Wondering what everyone else does......

How many calories are you set for?
On average how many calories from exercise do you eat?
How much weight have you lost?
How long have you been working on this?

I am trying to adjust my diet again as I am stuck. Seems like I am eating ALOT of food now.........just was wondering what yall are doing.

Cause if I do it the way everyone says I still have 480 cals to eat......and I have eatin alot already.....

:flowerforyou: :ohwell: :flowerforyou:


  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    How many calories are you set for?
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat?
    How much weight have you lost?
    How long have you been working on this?

    I am trying to adjust my diet again as I am stuck. Seems like I am eating ALOT of food now.........just was wondering what yall are doing.

    Cause if I do it the way everyone says I still have 480 cals to eat......and I have eatin alot already.....

    :flowerforyou: :ohwell: :flowerforyou:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    How many calories are you set for? 1350 cals
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? All of em, or very close to all, usually between 200-600
    How much weight have you lost? 63 lbs
    How long have you been working on this? a year on the 20th of this month


    SOmetimes it isn't that you have eaten a lot, it's that you have eaten a lot of low calorie foods. (I'm not saying that's true for you, I don't know what you eat) but make sure you're having whole grain and protein sources. They really add up quick in calories but are good for you. Also make sure not to pile foods on in the evening and neglect the mornings. I used to do that. It mans you have to eat a lot at one time to get your numbers up, which is difficult and not good for you. Try to space it out evenly. :drinker:
  • ginaoakes
    ginaoakes Posts: 84
    I have 1210 calories with no exercise
    Just for example I burned 720 calories from exercise today I have 335 that I will not eat
    50 pounds
    I have been working at this for 1 year on February 17th

    I do try to up my calorie intake if I work out. But I have never eaten all of my exercise calories. That is just me and it has worked !
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    How many calories are you set for? 1350 cals
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? All of em, or very close to all, usually between 200-600
    How much weight have you lost? 63 lbs
    How long have you been working on this? a year on the 20th of this month


    SOmetimes it isn't that you have eaten a lot, it's that you have eaten a lot of low calorie foods. (I'm not saying that's true for you, I don't know what you eat) but make sure you're having whole grain and protein sources. They really add up quick in calories but are good for you. Also make sure not to pile foods on in the evening and neglect the mornings. I used to do that. It mans you have to eat a lot at one time to get your numbers up, which is difficult and not good for you. Try to space it out evenly. :drinker:

    Thanks for the info. I am good on the types of food I eat. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, whole wheat, lean meats low cheeses....and I even enjoy a treat once in a while. I am good on the types of food, but yes as I mentioned because everything is so good for me it seems I do not have alot of high cal stuff. I had a late lunch and not alot for breakfast as my schedule got out of whack today. I won't be eating any exercise cals......

    Thanks again for your input. I thought I had my cals set a bit high at 1400. Still 75 pounds to lose.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow, those are great questions.

    I am set for 1200 calories and I sometimes go under but not too often. I have dogs to walk and take to the park, an exercise bike in front of the TV and line dance classes three days a week so I get a fair amount of exercise.

    I plan my meals in advance and stick to them. I'm staying away from restaurants, and will not accept any food offered to me.

    I've lost 9 pounds that I'm sure of since January 14. I'm doing a month long challenge with a group so I'm staying off the scale until March 31. My clothes fit better and my energy level is higher. I'm working toward clean eating so what I eat is healthy.

    The big meal I make for my husband and me is huge----4-6 ounces of lean meat, a huge salad with spray dressing, and a fresh or frozen vegetable with I Can't Believe it's not Butter spray. It's amazing how much you can eat if you leave off the sauces, breading, bread, and sugar. My other meals and evening snack are smaller but stay pretty much within clean eating guidelines.

