Operation: Sexy Claus Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Hi my name is Darlene.
    I'm from Cairo, Georgia.
    My current wt is 224lbs. My ht. is 5"4.
    I have lost 57 pounds so far.
    Currently I walk, treadmill, elliptical, weight, and dvds workouts.
    I joined this web-site because everyone is here to help you and it really movitates me.
    I'm very excited about this current challenge.
    Trying to get out of the 2's by Decemeber. I dont care if its 199.9
  • Name: Toni
    Where you are from: PA
    Current Weight and Height: 231.2 .... 5'1
    How much you have lost so far: almost 30
    Weight Loss Goal: to get to 185 for my wedding in June ... overall goal 125
    Current Workout Regimen: 30 day shred
    Why you joined the challenge: Honestly, I've been through all of krys's challenges and she keeps me in check, if it wasnt for the last challenge with everything going on in my life I probably would have gained all 30lbs back. With the first group I lost 15. I need a support system to talk with it helps me so much! I am so blessed to have a virtual friendship and support system with all of you.

    A little about your personal journey....
    I am 25 recently engaged and planning a wedding for June :) I have been overweight all of my life. Can remember wishing as a child to be just as small as the other girls. I can remember the doctors never handled the weight situation the right way. Always telling me I was overweight never saying what I should do to help myself. I also remember being 10 and the doctor telling me if I stayed this weight for the next 8 years I'd be a normal weight..... Food has always been comforting to me, big italian family, food rules every event. Some family issues that I dealt with by turning to food. Now I am being proactive about. Focusing on eatting correctly and exercising. Its going to be a LONG journey and I will need all the support/advice I can get. I have ups and downs and still turn to food. I am really hoping to try to find a new outlet for when I am upset.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Name: Lilly
    Where you are from: Rome, NY (a raging metropolis I assure you)
    Current Weight and Height: 268 at 5'7
    How much you have lost so far: Lifetime from my highest weight about 70lbs...this journey i'm at 44 down since february
    Weight Loss Goal: I want to be not obese (191lbs I think)...but really...any size that starts with a 1 instead of a 2 would be nice
    Current Workout Regimen: WALK Walk walk( between 4-5 miles 4/5 days a week) and aerobics tapes(actual vhs's- 3 times a week)
    Why you joined the challenge: I need support PLEASE FRIEND ME. and I frankly..need to be held accountable for my choices...to be pushed a little.

    A little about your personal journey....

    I have been heavy my WHOLE life....and it was really starting to limit the things i could and could not do.....and I hated that. If i want to climb a mtn or ride a bike...i need to be fit enough to do it. Plus, frankly, my bf and I are seriously talking about starting a family...and I want to be healthy for that as well.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Name: ...............................................................1RareJewel
    Where you are from: .......................................ALABAMA
    Current Weight and Height: ...........................5'9.... 188-191(TOM)
    How much you have lost so far: ....................19 lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: ...........................................lose 40lbs total
    Current Workout Regimen: ............................walk/jog/zumba (I'm getting really bored so I need to change things up a bit).
    Why you joined the challenge:.......................I was trying some of everything at one point in time. My friend recommended this site to .
    me and I have been in love since day one. This is the only thing that I have stuck with

    A little about your personal journey.... Never been the thin girl. I hated being called think, until EYE realized that EYE was fat. I gained 70lbs with my last child (5 years ago come Tuesday) and I have been struggling to lose the weight since. I would love to be 157 lbs again, but I'll settle for 175 or 170.........
  • Name: Stephanie
    Where you are from: Las Vegas
    Current Weight and Height: 141 (as of last week) 5' 2"
    How much you have lost so far: I've lost 5lbs on MFP so far.
    Weight Loss Goal: I want to be 125-130.
    Current Workout Regimen: Zumba, Turbo Jam, Turbo Sculpt, or TurboFire (or Walk Away the Pounds when I don't feel like doing anything...lol). I just try to make sure I workout 5-6 days a week.
    Why you joined the challenge: I joined this challenge because I love belonging to a group of people with the same goals I have. It gives me encouragement and accountability. And being in a challenge keeps my goals right in my face.

