Skinny Cows [CLOSED GROUP]

Hi ladies!

Looking forward to getting to know you all on our new and improved closed group thread. Here is a list of our members:


And me too, if you guys will have me!

Take a look at my sexy new signature. If you would like to include it in yours, please let me know and I can send you some instructions.

Because of all the hard work I've done today (LOL), I'm taking the rest of the day off, and will plan a group challenge for us to start the week off with (suggest ideas if you have some!). I hope you are all OK working Friday to Friday (for me, it allows me the time to recover from the weekend!).




  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Woohoo I love the signature!!! I will attempt to set it as mine when I can figure out how these things work :)

    I know it involves things that look like [ img]Insert location[ /img] so I may have an attempt at the bottom of this post :)

    Looking forward to the weekly challenges - maybe it will force me to MOVE MY BUTT!!!

    Friday to Friday works great for me too (it always feels like the damage done at the weekend can be redeemed before weigh in day!)

    As for challenge suggestions we can always go for target calories burnt in a week? Or a certain amount of time dedicted to exercise each week?

    Or smaller challenges like trying something new to get moving, or doing 10 push-ups a day (I'm on the modified ones still, but I can dream), or taking no lifts (sorry... elevators!!) during the week?

    Enjoy pearl jam (that's awesome by the way), and I'll see if I can come up with any other ideas before Friday!!


  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    I love the Skinny Cow pic! Can you send me instructions? :o)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi all! This is going to be so fun! Lisa - I LOVE the skinny cow logo - you did a great job! Thanks for all your hard work! I tried to copy and put it in my signature... I never had a signature before, so I don't know if I did it right. I added my weight info - something I never share (YUP, DENIAL... if I don't say the number, the number never happened...) If you don't see the logo, do you mind sending to me? Thanks all! Have a great night! Lissa
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Guess I didn't do the logo right... do you mind sending it to me?
  • Hi everyone,
    Another idea is to also consider non-exercise related challenges. I'm currently working on NOT standing up while eating (grazing, formerly thought to be calorie-free...;) Sitting down when I'm eating my food, eating slowly, savoring it.

    My past week has been good, in terms of hitting my calorie and exercise targets..This is despite having a couple slip ups with my eating plan, related to some unexpected socializing (that one is going to be hard for me to handle), and this week I'm out at training, which means my normal eating schedule is thrown off. Doing weights and cardio later tonight.

    Is this how a closed thread works-- we just keep replying to this same thread?
  • tyem1
    tyem1 Posts: 20
    The sig looks awesome!!! I would love to put it as my sig too....but I need instructions....I am a bit dumb with computer stuff haha! I am happy to do Fri-Fri (I am in another group that does this but due to time differences I do Sat - Sat) which I might have to do for this group too! Where is everyone from? I am in Adelaide AUSTRALIA. I am looking forward to this!!!
  • Gemmap77
    Gemmap77 Posts: 22 Member
    Awesome, I'm so excited!

    I love the logo, can I also have instructions? I'm new to all of this. You you all know what I can do so I can easily find this group and the posts, and maybe even get messages on my phone's MFP app when someone posts a message within the group?

    I need to explore the site & see if I can also figure out how to set up my signature too!

  • Such a cute sig, may I have the instructions too, please????
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member AWESOME! I Love it!
  • Love the signature- I want one too. I have been weighing in on Mondays but I think I will switch to Fridays. Today was a disaster eating wise but I learned one cannot eat at the Chinese Buffet frequently. Tomorrow I am back to work which is usually easier sticking to my plan. I am excited to be part of this group.:smile:
  • Super excited to be a part of the group!!! Friday to Friday works for me! This should be fun and way more motivating than going it alone! Thanks for including me.

    - Tracy (tracer15)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I shall have a go at helping you guys out with the signature!

    What you need to do is click on the "Signature" tab above, and in there type in:

    [ img][ /img]

    Without the spaces in the [ img] and [ /img].

