

  • Lori_menorahlover
    Just a reminder:

  • janetj518
    Just a reminder:


  • aninamika
    Hello Tribe,

    Quick update: I have completed PYGMY Day 2 (week 3). I am going to have to work on the crunches:tongue: Calories under, water well over!
    Daughter is doing good. Hopefully we go home on Monday.
    Have a great night. I am running around talking to docs, nurses and trying to prepare for our transition, most of the day, so the next couple of days will be me peeking in for a few minutes.

    YAAAAAAAAAAAAY TO GOING HOME! That is AWESOME news and you are an AMAZING woman Nica to keep up your hard work! I can't imagine the stress you are dealing with but to be able to get on with the challenge YOU FRIGGIN ROCK!
  • aninamika
    Just a reminder:



    HELL YEAH! AWESOME! I hope to be wearing something like that some time soon when I go for a run! :tongue:
    Janet you take it easy. Rest is just as important as food and exercise in this journey of ours. I'm hoping something will turn for me so I don't have to take that advice but it's seeming like I'm going to have to. We'll see how the next week pans out.
    Meanwhile, LET'S KEEP GOING HARD!
  • aninamika
    Hey everyone!
    Cheers to a couple of power outages today for "no" apparent reason. My food preparation went belly up and I ended up ordering in Korean. My dinner just killed me despite getting rid of the rice and the slaw that came with it. Having the tartare sauce that came with it was not a good choice but kaka happens and I paid.
    Also had my flatmate buy me a chocolate bar on her way home. She'd only just got through the door and I got it off her and practically swallowed the whole thing without chewing! I tell you what right, I've gone from NEVER liking chocolate or sweets to craving it! My friends and hubby can't believe it and neither can I!

    Now I really need to get to bed - I've got to be up in 5 hours!
    Went swimming this morning! Thanks to KJ it was another successful lesson. I was able to do 7 laps using the kickboard in half an hour! WOOOOOHOOOOOO

    WARMUP: Jog on the spot, butt kicks, high knees, 10 jump jacks, 20 mountain climbers, 10 steel jacks, 10 push up jacks, 10 push jacks = 4 rounds
    WOD: AMRAP 20 MINS - Partner workout. My partner and I split 50/50
    200 jump jacks
    60 drop outs
    150 mountain climbers
    60 air squats
    150 high knees
    60 split squats
    40 squat thrusts
    We completed 2 rounds and I did 100 extra jj's
    FINISHER: Front prone 50 secs rest 10 either side 30 rest 10
    front prone 40, rest 10, either side 25 rest 10
    front prone 30, rest 10, either side 20 rest 10
    front prone 25, rest 10, either side 15

    50 Toe Touches
    50 Crunches
    50 Windshield Wipers (modified)
    50 Kick Squats
    50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one),
    50 Lunges (25 each leg)
    Because I did crunches as part of the challenge I did 50 bicycle crunches and 50 reversey
    waaay past my bed time but all exercises done!

  • aninamika
    Hello Tribe!!! Before I do say anything I want to ask that everyone PLEASE update their info on the spreadsheets if they haven't lately. TY!!!!


    TY for all of those wonderful updates!!! I will NEVER get tired of getting texts from you Reesa!!!!! I love them!!!!!:smooched:

    K, I got everything done today but my workout was not as intense. I did a mixture of dance and pilates since I still have a headache which is unusual for me. I'm thinking maybe it's sinus/hayfever/Missouri change of weather nonsense. :grumble:

    Sorry I've been more quiet today. My head is really not feeling good but I don't like to be a complainer so I just suck it up and move on. Maybe if I get to bed earlier tonight that will help and I will feel normal in the am. :ohwell:

    LOVE YOU TRIBE and I read everything you posted and I love you all and I'm VERY proud of you!!!! I have gotten messages from other tribes that are not bonding too great this month... so I'm pretty rootin tootin proud of us!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Lori darls! We know you got our back whether you're CHEERING us on loudly or being a quiet but happy observer. Know that your team also has your back so if you need to complain - GO FOR IT!! We will be here to listen to your complaints and help you through it. Whether it be through words, love or listening! DO IT! You are not on your own and sometimes you just need to get it off your chest!
    I hope you do get back to your 200% soon - the rest will help big time so don't push yourself too hard if you're not feeling right. You might do more damage! MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • aninamika
    Went 5 miles on the elliptical today! So, we get an extra point from the Bushman series.
    I'm working on the crunches...40 Monday, 15 yesterday, 15 today...I hope to get a LOT done tomorrow (trying to stay optimistic).

    Finished Wk 3, Day 3: 10 globe jumps, 10 modified burpees, 25 toe touches, 25 squat kicks

    Already over on water and I'm on track to be under on calories.

    *sigh* *pant* Whew!

    And I was proud of myself today - I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich and a water. They accidentally put some delicious looking fries on my tray and it took everything in me, but I said, "I actually just ordered a sandwich," and watched them take them off of my tray and throw them away...

    YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF! YOU KILLED IT! AWESOME! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    Completed everything yesterday. I also walked/ran for 30 min. bf my foot started hurting. So I just did two miles. I didn't think about it but I should of finished up on my gazelle. I'll try to walking/running tonight and if it starts to hurt I'll just finish on my gazelle. I'm determined to do 5 miles tonight!!!! Oh and did get 100 crunches in.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I was sick yesterday, hopping back on the wagon today. I've completed every challenge and bonus everday but yesterday. I'm really bad at posting in this forum. Mainly because the iphone app doesn't have the forums on it.