    I'm taking it one day at a time and taking baby steps.:bigsmile:
    Good luck to you:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    MFP has me set at 1470- I don't eat my exercise calories
    Since I came back to MFP seriously with really tracking my food and working out I have dropped 6lbs per my ticker-(I am working on my last 20 pain in the *kitten* lbs) I haven't weighed myself in awhile though because I only weigh in 3 weeks a month because of TOM-
    Prior to MFP I dropped and kept off 30 something pounds- just eating 1500 calories a day and becoming more active

    as far as your calories it doesn't seem to low- Jillian Michaels sets the people on the biggest loser at 1400-1600 calories a day- Just try switching up your workout and push yourself
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm set @ 1620 calories with no exercise. I end up eating 2000-2200 cals everyday.

    Exercise calories- I have a treadmill with a heart rate monitor so I eat all these. Those I get with the MFP calculator I deduct 25% and eat all of the 75% (One day out of the week I eat 100% of the MFP calculator calories).

    I've lost 55 pounds (I only weigh once a month on the 1st of the month).

    I have been working at this a little over 7 months.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    How many calories are you set for? I set for 1800

    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? I try not to eat my exersice calories

    How much weight have you lost? only 2 pounds

    How long have you been working on this? I started 3 weeks ago but I have just started this site last week

    depends on your weight on how many calories you eat like the nutrionest told me to maintain an 1800 to 2000 calorie diet then when I lose 50 pound then I can take my calories down 200 .. so hope this helps
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    One more thing Jillian Michaels says- If you have alot too lose then you dont need to eat alot to compensate for working out hard because you have alot of fuel (fat reserve) your body can use for energy.thats why the women on the biggest loser are set at 1400-1600 calories a day and workout for 6-8 hours a day--

    Now the normal person who isn't a fitness trainer can't workout that much everyday and still have a normal life however the average person(female) can eat 1400-1600 calories and workout 60-90 minutes a day 3-6 days a week.

    Another thing to think about is a HRM because you will actually know what your burning rather than the estimate you get from machines or websites.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    How many calories are you set for? 1350 cals
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? All of em, or very close to all, usually between 200-600
    How much weight have you lost? 63 lbs
    How long have you been working on this? a year on the 20th of this month


    SOmetimes it isn't that you have eaten a lot, it's that you have eaten a lot of low calorie foods. (I'm not saying that's true for you, I don't know what you eat) but make sure you're having whole grain and protein sources. They really add up quick in calories but are good for you. Also make sure not to pile foods on in the evening and neglect the mornings. I used to do that. It mans you have to eat a lot at one time to get your numbers up, which is difficult and not good for you. Try to space it out evenly. :drinker:

    Thanks for the info. I am good on the types of food I eat. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, whole wheat, lean meats low cheeses....and I even enjoy a treat once in a while. I am good on the types of food, but yes as I mentioned because everything is so good for me it seems I do not have alot of high cal stuff. I had a late lunch and not alot for breakfast as my schedule got out of whack today. I won't be eating any exercise cals......

    Thanks again for your input. I thought I had my cals set a bit high at 1400. Still 75 pounds to lose.


    yes, if you plan on eating your exercise calories, it would probably be ok for you to go down to 12 or 1300 calories. When I started here (at 209 lbs) I was at 1200 cal a day, plus I ate my exercise cals. Some ladies above me mentioned they are set at 1600- 2000 cals a day but don't eat exercise cals. That's a different way of doing things. Either way is good. Think about it. If you eat 1200 cals, then exercise away 500 and eat them back, you've consumed 1700 cals. If you're set at 1700 and burn away 500 and DON'T eat them back, you're in the exact same position. Just don't go down to 1200 and then NOT eat them back... that's no good :laugh:
  • miasuperstar
    I'm set at 1250 but exercise everyday and then i eat up those calories though i'm also subtracting my basal metabolic calories from exercise calories and i use a HRM so i can be as accurate as possible.
    With this i usually end up eating 1500-1900 cal/ a day depending on my workout ( i always have 150 exercise cal from my bike ride to/from work). I often work hard just so i can eat more.
    I started Jan 8th and have lost about 15 lbs, 10 which seemed to have come in the first month. I think i'm plateauing right now and am thinking about not eating all my exercise calories- maybe half.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I have it set for 1200 cals. I exercise daily and so add those as my exercise calories. I have lost 1lb average since november 2008.
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Mine is set for 1200, I usally am with in 100 calories of that.
    I find that I am more likely to cheat when I exersize so I have not for a few weeks now but when I do I eat 1/2 the calories.
    I started this memorial day weekend of 2008 and have lost 40 lbs, I did spend 3.5 months just maintaining though because I started getting flabby skin and can not afford surgery, I also was kinda burnt out with all of the counting so I stopped for a while. I did not loose during that time or gain my few months of counting made it so I avoided bad stuff for the most part.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    How many calories are you set for? 1370
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? i was eating all of them but as of today i decided to try something different and didnt eat my excercise cals back. ive been stuck for a while and have gotten a little off track (stress = no $$, broke up with BF, etc etc) and didnt log 100% last week. this week i wanted to try something new so - total available today was 1758. i ate 1375 and 10 cups of water.
    How much weight have you lost? 7 pounds, but not solid as i flux each week :cry:
    How long have you been working on this? jan 5 09

