How much weight do you lose each week?

What was your starting weight/bmi?
What is your diet/fitness profile weight loss set as?


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I'm averaging a little under a pound per week; I've been at this for 46 weeks (started 11/13/2020) and I'm down about 43 lbs, 253 to 210. I exercise daily and it's pretty consistent, so rather than log my exercise separately as MFP wants me to do, I just manually overrode the calorie goal and put in a number that's about 500 less than my average TDEE. I drop my calorie goal by about 100 cal after every 20 lbs lost.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    My weight loss now is like.... 1.5/2lbs a month most of the time and I'm set at 2lbs a month. I am well within the middle of the healthy BMI range now though.

    Before that, and for most of my loss, I was set at 1lb a week and I lost... 0lbs 2 weeks a month, 2 pounds the week my period started, another 2 the week following it.

    Body weight fluctuation is weird.

  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    I'm averaging a little under a pound per week; I've been at this for 46 weeks (started 11/13/2020) and I'm down about 43 lbs, 253 to 210. I exercise daily and it's pretty consistent, so rather than log my exercise separately as MFP wants me to do, I just manually overrode the calorie goal and put in a number that's about 500 less than my average TDEE. I drop my calorie goal by about 100 cal after every 20 lbs lost.

    Do you find it easier to lose weight with the exercise and the extra calories?
    My weight loss now is like.... 1.5/2lbs a month most of the time and I'm set at 2lbs a month. I am well within the middle of the healthy BMI range now though.

    Before that, and for most of my loss, I was set at 1lb a week and I lost... 0lbs 2 weeks a month, 2 pounds the week my period started, another 2 the week following it.

    Body weight fluctuation is weird.

    Periods are funny. I wonder if that would affect me, I'm on the depo.
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    I am 5’7” soon to be 58 year old extremely sedentary female. I started March 8, 2020 at 223.4 lbs. BMI was probably in the upper 40s if I go by the photos on the BuiltLean site.

    I followed the MFP guidelines for calories and activity set up and adjusted calories as weight dropped every 10 pounds. Built up to walking an hour a day and lifting weights 3/4 x a week. Ate back half my exercise calories as I found that Mfp tended to overestimate my calorie burn while walking. By April 2021, I weighed 145 pounds. Had to stop exercising in April.

    Calories are adjusted to a .5 lb/wk loss since less than 10 pounds from goal. Weigh 137 pounds today and down 86 pounds. At this rate of loss water weight fluctuations hide fat loss so can’t say a consistent loss each week but averaging as predicted by Mfp over the long run. Think estimated bmi is 21.7 but visually looks closer to 30+. Discovered that not big boned at all. Remaining fat is concentrated in stomach and hips with pleated skin hanging from arms, buttocks and thighs and calves. Have no idea what %bf is. Fortunately clothes hide all the insecurities.

    Thank you, that's very helpful :-) Congratulations on meeting your goal!
  • EyeOTS
    EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
    At first I was losing 10 pounds or more a month. It's slowed down and now the goal is about 4 pounds a month: which I am totally fine with.
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,706 Member
    I started out losing just over 1lb per week, my BMI was 34 at that point.
    Currently, 25 months later, I'm nearly 70lbs down from my starting weight and in the middle of the normal BMI range. I'm losing between 1.5 and 2lbs per month. Edging down slowly, trying to find my goal weight: my first goal was a BMI of 25, but when I got there I decided lower would be a good idea.
  • wunderkindking
    wunderkindking Posts: 1,615 Member
    I mean, if you wanna talk weight fluctuations - I lose about 2 pounds a day. The same pound I gain between waking up in the morning and mid-afternoon. :P
  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    That makes me a killjoy, right?!

    Starting out at 117kg (I put on a few this week). Just wondering if setting my loss to .25kg on my profile page means my weightloss will be that slow. I have a lot of weight to lose and it's just so discouraging!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I came in to type that I lose less in a week than any single weight fluctuation during the week. I need a couple of months worth of data to be sure the trend line is going down. But at least that leaves me fairly confident that I'm *close to* maintenance, and at least not gaining uncontrollably!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,706 Member
    neffyworld wrote: »
    That makes me a killjoy, right?!

    Starting out at 117kg (I put on a few this week). Just wondering if setting my loss to .25kg on my profile page means my weightloss will be that slow. I have a lot of weight to lose and it's just so discouraging!

    It may happen at that speed or it may not. It will depend on how accurately you track your food intake as well as how average your metabolism is. MFP's numbers are based on statistical averages, which work well for most people. For a minority they are somewhat too high or too low, and for a very small minority they are way too high or way too low.
    Time will tell how the numbers work for you.
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    neffyworld wrote: »
    I'm averaging a little under a pound per week; I've been at this for 46 weeks (started 11/13/2020) and I'm down about 43 lbs, 253 to 210. I exercise daily and it's pretty consistent, so rather than log my exercise separately as MFP wants me to do, I just manually overrode the calorie goal and put in a number that's about 500 less than my average TDEE. I drop my calorie goal by about 100 cal after every 20 lbs lost.

    Do you find it easier to lose weight with the exercise and the extra calories?
    My weight loss now is like.... 1.5/2lbs a month most of the time and I'm set at 2lbs a month. I am well within the middle of the healthy BMI range now though.