    A little about your personal journey....
    Years ago I started researching healthy ways to lose weight, and I lost (and gained and lost) 10 pounds on my own before joining Weight Watchers years later. I lost 20 pounds about a year and a half ago with Weight Watchers, but let 11 pounds creep back on me, and that's what I'm working off now.

    This is the perfect challenge to get me through the holidays! Thanks, Krys.:smile:
  • JayandBrensMommy
    JayandBrensMommy Posts: 116 Member
    Name: Bridgett
    Where you are from: Kentucky
    Current Weight and Height: 213.4 and 5'7"
    How much you have lost so far: 61 punds
    Weight Loss Goal: to get to 150 pounds
    Current Workout Regimen: currently I am walking, Turbo Jam, or whatever workout I feel like doing.
    Why you joined the challenge: I have fallen off the past couple of weeks and really need to get back at it. I was in Krys_T's last challenge and loved it. I'm hoping that I can do just as well in this challenge as I did in the last.
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    Name: Terri
    Where you are from: Dallas,Tx
    Current Weight and Height: 226 5'7
    How much you have lost so far: 28
    Weight Loss Goal: 160
    Current Workout Regimen: c25k
    Why you joined the challenge: Love challenges and all I want for Christmas is to be happy with me!!!

    A little about your personal journey....

    Well.... Just had a baby 7/12 after trying for about 9 or 10 yrs and having multiple miss carriages. After I had her I weighed 254 lbs!! I have been making excuses why I can't because I have to go to work, watch her, clean,cook, etc....etc.... No more I need to stop being lazy and just do it. I have signed up for a 5k run in December and this will be perfect!!!!
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Hi I am Brooke and I live just outside Myrtle Beach, SC. I am 5'7'' and am currently 203 lbs. I started my journey last October weighing around 220. I was down to about 191 by the end of November when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child. The morning I gave birth to my son (August 10th of this year) I weighed 230. I just started counting calories again about a week ago and lost almost 6 since starting back! I haven't started working out yet because I am still trying to get into a routine with my boys (2 yrs old and almost 6 weeks old) but I plan on getting back into things this by the time the challange starts! I dont have access to the gym so I will be walking as well as doing some workout videos at my house. I joined this challange mainly to get my butt back in gear! This is my first challange and I feel like it will keep me more accountale for the working out. I dont really have a problem with the healthy eating/staying within my calories but its getting the workouts in that has been rough so far. My goal for this challange is to lose 20-25 lbs.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • Name: amy
    Where you are from: chicago, il
    Current Weight and Height: 5'7, 220.2 (as of today)
    How much you have lost so far: about 40lbs since my highest recorded weight
    Weight Loss Goal: ideally, i'd like to be between 150 and 160, but i'm taking it in steps. (199, 175, 160)
    Current Workout Regimen: i like to switch it up... nerd fitness strength training, elliptical, spin bike, weight training, workout dvds. usually work out between 4-6 days a week.
    Why you joined the challenge: honestly, i need that extra kick in the butt. i'm standing up in one of my best friend's weddings next september and i wanna be at my goal weight then so its time to buckle down and get it done! :)

