Bucket List



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Ya know, I wouldn't mind taking PBT out for a spin myself. I'll fight you for it ;-P
    We could go doubles Aj! :D

    Saddle up ladies. Fur rides and butter for both of you!!!

    Me too! Line for PBT forms on the left!
  • leilani♥
    1. Go to Amsterdam
    2. Make out with Aishwarya Rai
    3. Wingsuit base jump
    4. Visit Rome
    5. Swim with the sting rays in the Caribbean
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    What are some of the things that would be on your bucket list?

    I'll go first

    1. Ride a bull
    2. Ride a black stallion
    3. Ride a cow (naked)
    4. Ride a dolphin
    5. Ride a big Pig (think Hannibal)
    6. Ride a BearTiger ;D

    here is a RL sketch of me riding PBT


    Why would you want to be naked on a cow? Doesn't sound sanitary.

    The Manure cures my yeast infections
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    1. Go to Amsterdam
    2. Make out with Aishwarya Rai
    3. Wingsuit base jump
    4. Visit Rome
    5. Swim with the sting rays in the Caribbean

    I'm down for visiting Rome!
  • chryciw
    chryciw Posts: 124 Member
    Hike the Oregon section of the Pacific Crest Trail! I haven't been able to talk any of my peeps into taking on this venture with me so far...
  • JsGirl93
    JsGirl93 Posts: 1,156
    Ya know, I wouldn't mind taking PBT out for a spin myself. I'll fight you for it ;-P
    We could go doubles Aj! :D

    Saddle up ladies. Fur rides and butter for both of you!!!
    Woohoo! Should we wear chaps?
  • Crystalchaos72
    1. Go sky diving
    2.Travel Europe
    3. drive on the sidewalk ( did that last year so that is crossed off, I was blocked in by 5 cop cars and 2 ambulances)
    It is just a random funny thing
    4. Bungee jump
    5. Visit every country I can
    6. Learn how to surf
    7. Hike the appalacian trail
    8. Go on a cruise
  • PatientBearTiger
    Ya know, I wouldn't mind taking PBT out for a spin myself. I'll fight you for it ;-P
    We could go doubles Aj! :D

    Saddle up ladies. Fur rides and butter for both of you!!!
    Woohoo! Should we wear chaps?

    As long as that's all you wear.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I just want to FTW. Yes, the entire world, guys and gals alike. Not sure if I have enough time, stamina, strength or if my husband will appreciate it, and it may cause some people to love me and others to hate me, but its good to have goals, right? :smokin:
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I want to punch a dolphin.

    Anything that smiles that often needs to be reminded that the world is a cruel, dark place.
    I also suspect that those cute little clicking sounds are actually vulgar insults.

    LMAO I <3 You :P
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    I just want to FTW. Yes, the entire world, guys and gals alike. Not sure if I have enough time, stamina, strength or if my husband will appreciate it, and it may cause some people to love me and others to hate me, but its good to have goals, right? :smokin:

    *like* :laugh:
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    My bucket list is never ending....... so i am not even going to begin posting it up on here lmao.....pretty much n e thing you can think of to do i would try.....within reason.... :wink:
  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    These are in no particular order:
    1. Skinny dipping (or should I say "toned" dipping?). Def want to go for a legit skinny dip when I reach my "goal".
    2. Tan on a nude beach
    3. Travel as much of the world that I can
    4. Climb half dome
    5. Climb a crap ton of mountains
    6. Oh what the heck . . . swim with dolphins . . . be cooler to swim with orcas though.
    7. Learn how to surf
    8. Learn to play an instrument and go to that one spot off of that road at the beach and play it to my heart's content
    9. Learn how to sail
    10. Actually learn survival skills like whats-his-name-on-that-one-show and actually go backpacking and do something extreme.
    11. Produce, write, direct, film, a film of some sort.

    & I'm stopping now . . .

    Love this!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    A few of them:

    +Get REALLY good at snowboarding (my favorite outdoor activity, but I'm kind of new at it)
    +Count coup with a bear (or at least give it a solid attempt). I've already had two chances, and chickened out.
    Only after the first opportunity did I think of adding it to the list. The second chance I had,
    the bear was pretty agitated and being a little too threatening, and it was a lot bigger, so HECK no.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    1. Graduate with my pharm d
    2. Drag knee
    3. Have my own weekly karate class (right now I float around)
    4. Achieve my desired build
    5. Go to New Zealand
    6. Preform at a Club (Im a dj)
    7. Get a CBR1000rr repsol edition
    8. Get a Yellow Camero just like Bumblebee (even custom leather with the Autobots logo) (yes Im a dork)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I really, really love the whole idea of a bucket list but I do find it all vaguely depressing. I absolutely believe that we are all capable of far more than we actually do but I think bucket lists sometimes open us up to failure. I mean, I really want to take six months off to travel the world but money just won't allow etc etc.

    Instead, me and my sister have drawn up 'Will do' lists. It started a few months ago when we both found out we are facing redundancy at work and had big birthdays looming in a few years' time (40 for me, 50 for her). Our lists are mini-goals that are absolutely achieveable - if only we could stop procrastinating and get up off our backsides to things! We gave each other a week to draw up a list of five and do it by the same time the following week. We don't live near each other so just checked in by phone the next week to say what we had done.

    It was things like:

    1. Draw up a new CV and run it past an HR advisor for comment
    2. Contact mortgage company to check finances and possibility of payment holiday if have trouble finding new job after being made redundant
    3. Start reading one new book in a style you haven't tried before (eg an autobiography)
    4. Phone up those friends you haven't seen in ages and keep putting off
    5. Clear out that kitchen cupboard you have been putting off
    6. Go to a spa for the first time*
    7. Start a healthy eating and exercise plan...

    Of course I did the last one by joining MFP! I've lost 8lbs so far and two inches off my waist. Yippeeeee!

    The thing about mini goals is they are absolutely achieveable - and make you feel really good when you tick them off of the list instead of feeling utterly crap when you fail. They're not as exciting as the big bucket list goals but, when I have sorted out all the little crap, then I hope I will have my finances and home in order so that I can jet off round the world, write a best-selling novel, swim naked in the Dead Sea etc etc...

    * This was on both my bucket and to-do list. Usually they cost hundreds to go and stay at so I got smart, checked out LastMinute.com and found you could visit a proper spa for a day for £50. Went a few weeks ago and planning another trip - felt like I'd had a whole week's holiday without the massive expense! Last time I was just lazy and chilled out - this time I've checked and they have a Pilates class on the morning we arrive so I'm taking my trainers and jogpants and will get a session in before hitting the gym... then I will hit the heat and ice rooms for a nice lazy chillout!