    And voila - we all have brilliant signatures :)

    As for keeping track of the thread - if you click on "My Topics" above you can view all the threads you've written in recently, so you should be able to keep hold of it!

    As far as I'm aware there isn't a way of getting notifications when a thread is updated - so we'll just have to keep checking back!

    Steph x
  • Morning,
    I got up early this morning to get my workout in before work. Food is all planned out and I will have a much better day eating today than yesterday.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Steph - Thank you so much for posting the instructions! It's great that we're all in different time zones. There will always be someone around for help and support! :wink:

    Gemma - I haven't found a way to find out if a thread is updated via my phone either. Hopefully MFP can work that in to the next version of the app.

    Mugwump, I love your idea of a non-exercise related challenge. Our behaviours are a huge part of weight loss success. Steph, I like your idea of the push-ups, or a "strength" related challenge. I also want to get to know you all on a more personal level. I think it would be so great to know each and every one of you as a girlfriend. Maybe what we could do is have 4 mini-challenges per week. For example:

    Cardiovascular Exercise - 420 minutes for the week (45 mins/day)
    Strength Exercise - 10 push-ups per day for the week
    Mental Challenge - Stand in front of the mirror every morning, and find at least one different thing you love about your appearance
    Getting to know you - Post your favourite childhood memory

    What do you guys think? Is that too much for one week? You could also participate in one or a few "challenges" that interest you, if there are others that you're not interested in.

    Last night, I went a little overboard with food... My hubby and I went out to dinner before the Pearl Jam concert. I was so good! I had a chicken breast topped with lobster and prawns, and a double serving of steamed veggies. It was supposed to come with a bechemel sauce, but I asked for it on the side so that I could add a little flavour if I thought the dish needed it. Yay me!! Then, we ordered dessert. I prepared for this, and told myself I would only have three bites. I had more like half the dessert. Ack.

    At least I can make up for it in the gym today... I have a hot yoga class with my hubby, and a kickboxing class with my stepson. 2 grueling hours of exercise!

    Have a good day everyone!!

  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I LOVE the idea of having different challenges each week - cardio, strength, mental and personal - we need all of those things to be working for us to get this weightloss thing right, so we should strive for them all!!

    (Not saying I'll be able to complete them all, but it's nice to aim for something)

    Lisa - your workout ethic is incredible - I have been astounded each day to see your exercises pop up on my news feed!! I REALLY need to take a leaf out of your book, I just can't seem to get my butt out of bed early in the morning to workout before work!

    Terri - good job on the workout before work - HOW did you get yourself out of bed?! I just press snooze, roll over, and fall back asleep!!!

    Anyways, tomorrow is weigh in day (not looking forward to it). I've had a great week food wise, and a satisfactory one workout wise, but haven't lost anything (YET) - I sense this may be due to "female issues" including coming off of a birth control pill, but I would love my hormones to sort themselves out so this weight can come off!!!

    Steph x
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Cardiovascular Exercise - 420 minutes for the week (45 mins/day)
    Strength Exercise - 10 push-ups per day for the week
    Mental Challenge - Stand in front of the mirror every morning, and find at least one different thing you love about your appearance
    Getting to know you - Post your favorite childhood memory

    I like these suggestions! I really like the strength and the cardio combination challenges.
    If we are doing Friday to Friday does that mean we start tomorrow?
  • i love the challenges too! Also not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I know I have lost some inches (riding pants don't stay up), but I also know a few pounds popped back. I'm hoping it's just some muscle gain as muscle weighs more than fat, so they say.

    Had a grueling day. My horse's waterer busted and the stable owner is out of town. I had to get all his soaked bedding out and re-bed his stall. I use recycled corn cob which starts out as pellet but turns into what is like a sawdust consistency (dust not shavings). Anyway, imagine putting clumping cat litter into a 12X12 room about 2 inches deep then pouring about 100 gallons of water on it then try to dig it out with a shovel after it's all been absorbed and swelled up. That was my afternoon! People on here (the site, not Skinny Cows) seem to have a laugh at my checking in "mucking stalls" as exercise and one guy said something to the effect that it's no more than raking leaves. He's obviously never mucked a stall before LOL.