    A little about your personal journey....
    well, i have been overweight pretty much my entire life. i remember being a size 12 by 8th grade. over the years and especially once i stopped playing sports and started working, i gained and gained. college really did me in, to the point where i didn't even realize how bad i had let myself go. a few bad doctors appointments stepping on the scale made me realize how bad it was and from that point on i vowed to change my life and get back to the person i was in high school. that was in july of 2010. august 1, 2010 was when i joined MFP and in a year i lost 40lbs. slow and steady (also hit a few plateaus along the way). after getting frustrated with plateaus, i lost motivation for a few months this year but managed to only gain about 5lbs back. when my friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year, that was just the motivation i needed to keep going on my journey. i am back, full fledged and determined to lose all the weight i gained plus more. i want the second half of my twenties (and the rest of my life) to be healthy and happy. i'm hoping to lose about 20lbs in this challenge. hitting 199 on the scale will be a HUGE accomplishment for me, as i haven't seen that number in about 7 years. i can't wait to get there with all of your support! please feel free to friend me! we can do this together! :)
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hi I am Brooke and I live just outside Myrtle Beach, SC. I am 5'7'' and am currently 203 lbs. I started my journey last October weighing around 220. I was down to about 191 by the end of November when I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child. The morning I gave birth to my son (August 10th of this year) I weighed 230. I just started counting calories again about a week ago and lost almost 6 since starting back! I haven't started working out yet because I am still trying to get into a routine with my boys (2 yrs old and almost 6 weeks old) but I plan on getting back into things this by the time the challange starts! I dont have access to the gym so I will be walking as well as doing some workout videos at my house. I joined this challange mainly to get my butt back in gear! This is my first challange and I feel like it will keep me more accountale for the working out. I dont really have a problem with the healthy eating/staying within my calories but its getting the workouts in that has been rough so far. My goal for this challange is to lose 20-25 lbs.

    Brooke where are you from? I'm about 15 min from N. MB? I'm in seaside, near sunset beach :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Name: Krystle everyone on here started calling me Krys on MFP so it stuck lol

    Where you are from: I am originally from sunny Southern Cali...and moved to Atlanta, GA almost 2 years ago now

    Current Weight and Height: My current weight is 214 (This was last week right before TOM started, so I have a feeling it up some lbs) and I am 5'10

    How much you have lost so far: I have lost approx. 52lbs if I count my 214 weight

    Weight Loss Goal: My goal is to get to 175-180lbs now it just depends on what size I am in and when I feel comfortable...keyword: I

    Current Workout Regimen: I will be starting back on TurboFire at the start of our challenge, then I will be mixing in Zumba and jogging 2 to 3 times a week. And I will be doing two-a-day workouts the first month of the challenge...pray for me!

    Why you joined the challenge: I decided to do another challenge, because after the first challenge I did Snowflakes to Sunshine....I loved the support from the group and the results. When I did my second challenge...Summer Sweeties to Fall Knockout...I lost focus and I realized it was a mix of a busy summer and not being as active in the group as I was before. So I knew that this time I was ready to PUT IN WORK and I have my own personal goals that I would like to reach and what better way to do it than with my MFP buddies!

    A little about your personal journey.... My journey started with me gaining weight in 2003. I graduated high school, and having been an athlete all my life, the physical activity just STOPPED. I was homesick and started putting on weight...that Freshmen 15, turned into the freshmen 20 and 20 more every year after that. I gained 100lbs between August of 2003 and August 2008. I was so embarrassed. I went to the doctor in November 2009 and she told me that if I kept gaining weight the way I was....I was going to die. Plan and simple as that. I decided to make a change, I had a son to think about and I didn't want him to know me like this. I wanted him to have a mommy that could run and play with him, that didn't look overweight and unhealthy, and that LOVED herself. And before...I hated myself, hated the way I looked and it showed in how I dressed, how I acted towards people, and so many other ways.

    When I moved to Atlanta, I wasn't working so I basically dedicated my days to working out and figuring out how to eat right, how to cook instead of eating out, and embracing a healthier lifestyle. I discovered MFP in June of last year...and here I am now. Through my journey I have met amazing people, decided to write a motivational weight loss book, became a Beach Body Coach and I don't know what my life would be had I not gone to the doctor that day, and she told me the truth! The truth that no one else wanted to tell me. But I am so glad that she did....it has opened up a whole new world to me and I am ready to take it all on!
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Name: Kiki
    Where you are from: Dallas,Tx
    Current Weight and Height: 232 5'9
    How much you have lost so far: 37
    Weight Loss Goal: 175 subject to change
    Current Workout Regimen: I do a variety currently 30 day shred, HIp hop abs, turbo jam, eliptical and butt bible
    Why you joined the challenge: This is my first challenge on here and I want an extra push to lose weight before the holidays.