    I did make a image for me since you all had name tags.. Yours were way too girlie for me.. :-)

    Bah the forums are too narrow... here is a link..http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a27/iceknife/jrlol2-1-1.jpg
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    I was sick yesterday, hopping back on the wagon today. I've completed every challenge and bonus everday but yesterday. I'm really bad at posting in this forum. Mainly because the iphone app doesn't have the forums on it.

    I did make a image for me since you all had name tags.. Yours were way too girlie for me.. :-)

    Bah the forums are too narrow... here is a link..http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a27/iceknife/jrlol2-1-1.jpg

    Hope you are feeling better and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your tag!!!!! Very nice!!
  • Trans4mations
    Trans4mations Posts: 90 Member
    Hello Tribe!!! Before I do say anything I want to ask that everyone PLEASE update their info on the spreadsheets if they haven't lately. TY!!!!


    TY for all of those wonderful updates!!! I will NEVER get tired of getting texts from you Reesa!!!!! I love them!!!!!:smooched:

    K, I got everything done today but my workout was not as intense. I did a mixture of dance and pilates since I still have a headache which is unusual for me. I'm thinking maybe it's sinus/hayfever/Missouri change of weather nonsense. :grumble:

    Sorry I've been more quiet today. My head is really not feeling good but I don't like to be a complainer so I just suck it up and move on. Maybe if I get to bed earlier tonight that will help and I will feel normal in the am. :ohwell:

    LOVE YOU TRIBE and I read everything you posted and I love you all and I'm VERY proud of you!!!! I have gotten messages from other tribes that are not bonding too great this month... so I'm pretty rootin tootin proud of us!!!!! :drinker: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I saw your status update Lori - glad you are feeling better!!! And, ok.. will text away..LOL. I also updated the speadsheet, sorry.

    Yesterday - challenges completed, under cals and over water. Also, I biked 5 miles - but, now I see I was supposed to walk, run, or jog...bahumbug! I guess reading is fundamental..lol...I'll do it by the end of the week.

    You guys are doing phenomenal! Love and hugs to all.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I'm in charge tomorrow people!

    First order of business is tell your loved ones and significant others you love them!
    Second order of business is I want you guys to sweat! Lets get those calories burnt! This isn't a beauty pageant, this is a life style change! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!!! (That was my best drill Sargent impression)
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I'm in charge tomorrow people!

    First order of business is tell your loved ones and significant others you love them!
    Second order of business is I want you guys to sweat! Lets get those calories burnt! This isn't a beauty pageant, this is a life style change! MOVE IT MOVE IT MOVE IT!!! (That was my best drill Sargent impression)

    LOL!!!! Thx JR and thank you Tribe for all of those wonderful posts! Tomorrow I have to drive up to Columbia, MO and back so I will be driving for nearly 6 hours tomorrow which means I won't get to be on here much except for late tomorrow evening. That being said I've asked JR to be in charge tomorrow. If you need anything you can text me or message JR. If anything goes wrong please feel free to blame it all on JR as well, lol!!!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I'm gonna help you recycle your fat so far back it's gonna take Michael J. Fox and a souped-up Delorian to get it back!!!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    That being said I've asked JR to be in charge tomorrow. If you need anything you can text me or message JR. If anything goes wrong please feel free to blame it all on JR as well, lol!!!

    The CO likes to chew a lot of butt but I've got more butt than she's got teeth, get a move on it ladies!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    My cellphone is 660...787...0312 text me all you'd like for any issues you may have that arises.
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    A day without Lori?! No! Glad you're headache is gone. I have a feeling that you're leaving us in good hands. So, safe travels!

    Challenge Wk3, Day 4 complete. Only 25 crunches today so far, so I'll add more before dinner. At this rate, I doubt I'll get in the 500 this week.

    Over on water, and will definitely be under on calories today.

    Now to rearrange our closet so that it can fit two sets of golf clubs...
  • janetj518
    Hi Tribe!

    Feeling better today. Looking forward to Dr. release tomorrow. Spent the afternoon in ER with daughter today. She fell at school and has a concussion. This is gonna be an expensive month for medical bills.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • med79
    med79 Posts: 288
    Hi Tribe!

    Feeling better today. Looking forward to Dr. release tomorrow. Spent the afternoon in ER with daughter today. She fell at school and has a concussion. This is gonna be an expensive month for medical bills.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

    Oh no! Praying for your daughter quick recovery.
    :heart: Marie
  • Lori_menorahlover
    Hi Tribe!

    Feeling better today. Looking forward to Dr. release tomorrow. Spent the afternoon in ER with daughter today. She fell at school and has a concussion. This is gonna be an expensive month for medical bills.

    Hope everyone is doing well!


    Very sorry to hear about your daughter. :heart: :flowerforyou: I hope she is well very soon! Thx for checking in and letting us know!!!

    Team, I'm beat. I got everything done today and I have to get some things packed now for my drive tomorrow. Plus I'm switching purses and have to take everything out of one and put it all in another. Sigh. The things we females do to be hip and with it. :tongue:

    JR I have set my alarm to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow and head out towards Columbia. I will be back in the evening. Text me if you need anything!!! :smile:

    Behave while I am gone tomorrow Tribe!!!! I don't want to come back and find everyone binging on Krispy Kreme and Dominos. :wink: LOVE YOU!!!! :heart: