Lat pulldown weight used vs chin ups

So if i'm wondering if there's a correlation between the weight used on the lat pulldown machine vs chin ups and vice versa. Personally i'm stronger on the reverse lat pulldown vs the chin ups, which is the same movement. But my brother for exeample can pull a lot more weight on the chin ups. What is the explanation if there's any?


  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,276 Member
    While the basic motion of the arms may, on the surface, appear to be identical, what changes is the position of the remainder of the body. Specifically, during a pulldown the legs and core are anchored in place, reducing the need for the stabilizer muscles to fire, which allows some people to focus only on their lats and thus pull more.

    Conversely, during a pullup, the rest of the body is free to sway back and forth, which can be troublesome for some people but others are able to either adjust their body angle to allow optimum pulling power, or else use body swinging to provide a little momentum to help "push" the body up.

    Thus my logical explanation is you are stronger when not involving the stabilizer muscles, while your brother is stronger by shifting angles to a stronger pulling position. Note, this is just using a knowledge of physics and basic biomechanics, not specialty trained nor certified, but it makes sense to me.
  • Mellouk89
    Mellouk89 Posts: 469 Member
    This is a great explanation, I feel that when I do weighed chin ups I have more stability, I think it's because of the belt? It does make it a lot easier for me. That's why now i'm doing nothing but weighed chin ups with a belt.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,530 Member
    You say you're doing nothing but weighted chinups. Why not do pullups? Those will target the posterior chain more, especially the lower traps. Since chinups also target the biceps and chest, perhaps your brother is stronger in that area.
  • Mellouk89
    Mellouk89 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm doing inverted rows with a pronated grip for the posterior chain. I do them with the feet elevated it makes it a lot harder.

    I feel shoulder discomfort when I do regular pullups so I prefer chin ups in that regard.

    And once a week when I go to the gym I do rows to target the posterior chain.
  • Retroguy2000
    Retroguy2000 Posts: 1,530 Member
    edited October 2021
    I see. Yeah those inverted rows should be a nice strength builder. Are you keeping the scapulas retracted when trying to do pullups?

    Since I started doing Pendlay rows I can feel my pullups have improved, however I can still comfortably do more chinups than pullups. I'm trying to improve though.
  • Mellouk89
    Mellouk89 Posts: 469 Member
    Yes I even tried with a very narrow grip and I still feel discomfort. I think the inverted rows with the pronated grip is just as good and for me it is quite challenging. I do them before chin ups.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,276 Member
    Interesting, I always do my pullups/chinups as the FIRST movement on my pull day, serving double duty as exercise and also as warming up the pulling muscles before I start doing heavy rows.