    A little about my personal journey growing up I was always pretty skinny but after I graduated high school and stop playing sports I started gaining weight. I started working out to lost and ended up getting pregnant with my first child. Then about a year later had my second child who was a huge baby I gained a lot of weight with her. Well 5 yrs later and I'm still overweight joined this site last year in January lost 30 lbs got a new boyfriend gained 20lbs back and stopped my work outs. Went through a bad break up and decided to get back on track in March I believe it was. So far I've lost the 20lbs I gained and then some. Looking forward to this challenge!!!
  • Name: Maia
    Where you are from: Dayton

    Current Weight and Height: 204.4 ht: 5'9

    How much you have lost so far: about 33lbs

    Weight Loss Goal: between 165 and 170

    Current Workout Regimen: I take hip hop workout classes, i've been training for a 10k (coming up this saturday!) and every once in a while I will squeeze in a spinning class

    Why you joined the challenge: I've been a bit stagnant this year since I lost my first 30 lbs and I want to lose atleast another 25 lbs by the end of the year!

    A little about your personal journey.... I'm an emotional eater. So I've used every excuse in the book to shove something in my mouth. I'm still working to overcome that and make myself a priority. I'm trying to build my mental "toughness" so that I can keep going!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Sorry I missed this but can I still join...I know I didnt do too well in the last challenge but I really look forward to your suprises every week even if I wasnt always successful...

    Name: Keisha

    Where you are from: Barbados

    Current Weight and Height: 177lbs and 5'5"

    How much you have lost so far: 23lbs overall I was 200+lbs at my heaviest

    Weight Loss Goal: 140 or until I have abs

    Current Workout Regimen: I am currently fighting my way with 30 day shred, and I also do Zumba on weekends, My plan is to do Rip in 30 next then Insanity

    Why you joined the challenge: For accountability... plus I declared 2011 my year so I know I have to reach my goal or at least give it my all
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Hey guys!!!

    Name: I'm Christie

    Where are you from? I'm from NC, in between Wilmington and Myrtle Beach,sc :)

    Current Weight and Height: Currently as of this am (I look every day... a little ocd ;).) was 178.4 and I am 5'5

    So far I have lost 33.6 lbs, since I started MFP, I've lost 27 lbs...from my highest weight ever right before I gave birth to my daughter I've lost 65.6 lbs... :)

    WEight loss goal: Originally it was 150...but as I inch closer, I'm thinking more along the lines of 130... we'll see when I start getting close...

    Current workout regiment...this one needs work.. I currently am doing Zumba 2 days a week... the other days.... eek... I'm going to start doing the your shape w/ the xbox again and trying to fit other things in...so keep on me about this!

    I joined the challenge b/c I LOVE Krys :) haha... and also because I do better when I know I'm being held accountable and people other than myself are seeing wether I'm losing or not.. I know I have to log in my results and HATE to put a gain on there... so for accountability...

    My journey.... in a nutshell... i have always always struggled with my weight... I have tried most diets that they are, only to be unsuccessful at them b/c after I lost weight i'd go right back to all of my old habits... I finally got to the point where my leg hurt all the time (I'm a below knee amputee) and I couldn't get my prosthesis on and off without it bothering me... I couldn't keep up with my daughter and was miserable with myself... I've had many health issues over the years which has only contributed to the weight issues, I had open heart surgery in 2001, and yes I was only 19.... since starting this journey I have felt better than I ever have before... I still have a long way to go... but I love the support of MFP and have gained so much from the people on here! I cannot wait in seeing out the rest of my journey.... I have had to learn this is a lifestyle change and a journey not a diet...and sometimes thats hard to grasp! If you haven't added me feel free to do so, I think alot of you were in the SUmmer Sweeties challenge and are already connected because of that! I look forward to getting ot know each of you!!! :)
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    Christie, We live in Pawleys Island :)
  • Name: Jessica

    Where you are from: London, UK

    Current Weight and Height: 248.4 & 5"5

    How much you have lost so far: Pre MFP - 26lbs/ Since joining MFP 16lbs

    Weight Loss Goal: My first proper goal is to be about 150lbs.