    so, like i said, trying something new. plan to shop for food tomorrow (totally OUT) and going to make different choices, more home made stuff. we'll see how it goes i guess. i'd like to loose 10 by 4/9 for my vegas trip, but i'd be happy with 5. well, not happy but ok at least. i still havent reached my first mini goal, so i am set on that first.........no matter what, i appreciate you trying to get ideas from everyone. hope it help ya! :flowerforyou:
  • pigletfraggle
    How many calories are you set for? 1260
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? 325
    How much weight have you lost? prior to MFP I had lost 65lbs
    How long have you been working on this? I have been at my starting weight for 2 1/2 years

    I had hit a plateau and got really frustrated and stopped working out and stopped being so good about what I ate . The scale kept going up and down 5 - 10 pounds until finally I reallty started being serious about losing the weight again and now I am down 10. What worked for me was eating 6 small meals a day. Combo of protein, carbs, fruits and or veggies. (throw in dairy for 3 out of the 6 meals).
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    How many calories are you set for?--1430
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat?--some to all
    How much weight have you lost?-5 lbs
    How long have you been working on this?--since start of Feb

    but my dilemma is that i tend to eat more than 1400 most days, exercise or not. like yesterday, for ex, i had 2000 cal. And other days too. I lose weight and then start to add in a little here and there--and before i know it i'm back into bad habits.
    so now i'm focused on challenges to help me re-focus, most espec staying at my cal before i even consider eating back my exer cals.
    as i get used to the 1430 again, i'll go back to eating some of my exer cals.
    I have 13 more pounds to lose, so i expect this is going to be a long process with many adjustments. keeping the food log is excellent for me. and logging my exercise is motivating (and doing the 800 miles in 2009 challenge).
    well, hth.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm sset at 1400 by MFP to lose 1/2 lb per week. I exercise everyday and eat enough of the cals to refuel and save 250 each day. So hopefully I'll still take a pound off a week. Who knows, I'm trying this for the first week. It just made sense to me. If you see a post with me bawling...it didn't. BTW this has been the best week for eating for me. 1 week with NO CHEATING! I haven't done this in years!:bigsmile:
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm sset at 1400 by MFP to lose 1/2 lb per week. I exercise everyday and eat enough of the cals to refuel and save 250 each day. So hopefully I'll still take a pound off a week. Who knows, I'm trying this for the first week. It just made sense to me. If you see a post with me bawling...it didn't. BTW this has been the best week for eating for me. 1 week with NO CHEATING! I haven't done this in years!:bigsmile:

    Yay for you on your "No cheating allowed" this week.........Thanks for your info.........

    Thanks all for your input!:flowerforyou:
  • sassekel
    sassekel Posts: 114 Member
    How many calories are you set for? 1270
    On average how many calories from exercise do you eat? 0
    How much weight have you lost? 11 lbs as of march 1st, 2009
    How long have you been working on this? february 1st ,2009

    I have only been trying since february (made it the whole month- no cheating no junk food) this site has helped me alot, when I found it and began to log my daily cals I found I was only eating an average of 800 cals a day (whoops) I eat my 1270 now. I am light exercising daily, 4 to 6 miles a day walking. I am afraid to eat back any of those cals, so I don't.
    working ok so far.