
Here is where I have a hard time. I work 4 days a week, from 8am-6pm. By the time I get home, it is sometimes 7pm. I have to get food for my husband, try to clean a little and the bed time. How do I rearrange my schedule to fit workout time? Any ideas?


  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Like Nike-"just do it" if it is important you will find a way. My lifting buddy works 4-12, has to watch a one year old and a 3 year old from 7 am to 3 pm everyday- his wife works, and he gets in 5 workouts/week, he lifts 12 am to 1:30 am then drives 30 minutes home.

    Depends on you if you are a morning person get up at 4 am, if not stay up later than you do. When my wife works, "I get' my own food. Also why don't you clean on your day off, then go straigth to the gym... lots of ways to 'get it done'
  • munozrd
    munozrd Posts: 62 Member
    thanks. I am more of a night person so, I probably will start with nights and see how to work my way up.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    sometimes I take a sports booster like Jack 3D to get motivated, I never have trouble falling asleep even if I work out at 12 am, but some people do, so give it a try! Good luck!
  • ybodwen
    ybodwen Posts: 340 Member
    Night person/juggler here too. I do my 30 day shred at 10:30 PM. Juggling is hard! But if you make a little time for yourself, it spills over into everything else in your life, in a good way. Know what I mean? Good luck!
  • Hi, I am a single mom and I work full time...so there are definitely some cledays that I cant fit in a "real" workout. So what I started to do is put on my ipod while im cleaning and I kind of dance around and walk fast while im cleaning. I try to just move faster and do a little more. You burn a few more calories and clean at the same time. You could also walk or workout during your lunch break at work. On your days off just make sure that you get in a good workout! hope this helps a little :)
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Same problem here- 8:30-6:30 5 days a week. PLUS an hour and a half commute. If you take dinner time into account, and consider I head to bed by 10:30 since I have to be up around 6 that leaves me a grand hour or two a night to do everything I need to do, and as I'm applying for grad school this year, that's already less time than is necessary. Cutting out sleep for more exercise isn't an option, I'm a huge crab on less than 8 hours and this is the least I can do. Plus, it doesn't make much sense to work out in order to take care of your body but not allow it the rest it needs, which is just as (if not more!) important.

    We have a nice pool nearby (and lovely summer weather all year), so I make a trip there right from work once or twice a week and meet my SO to kill two birds, spend time together and exercise. We take walks together pretty often as well, and though it's definitely not a fast burn it's keeping me moving and allowing us to spend more time together than if I was working out alone. It's definitely difficult, good luck keeping your juggling in order!