
How do I log the burrito I made from scratch? I cook everything from scratch; barcodes and URL's don't help.


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    edited September 2021
    There's a recipe function if you go to Food > Recipes on the desktop site, or Recipes, Meals & Foods on the Android app (I don't have an iPhone, I assume the iOS app is similar). Add a recipe manually; record the amounts of the ingredients you use; tell it how many servings that made. Are you, like, harvesting and grinding your own corn/wheat to make the tortilla/butchering your own cow for the meat levels of "from scratch?"
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,749 Member
    If you just made the one burrito, just log the ingredients individually.

    If you made a batch, all the same, use the recipe function.

    if you just made one, but make similar burritos often (many of same ingredients, maybe some variations, maybe slightly different amounts of each ingredient), log the ingredients individually, then save it as a meal. Next time you do a similar burrito, log the saved meal, and change the quantities of anything that's different or add/delete things right there in your day's diary.

    If you're just getting started, this may seem very effortful and fussy. It's just the learning curve, I swear. Once you get some things set up usefully in meals/recipes, have the foods you eat most often in your recents/frequents lists so they come up first when you search, it's pretty easy.

    I've been doing this for a while, and I'd be surprised if I spend 10 minutes logging on a typical day . . . which IMO is a small price to pay for getting good nutrition and sustaining a healthy weight long-term, after previous decades of overweight/obesity. YMMV, of course.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited September 2021
    Use the “meal” function and not the “recipe “ function.

    It’s much easier to edit a meal, and you have the option to copy it, rename and edit the copy if you get really tweaky.

    I always save recipes as “1” serving. When I go to my diary to save it, then I’ll edit the portion. If I eat a quarter of it, I save it as “.25”. If it’s a large casserole that makes, say twelve servings, it’s easy to save it as “.083”.

    I know “recipes” have the ability to import ingredients for a recipe you’ve found online, but I find I have to edit them so heavily, it’s just easier to enter and save as a “meal”.

    The only time I use “recipe” is to do a quick import to roughly confirm calories. A lot of these bloggers touting so called low-cal healthy recipes, well, they just ain’t healthy or low cal. That’s my quick fact-check.
  • Snotbiscuits
    Snotbiscuits Posts: 2 Member
    Thank each one of you; your replies were very helpful. My next question, please, and, hopefully, my last: Is there a function that allows you to control whether a food is measured in grams or ounces. (I'm looking for the answer now.) Thank you in advance. And again,

    Thank you for your prompt replies,

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Changing from grams to ounces is sometimes a drop down option, or just search for the food in the database with the measurements apples, gram or potato, ounces
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    Be careful using the conversion. IME sometimes the conversion is badly wonky and ends up over or undercharging you. I try to find listings that have been entered using both oz and gr. They tend to be more accurate.

    Remember, all foods in MFP are crowdsourced, so accuracy depends on someone else’s eyesight, fumbling fingers, or general lack of care about accuracy.

    I don’t know if the wonkiness is because of how the original person entered it or a funkiness within MFP’s conversions.

    For example, I look for foods that read like this:1 serving prosciutto listed as “1 oz (28gr)”. And then I do the conversion myself from there.

    Like tonight 63gr of prosciutto on my pizza was easily converted as 63 divided by 28 = 2.2 servings.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Thank each one of you; your replies were very helpful. My next question, please, and, hopefully, my last: Is there a function that allows you to control whether a food is measured in grams or ounces. (I'm looking for the answer now.) Thank you in advance. And again,

    Thank you for your prompt replies,


    Unfortunately, the green check marks in the MFP database are used for both USER-created entries and ADMIN-created entries that MFP pulled from the USDA database. A green check mark for USER-created entries just means enough people have upvoted the entry - it is not necessarily correct.

    To find ADMIN entries for whole foods, I get the syntax from the USDA database and paste that into MFP. All ADMIN entries from the USDA will have weights as an option BUT there is a glitch whereby sometimes 1g is the option but the values are actually for 100g. This is pretty easy to spot though, as when added the calories are 100x more than is reasonable.

    Use the “SR Legacy” tab - that seems to be what MFP used to pull in entries.

    Note: any MFP entry that includes "USDA" was USER entered.