Desperate to do it this time!

Hi MFP community! My name is Jacqueline and I’m currently in South Florida. Last time I actively used MFP, around six years ago, I was quite successful in losing a few pounds. But since then I have steadily gained quite a lot of weight; I struggle with my shame everyday. I believe said shame is one of the reasons I find losing weight so difficult. I get caught up in the perfection of the routine, and will sabotage when I slip up.

I’m here seeking support and accountability so I can really drop these 60lbs! I recently almost failed my maritime medical, due to weight and blood pressure - I’ve never had a BP issue ever! I love my career and often have to live on cruise ships and yachts, so I refuse to let this weight takeaway a part of my life that brings me so much joy.

Besides my career, I’m looking to improve my health and weight just to live the best life I can.

Thank you all and I look forward to getting healthy with you. :)


  • basimmers
    basimmers Posts: 9 Member
    You will do it .Getting mentally ready is half the battle .You have your job to motivate you .
  • beckercbad4310
    beckercbad4310 Posts: 2 Member
    Jacqueline, I just logged on for the first time in over a year, maybe 2. I have the same story. I dropped 15 pounds, then stopped watching my diet and logging my foods and gained it all back. I also had blood pressure changes (two measurements where my high number was over 150) where I never had them before. I hope to stay committed which is really all that it takes. Good luck. Baby steps and remember, it is a marathon. I am trying not to sweat the small stuff and the minor setbacks. Michael
  • booboo1000
    booboo1000 Posts: 58 Member
    And not only are baby steps good for long-term success, but small improvements can go a long way in health status! Try to focus on what you are achieving slowly, not the end goal. Focusing on 60 pounds might overshadow the success of losing 5 pounds.

    My first goal was to stop gaining, and went on from there in the slow loss of 10 pounds at a time.