New here and needing accountability and maybe new friends?

Hi guys, I'm newly turned 50 and needing support on my weightloss journey. Weighed in 2 weeks ago at 165.4, my heaviest EVER!😥 Had to make a change and now!! Started doing Xyngular through a friend of mine and changed my eating habits drastically, lost 5 lbs in 8 days!🥰🥰 It is soooo hard, especially with the changing my eating habits and meal prepping. But I'm doing it cuz I have a goal. If you need a new friend or accountability partner, I'm in!!


  • talltrees500
    talltrees500 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi there, good for you! I’d be willing to help you stay accountable and could use the same myself. I’m 196” and looking to get to 165-170lbs.
  • Allaesa72
    Allaesa72 Posts: 1,201 Member
    Hi🙋‍♀️ I'll be 50 in 7 months and an working towards feeling fit! I'd like to lose 30lbs but baby stepping the food focus. Front row focus is consistency with workouts. Some food changes are falling into place. I'll add you both! 😊
  • Tito_Tim
    Tito_Tim Posts: 72 Member
    A little older here... I am 57 and trying to lose 30 kilos (have not done the math for lbs, but I weigh 118 kilos!) I am looking for some friends to keep me active and accountable. This site does seem to be mostly younger. 😎
  • pnrbor
    pnrbor Posts: 58 Member
    Hi. Glad you are on this journey. I'm 41 and trying to lose to. It's not easy but we can do it.
  • inzanitydrums
    inzanitydrums Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I am trying to get back into the swing of things. If you need an accountability partner or just a new friend add me! I'm 32 and I lost 150 pounds. Put a little back on now trying to get back