What to eat at the cinema!



  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    why do you need to eat, just watch the film.

    who goes to watch a film and dosent eat anything lol

    Lots of people. I can't stand it when people eat in the theatre or the cinema, it makes a noise, is distracting and smells. I've learned to put up with it in the cinema because it is a social norm and is not a live performance but in the theatre it really sets my teeth on edge - I think it's rude and disrespectful to both actors and audience.
  • slowlyslowly
    I will go and hunt out some veg sticks or dried fruit. I am useless, I am going with a friend who I know will have popcorn and the whole works so if I don't take something I will end up dipping into her popcorn - I have no will power so am being pre-prepared instead and of course I will smuggle it all into my handbag.

    I was thinking dried mango as I like them?
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    I eat before hand and don't eat at the film.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I think dried mango might be higher in claories than popcorn? Not sure as I don't like either but I have a feeling popcorn is quite low cal?
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I love movie theater popcorn but when on a diet it's a no-go. It IS possible to go and eat nothing..... just believe in yourself and you can do anything! If you tell yourself, "I can't do it" then guess what...... that will come true.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    100 Calorie Smartpop popcorn
  • rensker
    rensker Posts: 32 Member
    I take in blueberries and eat them SUPER slowly, by the time they're done I've gotten into the movie (hopefully if it's good) and I don't need anything else.
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    There is nothing wrong with having something to eat at the cinema, I don't see why you need to have nothing, as long as it isn't chocolate or toffee covered popcorn. I sometimes make plain popcorn and take that so that I wont be remotely tempted to buy the cinema stuff. If that is your treat for the day, you have the allowance, I do not understand why it would be an issue for you to have something to eat. It's a great source of fibre and great to nibble while watching the film.
    Everyone else is going to be eating around you and if you go with nothing and have a craving, you are more likely to buy something bad. I take a pretty small tub of cashews, hazelnuts and raisins with me everywhere for hunger pangs as I've found that being prepared is better than getting caught out and buying something naughty.
  • hazieo
    hazieo Posts: 40 Member
    I usually eat my dinner before I go and then buy a small bag of popcorn from the grocery shop.
    Then buy a bottle of water at the cinema concession stand, I don't feel like I'm missing out.
    Enjoy the movie!!
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    i buy my own popcorn from a corner shop, you can buy them cheap and sometimes around 150 cals for a big bag -much better cal wise than buying it in there. Orrr you could take snacka jacks? P.S people who are saying 'why eat at the cinema or you dont need to' it doesnt matter - the question was what should she eat as she is going to want to eat! Its good you are being prepared though :)
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i usually have dinner right before or after the cinema so no need to eat while watching the film.
  • apsmith51
    apsmith51 Posts: 48 Member
    I never eat or drink anything at the movies. Started years ago when I didn't have enough money to do that and has just continued. But, I would definitely take something in to eat...grapes are a good idea...anything else that is finger food and healthy. When I do something like that I don't feel guilty, because if they would offer healthy options, I would buy them, but they don't...so I just take my own.
  • CrimsonHellkite
    I think dried mango might be higher in claories than popcorn? Not sure as I don't like either but I have a feeling popcorn is quite low cal?

    plain popcorn by itself is rather low in calories, but when you buy the average prepacked popcorn u make in the microwave or the theater popcorn its LOADED with salt and butter...and they become very high in fat and sodium
  • slowlyslowly
    I've been and bought some Boots low calorie popcorn and a bottle of water :) I have that little will power I am only taking the money I need to pay for entry so I can't buy anything else.