    Current Workout Regimen: Elliptical Trainer and Nike Training Club app. (Which is pretty awesome, and free!)

    Why you joined the challenge: Because I wanted something to motivate me, because that method has proved very successful for me. Also Christmas time, I see a lot of relatives that don't see me a lot and it'll be nice for them to how see how much I've lost!

    A little about your personal journey: Well, I've been overweight for as long as I can remember to be fair, but never by that much. But from mid-teens my weight just kept increasing and I never took and notice of it. Which I regret. But I'm 21 now and I'm glad I've decided to do something about it. Before it gets any worse. I just want to be happy, healthy and fit.
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    Name: Whitney
    Where you are from: Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
    Current Weight and Height: 157 lbs as of this morning and 5'2"
    How much you have lost so far: 19 lbs
    Weight Loss Goal: 25 more lbs
    Current Workout Regimen: SLACKING!! Will be back in the gym 4+ days/week and starting to walk in the park near my apartment since the Texas weather is finally cooling down.
    Why you joined the challenge: I need motivation and a goal to get myself back on track. The past three months of my life have been incredibly trying and I need to get my focus back!

    A little about your personal journey....

    Have been trying for years to lose weight and gave up when it didn't come off quickly. After finding the motivation on MFP I have been able to lose almost 20 lbs and stick to being PATIENT with the process. I am recently single and looking to find myself again after being married for 2.5 years.

    Good luck to you all. I look forward to the journey with you!
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Name: Sarah

    Where you are from: Calgary, AB (CANADA Represent!!!!)

    Current Weight and Height: 5'2 - 157 (as of this morning) (tom)

    How much you have lost so far: do the same 10 lbs over and over count? 5 weeks ago i was down to 151.5... SIGH my HW was 174 tho

    Weight Loss Goal: 120 is IDEAL, but i also dunno if it will be possible, so I am going to see how this challenge goes

    Current Workout Regimen: This is where I need a but kick... I have a step machine and bike which I try to use and have started (but never finished) c25k and 30ds so many times I can't count. Pretty much tho, I am doing summer outdoorsy stuff (hiking, whitewater rafting etc)

    Why you joined the challenge: Did Snowflakes and the motivation was great... Fell off in the summer, so when Krys said she'd do another I said "SIGN ME UP!!!"

    A little about your personal journey....

    I have struggled with my weight my whole life. When I was younger however, I was a "jock" so I was active all the time, after that things kind of fell apart - I went to university and partied A LOT. As we all know, booze (and the hang over food) only pack on the pounds... Things were stable (ish ) around 145 until 4 years ago when I suddenly started packing on the lbs. I gained about 30 lbs in a little over a year. This lead to to seek medical advice, I was diagnosed with depression and managed to get my life a little more in order and lose 15 lbs in a year. Since then I have yo-yo'd between 150-165 and and looking to make permanent change.

    I also struggle with my self-esteem, which for me is a direct link to my poor body image. I am hoping that this is a safe place to put this out there because I am sure it will rear it's ugly head at some point over the next 3 mos, but I have also struggled with bulimia over the past 10 years. Even as a counsellor, this has taken me a very long time to talk about in the open. I think that there has been pressure both internally and externally on me to be a certain way which has caused me to think less of myself when I am not that, leading to vicious binge and purge cycles. It's something that I have been working on being honest about, so I really hope that everyone is supportive around that piece on this journey.

    Can't wait to get this started, so far everyone's journeys and intros have really gotten me focused on the challenge we're all about to embark on.