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Love of Vegetables Starts Extremely Early IMHO

MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
I keep seeing in the media and on morning talk shows (and everywhere quite frankly) parenting tips of how to "sneak vegetables" into your kids diet.

My kids LOVE vegetables. My honest belief is that it's because my wife. Certainly not me. We both watched our kids when they were very young. We worked on alternating days and I even had to feed the kids at times. Hardest thing for parents is to get a kid to eat the green stuff or the squash for baby food. When I'd try it, it would be like a green explosion hit the room.

My wife, on the other hand, would talk, grab green spit coming out of their mouths, scoop it up and ram it back in their little mouths. I honestly think that's why my kids love vegetables so much.

If you wait until they are 6 or 7 to try to get them to acquire a taste, it's too late IMHO. Anyone can feed a toddler applesauce or bananas. It takes a Ninja parent to get them to eat vegetables. I'm very grateful my wife did it and made me do it as well. Lazy Dad would have done the bananas and applesauce every day if I had my choice.

Is it me or is it too late after year 3 or 4 to start kids on vegetables?


  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    edited October 2021
    I started liking vegetables when I learned to cook them. One of my kids always liked veggies. The other one still thinks vegetables is potatoes.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,930 Member
    When I was a wee lad, I totally didn't understand why people thought cooked spinach was yuck. I found it delicious! Never had an issue with broccoli or cauliflower. Perhaps the cheese sauce that sometimes was on it helped. Stuffed cabbage? No thanks. Yellow squash? Zucchini? Bring it on! String beans, lima beans, black-eyed peas? Yep. Tomatoes? Oddly I didn't like 'em. I still only eat them for about a month when they are home grown.

    I'll have to ask if my mom remembers what she fed me as a toddler.

    I do know that when we had vegetables, they were not overcooked. I think that might have something to do with it. We had vegetables that were cooked but not so much they were mush. Boiled vegetables? No thank you. Lightly steamed? Oh yeah!

    We also had artichokes on a routine basis. Back then it was a way to eat more butter and garlic; today I hardly use any if I use any at all. Seven or eight months until my first artichokes are ripe....
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    When I was a wee lad, I totally didn't understand why people thought cooked spinach was yuck. I found it delicious! Never had an issue with broccoli or cauliflower. Perhaps the cheese sauce that sometimes was on it helped. Stuffed cabbage? No thanks. Yellow squash? Zucchini? Bring it on! String beans, lima beans, black-eyed peas? Yep. Tomatoes? Oddly I didn't like 'em. I still only eat them for about a month when they are home grown.

    I'll have to ask if my mom remembers what she fed me as a toddler.

    I do know that when we had vegetables, they were not overcooked. I think that might have something to do with it. We had vegetables that were cooked but not so much they were mush. Boiled vegetables? No thank you. Lightly steamed? Oh yeah!

    We also had artichokes on a routine basis. Back then it was a way to eat more butter and garlic; today I hardly use any if I use any at all. Seven or eight months until my first artichokes are ripe....

    I remember that we had vegetables with every meal. We had six kids (I was the youngest). Honestly, you ate your entire plate because that's all you were getting for the evening. We never went hungry, but it wasn't like a ton of food either, so you ate it or you did leave a bigger portion of your plate.

    But my Dad was heavy and was a guy that liked sauces over all his vegetables. It wasn't until I learned to really cook well that I found out there were so many other vegetables I had never tried and so many ways to cook them.

    For instance, both my wife and I grew up only thinking green beans were made with ham and potatoes. When you're a kid, it was pretty good. But our favorite way now to make green beans is with mushrooms, tons of garlic and red pepper in Olive Oil. Amazing. I'll also make lightly cooked Asian Green Beans as well w/ Oyster sauce, garlic and Tamari.

    I honestly think, though, not having a choice when you're young has so much to do with the general like or dislike of vegetables.
  • goldenxbeauty
    goldenxbeauty Posts: 154 Member
    I hated vegetables as a kid. So did my daughter. As an adult, I like most of them and my daughter(8 yrs) is starting to as well.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm also in the "didn't like vegetables until I learned to cook" camp, because growing up just about every vegetable we had came out of a can. I didn't really experience vegetables prepared in an appetizing way until I was doing the preparing myself. I also had a lot of Texture Issues as a child, most of which I've gotten over, and lots of vegetables have a lot of things going on texturally that can easily overwhelm a little kid with sensory difficulties.

    I didn't like bitter flavors as a kid, either - wolfman might be onto something with that. I like bitter things now as an adult, which includes vegetables as well as, you know, things like coffee and scotch, which little kids probably shouldn't be consuming, LMAO.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    I grew up in a part of the US where access to fresh veggies was good. My mom was a decent cook, and with seven kids, you ate what she cooked. As a young mom with very little financial resources, I made my own baby food, so my kids grew up eating different tasting vegetables every time they got them (carrots cooked a variety of ways, then pureed, for example). They ate most of what I gave them. If they were really opposed, I'd tell them that their taste buds might grow up later. It's funny how their tastes changed over time. One of them even said one day, "Mama! My tastebuds like grapefruit now!"

