Always talking about weight.



  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I think its important to seperate talking about diet/training/weight/bodyimage. I stopped talking about how I feelt fat and ugly when I noticed how uncomfortable it made other overweight persons surrounding me, especially since they where more overweight then me but not doing much about it. I shouldnt have to take that kind of responsibility, if they take it in to heart its there problem. But whats considered skinny, fat, etc is very individual and if I look a certain way and still think Im fat im sending out a message that I think people who are heavier then me are ugly. Might not be what I set out to do but people are very shortminded and sensitive about these things.

    Right now Im at a point where I still can enjoy a big meal and i dont guilttrip myself or any of my friends for eating, or make comments about how many calories there is in there food or how hard I have to train to burn what I just ate cuz that is not ok. That for me is part of a supression we women constantly put on each other and it needs to be stopped. Neither do I hang with other woman who have this obsession about bullying there friends and if I had I would either confront them or stop hanging with them.
  • littlelol
    I am obsessed with it!
  • frostymorning
    frostymorning Posts: 8 Member
    That's funny!
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    I feel like I bore my boyfriend to death because I'm always talking about how many calories are in food! I try to stop myself but it just comes out....
  • Crystalchaos72
    Yep! I have toned it down because people are sick of me saying how much I have to eat to meet my daily goals.....and they give me crap or make a comment such as" is that on your diet?!" Then I effing give it to them because I am not on a diet, it is a lifestyle and if I need / want to eat cookies every now and then I wil.......btw 2650 is my daily without job.....anyway I have pretty much stopped.....I don't talk about it on here too much either.....
  • zuchy
    zuchy Posts: 40 Member
    I need to talk and think about it to keep me focused, but boy do people get bored! And quite rightly so.
    That's why I come on here!
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    I only really talk about it on here! Just me and 2 of my 3 kids in the house just now, and they sure arent interested, they know I exercise and fill in a food diary, but dont tend to ask much about it.
    If one of my friends notices and says I have lost weight I do speak about it, but I dont harp on about things, and I certainly wouldn't bring it up in conversation first.
    I actually was a bit peeved yesterday when I was round at my mum in laws and she was going on about my sis in law and how she was losing weight and she looked different, yet has never said anything to me, I guess she sees me 3 or 4 times a week and only sees my sis in law every couple of months. I still never said to her though, by the way, I've lost 23lbs incase you hadn't noticed!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I know how you feel. My sister told me the other day that I was "quite full of myself", apparently because I talk so much about diet and my exercise program. Fortunately, I have a couple of friends who encourage me to talk about it, so that helps.

    If I lost 94 pounds, it would be all over the news and in every newspaper!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    (feel free to brag here!)
  • aliciaryoung
    aliciaryoung Posts: 9 Member
    For me it's more talking about my diet and exercise. I obsess about it. My boyfriend gets so tired of hearing me yammer on about it. I'm working hard, but like engineman said, it's best to keep it on your mind so you don't slip too much. I just wish I had a real life friend who wanted to talk to me about my diet!

    I know how you feel! It drives my boyfriend crazy! And I'm not really negative about it all the time. The problem is also that he doesn't eat a healthy diet at all and we only see each other on the weekends (it's semi-long distance, about an hour away) so the weekends I'm there it's almost impossible to eat the right way because it's his parents house and they don't stock healthy foods AT ALL.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    Honestly, I really only discuss my weight loss journey on here or with my boyfriend. He's stick thin and super supportive of my efforts :wink: Most of my other friends/family members have weight issues and I feel like talking about it all the time would be rude, especially since I don't even have much to lose. But that's what MFP is for, lots of like-minded people who are looking to lose!

    But yes, I do think about it almost constantly. Whether it's planning out meals for the day, grocery shopping, or even just passing a mirror and noticing that I finally like what I see, I think about my weight 24/7. But I try to view this as a good sign, that I'm totally committed to a true lifestlye change and that this isn't just a phase.
  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    I guess that's why we are all here. For that someone to listen AND support us.