Time to get back!!!

Hi All!
My name is Fred (nickname is jediboy)

Ive decided that today's the day!!! I quit smoking a month ago and after weighing myself this morning and finding that i am 225lbs I thought its time to start trying to get fit again. I've set myself a target weight of 14 stone and ill see how i feel if i reach that goal.

All the best Fred


  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good luck Fred!!! Well done on giving up the dreaded weed....losing weight should be a doddle after that! :laugh:

    PS - am adding you as a friend

    Sue :smile: x
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    Good for you Fred, you can do it!
  • sunfalcon
    sunfalcon Posts: 5 Member
    Keep it up Fred! I tipped the scale at 200 back in January and have made it all the way down to 160lbs with the help of this website. You can do it!!