Help need motivation

Anyone who can help me get started I just carnt seem to stay motivated I start stop start then stop lol x


  • christyc1256
    christyc1256 Posts: 5,826 Member
    I think you need to be ready for a lifestyle change and want the end result more than you want to keep things the same. For me it helped to just tell people. In the past I wouldn't really say I was trying to make a change in case I failed. This time I told friends and family and it makes me stay on track, I said I would so now I have to kind of thing. I'm only 2 months in, hopefully it keeps working ;)
  • Unfortunately I think motivation is one of those things you just have to get going yourself. Basically you have to really want to change your lifestyle as mentioned above. Think about why you want to change and every time you’re tempted to go back remember that why. Keep a journal so you can see what triggers you going wrong, then you have a better chance of avoiding it or working out how to cope with it next time. Good luck 🤞
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Make a small change and see if you can do that for a week, then add another small change etc.
    Keep at it!
  • 2tryharder
    2tryharder Posts: 31 Member
    If it's food motivation, planning helps a lot. If you have healthy food in the house, if you've planned your meals, if you've prepped lunches and chopped vegetables on the weekend it will keep you motivated to eat to plan. If it's the workouts it would also help to plan a time and activity. Make an appointment with yourself for a morning run or walk, a fitness class or weights after work before you get on the sofa. Pick something you like and download some music you love so you'll look forward to workouts not dread them. Then it comes down to discipline more than motivation. Keep your committment to yourself and remember why you're doing it.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    You can't get motivation from outside, it has to come from within you. Motivation will only get you so far - what you need is discipline. That doesn't mean you have to torture yourself, suffering doesn't burn calories. You can take steps to make it easy for yourself to make the choices you need to stick to your plan. You can pick a less aggressive loss rate and take your time.

    The first thing is to stop thinking about weight management as something you do for a while until your body is an acceptable size and then stop. You can't go "back to normal" after you reach goal - "normal" is what got you where you are. That kind of thinking has been sold to us by the multimillion (multibillion?) dollar Diet Industry, and they're very good at this kind of manipulation - the "one weird trick," the name-brand "system," the rules, the $$$ name-brand packaged foods, all of it just serves to lighten your wallet more than anything. It's all smoke and mirrors that obfuscates the truth, which is, to be a person who weighs X lbs (whatever your goal is), you need to learn how to eat like a person who weighs X lbs, because right now you eat like a person who weighs Y lbs (whatever your current weight is), and clearly those two people eat differently in some way.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,742 Member
    You can't get motivation from outside, it has to come from within you. Motivation will only get you so far - what you need is discipline. That doesn't mean you have to torture yourself, suffering doesn't burn calories. You can take steps to make it easy for yourself to make the choices you need to stick to your plan. You can pick a less aggressive loss rate and take your time.

    The first thing is to stop thinking about weight management as something you do for a while until your body is an acceptable size and then stop. You can't go "back to normal" after you reach goal - "normal" is what got you where you are. That kind of thinking has been sold to us by the multimillion (multibillion?) dollar Diet Industry, and they're very good at this kind of manipulation - the "one weird trick," the name-brand "system," the rules, the $$$ name-brand packaged foods, all of it just serves to lighten your wallet more than anything. It's all smoke and mirrors that obfuscates the truth, which is, to be a person who weighs X lbs (whatever your goal is), you need to learn how to eat like a person who weighs X lbs, because right now you eat like a person who weighs Y lbs (whatever your current weight is), and clearly those two people eat differently in some way.

    This post ^^^^ is very truth-y truth.

    Motivation comes and goes. Easy, automatic habits can be more durable.

    In the brief periods when you feel "motivated", use that energy to experiment, identify and solidify new, sustainable habits that lead you toward your goals. Small changes add up.

    When motivation wanes, as it will, just fall back on the habits.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,267 Member
    If you're interested in trying a team approach, I totally recommend this one! It is a group with a few teams. Each team tries to lose more weight than the others, but that is not really the important part. There is so much support and help, encouragement, great tips and ideas, people to help when it gets tough. Check it out and join for October if you want to try -

    Before committing to joining, though, it is worth just browsing through the team chat threads and recent challenges, etc.

    Under "Announcements" are the general rules, recent challenges, etc. Under "Discussions" are the team chat threads. There are 6 teams, each with their own personality, so it is fun to check them out and get a feel for where you might fit in best.

    In any case, having a support group to join rather than just starting individually, during these tough times - it works pretty well!