...