whats with the tanning?



  • bookworm03
    bookworm03 Posts: 88 Member
    I don't know much about tanning, casper has a better tan than me. I tried spray tan once... that didn't work either. A friend of mine goes tanning to help a skin condition. (Can't remember what its called) and it worked.
  • epoint
    I've never been in a tanning bed in my life, and I'm as pale as a ghost. A good friend of mine, though, makes sure to have a good tan all year round because she says that "tan fat looks better than pale fat!" :-)
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm so used to seeing the really ripped and buff dudes as really tan, then one day I found out why... there is a really ripped and buff dude at the gym I go to who is as pale as me (I slap on the 50-80spf every day). He looked silly :p

    Like a ribbed condom?

    LMAO! Complete visual!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Haha, I can't tan, even if I try. Even mid summer on the beach I'm the whitest person there (non-racial comment). I don't have a problem with other people tanning but I don't understand the concept of tanning beds because of the health risks, costs, etc.

    I actually did try to tan about 4 years ago for my sisters wedding (I didn't want to glow!... and the wedding was in april,there's no sunbathing here before July) so I went to the tanning beds at least every other day if not every day for 3 months... didn't get a single shade darker.
  • LycosNyctereutes
    I appreciate your concern...

    Well for me it is part of my daily schedule to take a quick jog in the sun shirtless to absorb some of the Vitamin D.

    To me there's a diff between real sun and UV beds. And a diff between taking a shirtless jog (for a guy anyway) and spending all day everyday in the sun with no protection like my grandpa who grew up farming did, and had to go get skin cancer spots removed every couple of years. Some sun is healthy, we did not evolve in caves with fluorescent lighting!
  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    Unlike most people, I LOVE being pale.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    I'm with you, embrace the colour you are naturally.

    In answer to the question, I'm going to go with the vanity/peer pressure thing, if every other skin baring health nut has a nice tan, the the pink/white fitness instructor is going to look a little strange. White still needs to be normalised (along with hairy legs and armpits for women and a lack of a 6 pack for guys).
  • LycosNyctereutes
    I'm with you, embrace the colour you are naturally.

    In answer to the question, I'm going to go with the vanity/peer pressure thing, if every other skin baring health nut has a nice tan, the the pink/white fitness instructor is going to look a little strange. White still needs to be normalised (along with hairy legs and armpits for women and a lack of a 6 pack for guys).

    But I LIKE guys with 6 packs! Seriously, I used to like my paleness too. But then the whole "goth" fad got started (they called themselves punks when I was in high school, but there weren't many of them). I got so tired of hearing, "oh you must be goth" because I was really pale and have dark hair and looked 15 until I was about 25. I was so pale in HS you could see the blue veins coming up the sides of my cheeks and going across my chest. Now my hair's a little grey, and living in the country has tanned me just enough IMO, and I have learned to embrace my shade of pale. But I still hate acanthosis nigricans. >:(
  • peekabeaux
    I never could understand them myself. They seem to keep popping up all over the place, Maybe it's just me, but I would rather spend my time outside and get a tan the old fashion way, of course I'm old school :-)
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Haha, I'm another albino here. I tried tanning for about two months before and had great results, but it was for a special occasion and I haven't been back since. It really is addicting, by the end it was definitely my favorite part of the day (well, of the every-other-day), but I'm far too afraid of skin cancer to continue longer than that.

    If another super special occasion comes up in the future I wouldn't mind going again for another month or two, but I'll definitely never be a regular. On another note- I know people say tanning beds make you look older, but one of my girlfriends has been tanning religiously for the last 8 years or so and still looks amazing, I'll be curious to see what she looks like at age 40 and if anything has changed.
  • MarandaPanda86
    I used to try and tan but it barely worked, so I stopped. Plus I don't want the damage it causes. My best friend tans often, but she has psoriasis so she uses the tanning bed rather than expensive light treatments... still makes me worry, though!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I'm an event tanner. I tanned before my wedding and dances in high school. Going to start tanning again soon for an event in October. Some people look good pale, I'm not one of them.
  • sknopps
    sknopps Posts: 166
    i enjoy tanning. year round. makes me feel good about myself.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I agree, real tanning is bad ^^

    Many fake tans look natural these days though.

    People often tan to "pull the look together" and because it helps to show muscle definition.

    I like being very pale, but I used to use Fake Bake ^^ I must say it can give an amazing improvement in appearance, but I'm just too lazy to bother with spray tan now haha Plus, trying to stay pale forces me to wear sunscreen every day ^^
  • Scoobies87
    Fake tan all the way! :)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Its the shine that teh tan gives you. Look at body building competitions. All of them either have naturally darker skin, or are severly tanned. Just part of the culture I guess. To be honest, pale white and super buff (at least as a guy) is not very attractive
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I understand wanting a nice little glow, but I don't get why the majority of fitness/health freaks (term of endearment, I promise) that I know are so concerned about hitting the tanning beds. I feel like that's pretty counter-productive - trying to be healthy but causing skin damage at the same time. WTF.

    (Random thought of the day. Don't hate.)
    A lot of people are getting in shape because of VANITY. Health has nothing to do with it.
  • surfinbernard
    It has a lot to do with the unflattering florescent lighting in gyms, even I use spray tan when I frequent them in winter because the alternative is looking pasty and flabby under the harsh lighting. Everyone uses tan or sunbeds in the gym so you would be the only pasty one. Also, tanning is very flattering and makes you look slimmer and improves muscle definition as it appears to the eye. Tans may be unhealthy for some depending on how they got them, but they do make you look healthier. I tan very easily and rarely burn and have tried sunbeds, but to be honest it's a faff for me, I would rather use a spray tan if I need some, and these days the spray tan cans you can buy from the toiletries department are not orange at all, some people look orange after getting a salon spray tan, I don't know why that is! I've never had one because I think they look awful.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I use to tan, and now I am dealing with skin cancer......wish I could go back and and never step foot in a tanning salon. Now when I see people talking about how they just like to relax, or they look so much better with a tan, I just want to scream at them, and tell them to wake up!!!!!!! Tanning can KILL YOU!!!!!! Skin cancer does not look pretty!!!!!
  • maryannmiclat
    maryannmiclat Posts: 133 Member
    I'm not gonna lie... A tan looks nice. I tried the whole tanning bed thing, but after using a stand up bed and my armpits got burned I said "Screw it!!!" Even with a little color I realized that I looked better being fair skinned. I went to Hawaii last year for vacation and when I got back to work everyone was like "Are you sure you went to Hawaii? You're still really white." I got burned even with a high SPF, I was bummed when I didn't even get a little color. :(