    Are you guys looking forward to the weekend? There is so much out there to do, we should all take advantage of the outdoors before winter hits. I know here it's already in the 50's! I think Saturday I'm going to scout out places/ways to exercise when the snow hits so that I'm not always stuck indoors. I heard a rumor that the local mall opens the main doors early so people can have a safe place to walk out of the weather and I must check that one out.

    See ya'll tomorrow!
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Yeah i could seeing mucking being hard work. Ive shoveled my fair share of snow back in the day and I imagine its as grueling.

    This weekend Ill probably hit the trails with the man and the pup. Im in San Antonio, Texas so it still gets into the high 90's during the day.

    I would love some cool weather or even some damn rain lol.
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    I'm really glad you guys are on board with the different challenges! Steph, I'm with you... I might not achieve them all in a given week, but at least I have something positive to strive for.

    So, let's start this week with a modified version of my example challenge:

    Cardiovascular Exercise - 420 minutes for the week (45 mins/day)
    Strength Exercise - 10 push-ups per day for the week
    Mental Challenge - Stand in front of the mirror every morning, and find at least one different thing you love about your appearance
    Getting to know you - Post your real first name, age, location, and a bit of information about you and your family (all if you want to, and feel comfortable doing so).

    MissKittyrina - I had a bit of a giggle about the mucking stalls (as a city girl, that sounds so completely foreign to me), but I definitely realized that it was hard work.

    SWiland - Yup, we're starting today! P.S. I love Texas. My uncle is a snowbird (term used for a Canadian that spends half the year in a hot place in the US), so I've visited him in Brownsville.

    Steph - Something I know about myself is that if I don't do my exercise first thing in the morning, my day gets away from me, and it never gets done! :)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Brilliant - I had better get started on those challenges then! Will go for a walk at lunchtime to boost my cardio for today!

    I have also just had a look in the mirror at work, and today I'm pretty happy that my hair is looking good, and I love my cute little nose - so I'd chalk up a success for the mental challenge!

    Getting to know you -
    Name: Stephanie (I pretty much always go by Steph - think my Mum is the only one that can't get on board with this)
    Age: 25
    Location: Reading, England
    Family info: I guess I'm in the process of "moving" families!! I live with my fiance (Nick) and my cat (Alan - weird name I'm aware!) - so that's my new little family - but up until about 18 months ago I lived with my parents and my sister (she's 23) only about 10 miles from where I live now :)

    My parents are still there, but my sister lives about 150 miles away now which is sad as we get on really well - we try to keep in contact as best as we can, but life does sometimes get in the way! My sister is my only bridesmaid at my wedding in January, so she's trying her best to help out even though she's not around :)

    Well that turned into a little essay, but I'm looking forward to hearing about you guys - it's so cool how people from all around the world can come together and help each other out!!

    I have been SO tired the past couple of days - can barely keep my eyes open at work, and I'm falling asleep as soon as I get into bed! So I'm looking forward GREATLY to the weekend so I can catch up on sleep! On Sunday I'm also off to a football (soccer?!) game, as Nick is a MASSIVE tottenham fan, and I don't mind it either - it's a nice day out!

    @MissKittyrina - I have NO DOUBT how hard mucking out a stall is - England really isn't prepared for snow, and we have a pretty snowy winter - I tried to dig my car out, and some of the road, so I could get my car out to go to work and I swear I was dead after about half an hour - the following day I could barely move my arms!!!!

    @SWilland - You can have some of England's rain?! Althoguh saying that it has been nice for about a week, but when it starts - UGH - it POURS!!!

    Hope you guys have great Fridays - and everyone weighs in so we know where we're starting from! (I did weigh in this morning, but NO LOSS, so oh well, I guess I'll record it anyways just to show I did put myself through that painful process!). I may record tomorrow's weight if that is more sympathetic though :)