    Before that, and for most of my loss, I was set at 1lb a week and I lost... 0lbs 2 weeks a month, 2 pounds the week my period started, another 2 the week following it.

    Body weight fluctuation is weird.

    Periods are funny. I wonder if that would affect me, I'm on the depo.

    Probably not, if I understand the mechanism correctly. I am in lactational amenhorrea at present (with a few sporadic mostly anovulatory cycles) and only in one ovulatory cycle did my weight follow that kind of fluctuation pattern. There might have been slight variations otherwise with menstruation, but it's inconsistent. That's only one anecdote, but from what I would guess, I think at least in my case the hormone suppression that prevents ovulation is also stopping some of the water retention action that would go on if I were cycling normally.

    (For other posters: this is all normal and cool, by the way, not a sign of bad health. I'm a bit of an outlier for how long I tend to go without cycles postpartum, but it's still within normal bounds and I haven't hit my own record yet.)

    At first, I was just over 200 lbs and was losing at a quick clip over 2 lbs/week, most likely because I had not accounted accurately for how much I used to breastfeed my daughter (the standard 500 for exclusive was NOT enough. My own data collection suggests 700-800, at least starting from six months out when I began tracking carefully.) I had to adjust my calories up because I hit a fatigue wall a couple months in. That was my first diet break - I ate closer to maintenance and my energy levels came back and I felt ready to keep going. Then I was losing just over 1 lb/week and felt really, really good doing it. This past month I had a slowdown and really only lost one pound. The big change was my daughter deciding she liked solid food after all. So more calibration needed. I've lowered my calories a little more now and we will see where the data takes us. I'm about 163 lbs now, trying to lose 25-30 more, though 155 lbs would put me at the top of the range for normal BMI. Until my daughter weans entirely, though, I'm probably not going to be comfortable shooting for a deficit that would give me that very nice over 1lb/week, and by the time she does, I might be close enough to goal that it might not be wise to do that anymore anyway. I had originally thought I would hit my goal by the end of this year, but I'm OK with it taking longer now and not feeling awful doing it.
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
    BMI was probably in the upper 40s if I go by the photos on the BuiltLean site...
    Weigh 137 pounds today and down 86 pounds....
    Think estimated bmi is 21.7 but visually looks closer to 30+....
    Have no idea what %bf is.

    I think you mean BF%, not BMI. (Pointing it out because many people confuse them.) Your initial BMI was 34.9. Your BMI at 137 lbs is 21.5. (BF% is loosely correlated in most people, but measurements and pictures are the best way to estimate.)

  • neffyworld
    neffyworld Posts: 89 Member
    EyeOTS wrote: »
    At first I was losing 10 pounds or more a month. It's slowed down and now the goal is about 4 pounds a month: which I am totally fine with.

    That is quite a lot!
    altogether, I have lost 200 pounds, and have roughly 40 to go. took about a 2 (almost 3) year break and maintained from 2017 till this jan of this year. I'll get there when I get there.

    Way to go!
  • EyeOTS
    EyeOTS Posts: 362 Member
    neffyworld wrote: »
    EyeOTS wrote: »
    At first I was losing 10 pounds or more a month. It's slowed down and now the goal is about 4 pounds a month: which I am totally fine with.

    That is quite a lot!

    Absolutely. It's a little less extreme when you consider how much I had to lose at the heightest, but most people don't want to lose more than that.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    neffyworld wrote: »
    I'm averaging a little under a pound per week; I've been at this for 46 weeks (started 11/13/2020) and I'm down about 43 lbs, 253 to 210. I exercise daily and it's pretty consistent, so rather than log my exercise separately as MFP wants me to do, I just manually overrode the calorie goal and put in a number that's about 500 less than my average TDEE. I drop my calorie goal by about 100 cal after every 20 lbs lost.

    Do you find it easier to lose weight with the exercise and the extra calories?

    I wouldn't be able to stay in a calorie deficit without the exercise and the extra calories.
  • So I’m heavier than you starting and want to lose over 100lbs. I did MFP last year and lost about 80lbs but then fell off the wagon entirely after a bereavement so I’ve gotta go again. I started out losing about 4lbs a week, not because I was doing anything drastic, but because I was finally eating sensibly and moving more. Plus of course I had so much to lose. Now I’m back there again and I’ve done 3 weeks so far and am just 14lbs down, so about the same rate. I think I worked out that my TDEE is around 2600 calories, so cutting down to a sensible 1600 made a lot of difference! I’m expecting it to slow down as I lose more. But it’s not linear at all, fluctuations are normal, according to my scales I’ve gained 1.5lbs in the last two days but I know that’s not the case. It’s just because I didn’t drink enough water over the weekend. It’ll hopefully be gone by tomorrow. Good luck 🤞
  • Walkywalkerson
    Walkywalkerson Posts: 456 Member
    My weight loss hasn't been consistent at all.
    Because I'm not consistent- it's been a long slow journey where life has happened along the way.
    I started at 232 lbs and I'm now 188lbs a year later - I can't do maths right now it's too early 🤣
    So I'm not sure how it averages out weekly.
    I'm pleased with my progress and I've learned so much along the way.