    My husband grew up in a different part of the country, eating veggies from a can mostly. It took him a while to get used to the different ways I cooked them, but again, due to finances, he'd rather eat them than toss them. Now they all love veggies and we cherish what we get that's homegrown :)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,930 Member
    nooshi713 wrote: »
    I remember not liking certain veggies as a kid but my parents made me eat them. I had to eat what they ate and that was that. I always smh when people say their kids won’t eat something. They are kids. What they eat is up to their parents. I understand giving them some choice and introducing things gradually over time. I get that. BUT, if your kid eats no veggies it is because you don’t make them eat them.

    I love all veggies now and learned to like them as a kid because my parents made me eat them.

    One thing I can honestly say I grew into was Brussel Sprouts. Hated them as a kid. Couldn't stand them. But that's really the only veggie I can think of that, as a kid, I didn't like. Again, maybe that's the bitter thing that @cwolfman13 is referring to and they are really bitter if not made right.

    I love them roasted now with olive oil and sea salt. Also love them nearly charred with balsamic glaze. I believe how you cook them makes all the difference.

    I don't think we used to get the same quality Brussels sprouts as we do now. Back then they were bitter and I'll use the word "stinky" because I can't think of a better word. Probably been in storage a long time before they were at the grocery. Possibly similar flavors that made me dislike cabbage rolls. The Brussels sprouts we get today are often fresh and crispy. I like to roast them for sure. I bet a bagel if I boiled some for an hour I'd hate them.

    Funny story you don't need to bother reading:

    I used to be the primary cook when I lived with a certain woman for nine years back in the 1990s. Neither of us ate meat at the time. I found a recipe for stuffed cabbage rolls in one of Mollie Katzen's cookbooks. I think that's where it was from. Could have been Laurel's Kitchen. I don't remember obviously. That stuffed cabbage took a lot of work to prepare. I didn't like them AT ALL. My ex said she liked them. Well, not too much later, I made them again. Why? Because she liked them, and I sure liked her. Well after I made them the second time she admitted that she actually didn't like them either. I wish she would have just told me the first time.... My vegetarian Shepherd's pie (based on another Katzen recipe but altered quite a bit) she did love. My tzatziki? Good stuff. Potato/onion/carrot kugel? The bomb. Spaghetti pancake? Damn fine. Just not those cabbage rolls. I still won't eat 'em.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I liked most vegetables as a kid. To me, it seemed like what was most meaningful was that both parents liked vegetables (modeled eating veggies), had some individual preferences or dislikes but didn't demonize any veggies or make a big deal over their own preferences/dislikes. I was expected to *try* any food, but just a few bites was fine. If I didn't like it, no big drama. (It might be tried again later once or twice, but again no drama, no force.)

    Same here, although there was a bit more emphasis on eating one's vegetables. My parents definitely modeled eating veg, and occasionally there were entire meals that consisted of only veg.

    I definitely have issues with texture (can't do mushy or slimy or pasty) that persist to this day, and with bitterness to some extent. Lima beans have always been off the menu for me. Not a fan of asparagus, although I will gag it down to be polite, when I can't sling it over onto the SO's plate. :D On the other hand, brussels sprouts have always been my favourite, even as a very young child. Most other veg that are difficult to overcook have been happily eaten all my life. Some others like peas and zucchini I had to discover the raw version before I truly liked them because I wasn't partial to the texture of the cooked version.

    I had WAY more issues with eating meat than I ever had with vegetables and eventually eliminated it completely.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    @Speakeasy76 -- I'm certainly no authority. It's more of a thing of curiosity than anything. I hear the terms like "vegephobe" and "sneaking vegetables into food" so often and it's just sad that we've gotten to that as a society.

    I think one thing we all agree on is that vegetables, for the most part, are a very healthy and important part of anyone's diet.

    I understand what you're saying on the autism spectrum and sensory issues and I'm sure that's an issue and stressful for parents. Though there are more and more studies coming out that indicate that the microbiome directly impacts autism. And the microbiome can be improved through diet and behaviors. I think how much is the question and how much can those improvements improve life.

    And the ones that never eat certain things and then like them in adulthood -- well, that's me. I don't believe that kids have to be exposed to every single vegetable to like them. One article I read briefly about a study said if kids aren't exposed to peppers by age 7, they likely won't ever like them. Not sure if that's true or not. Other than stuffed green peppers, I can't remember ever eating peppers as a kid and I love them now.

    My parents were super basic when it came to veggies -- corn, peas and carrots, broccoli and cauliflower (drenched in cheese), green beans with ham and potatoes. Brussel Sprouts in sauce. Cabbage made with pork. And the stuffed Green Peppers. That is all I can remember as a kid. And yet I love any vegetable now.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member
    I can guarantee I never had kohlrabi as a kid and I love it as an adult so I'm not sure early exposure has much importance.