I love to hate the food pushers in my life



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    And all these excuses the rest of you are coming up with are just silly. Gas? Doctor? She is a grown woman just saying no to a piece of pie, shouldnt be that hard, right?

    I agree with this. I just say 'no thanks', or 'maybe later' and leave it. Misery loves company and usually the people who are pushing are the ones who with they had the willpower to say no!
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Oh sigh....I know how you feel!!! My co workers are supportive, as we are all female, and nearly everybody has tried to lose weight at some stage or is on weightwatchers or something!! HOWEVER, my flatmate, is the food pusher. She waits until I am doing well, she sees me weigh my portions, and knows Im allergic to gluten, then will turn around to me and say. "I left a 500ml tub of Ben and Jerrys in the freezer for you, for when you go on a binge".... are you for real?????? It actually got to a stage that I couldnt even speak to her for a week as I was so annoyed at her "playing dumb". I have a severe eating addiction/food addicton/binge eating problem, and its hard enough for me to get through every day as it is, without her actually handing me a tub of ice cream. One day she opened a packet of biscuits and put them in front of me while we were watching tv. I keep telling her I dont want it, Im allergic to gluten, and that I have a problem with food....but she keeps pretending its all news to her. We have lived together over 1 year now. DUH (rant over!)
  • queenbeaumont
    I also have "food pusher's" at my work place. Two of my co-workers(and friends) are always wanting me to have this or that. Both have tried, and failed, at losing weight. And they both know that I am on a lifestyle change journey. It really irritates me when they insists that I have a cupcake or whatever because "one cupcake isn't going to kill you". I know that it isn't going to kill me, but I do know that it is going to hinder my weight loss. I have lost 14 pounds since July and it took a lot of hard work and sacrifice to get to this point and I don't plan on falling back on it now.

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  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    No one ever tries that crap with me. I wonder why....sometimes I could use a good confrontation.

    come here I have a twinkie you just have to eat..........come on do it, seriously do it.............................do it.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    My coworkers are great...........it's one of my friends that just doesn't listen no matter what I do. Finally I just go into B!tch mode and tell her Look don't push food on me I don't frickin want it................she makes me be mean but she backs off after that.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Don't have a problem with it. At work, other than doughnuts on Thursdays, no one pushes the snacks.

    At home, I do the cooking, so no problem there.

    It's when I am alone and no one is paying attention that I *kitten* up.
  • mrsmccullen07
    I have that issue with my husband and my aunt :( My husband is a night snacker who doesn't work out and never gains weight it is so so annoying but he is always trying to get me to eat with him but I just refuse most of the time I go for a walk or go in my room shut the door and excerise or just play with the boys .. last night he was a lot later than normal eating so I went and took a nice long bubble bath by myself he gets his indulgence and I get mine :)

    Now my aunt is AWFUL we ate with her a few weeks back and she actually put Peach Cobbler in a bowl and kept putting it directly in my face under my nose and got mad when I refused to eat it .. but then she calls me wondering why she never loses weight !! DUH!! anyway I just stand my ground and say NO I am the one that has to like my body and right now I dont so it is easy for me to say no .... people really are out to sabotage you they are jealous your doing something great and there not alot of my "FRIENDS" have quit talking to me now that I weigh less than them :( but whatever I want to be healthy so I am going to do my best with them or without them
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I tried a whoopee pie for the first time yesterday. BLEURGH! How can anyone eat that?! I felt sick after one mouthful.
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    "No, thank you." Repeat as necessary.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    People can only make you do something, if you let them.
    My husband is a pusher, although he's really come around over the years. He comes from a culture where sharing food is social, polite and also as a way of expressing any emotion at all. EVERYTHING is celebrated with food - so not only has it been difficult for me, but him also.
    However, he has seen how miserable the weight has made me and how unfit it has made him and finally come aboard.

    As for colleagues, stuff 'em. They don't like it, their problem. Don't discount the green eyes monster either. Misery loves company, addicts love company and unhealthy people love company too. By pushing foods onto you they are attempting to normalise their own behaviour. By refusing to participate you are showing up what they are doing.
    Keep on showing them up and don't participate again if you don't want to - that's what I say.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I feel like everyone in my life is a food pusher. I've just learned to stand my ground for the most part.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    .... people really are out to sabotage you they are jealous your doing something great and there not alot of my "FRIENDS" have quit talking to me now that I weigh less than them :( but whatever I want to be healthy so I am going to do my best with them or without them

    Unfortunately, people who do that weren't very good friends in the first place. If they can't be happy that you are looking and feeling great, then they don't deserve your friendship in the first place.

    Envy is an evil green-monster!
  • jackshortstack
    jackshortstack Posts: 19 Member
    HA I do the exact same thing. I wish I had more courage to stand up for myself and say no. I always resort to junking the food or making up an excuse that I have a sensitive stomach and can't eat many things. Those of you who can be honest and frank - more power to ya!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    A good "I don't want that *kitten*!" usually does the trick for me lol.

    HAHAHAHHAHAHA yes indeed. Make a stand...no one forces food down your throat
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Next time someone says "you can take a break from your diet"... or... "you've been eating sooooo good, it won't kill you to have this"...

    Whip out a pack of cigarettes and offer them up - saying "Hey, you've been breathing soooo much oxygen, it won't kiill you to smoke this pack, go for it! You can always stop smoking later!"

    Then let them know you are trying to make a point... NOT eating their "food crack" is a VERY serious health issue to you and you would appreciate an acceptance of "no thank you" the FIRST time you say it.

    Good luck!


  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I feel like everyone in my life is a food pusher. I've just learned to stand my ground for the most part.

    Stand your ground, that's a sensible response.

    As for some of the other responses I'm seeing in this thread, it's really easy to encourage the thread starter to react like a thug, but let's be reasonable. If you're giving that type of advice just to make her feel better, that's fine. But who in their right mind would yell or cuss out a co-worker for pressuring you to eat a piece of apple pie?