Starting again

Hello, just thought I would reintroduce myself. This is the second time using this site to assist with losing weight.

Last time I had lost about 65 pounds in 6-8 months, don't remember exact specifics and was able to maintain for about a year before falling back into old habits. I did so intentionally because of situational depression and just stopped caring. I remember waking up one morning and actually thinking to myself, "Why does it matter?"

Now, I am starting to figure everything out, and have learned the depression comes from emotional abuse. I am taking corrective actions over the coming year and started building a support system this last month. I want to get in shape for long-term health and for the sake of my children. I have had little to no energy this last few years.


  • booboo1000
    booboo1000 Posts: 58 Member
    Congratulations! If you are like me, finding your inner motivation and outside support is of vital importance. I also lost about 60 pounds a few years ago and gained back most of it. I got sick of it and decided to stop gaining first. I lost some in that process. After that I periodically assessed my progress and set new goals.

    At this point I think I am about 30+ pounds under the weight I was at when I started to regain, am well within the healthy weight range for my height, and am learning how to maintain. It took me 2 years of slow but steady changes to my diet and some to my activity level.

    I have found that making gradual changes and planning for slow loss is essential, and that the energy and stamina return as you lose and as the pain recedes.

    Best, Boo
  • BiscuitPuncher
    BiscuitPuncher Posts: 6 Member
    Yeah, last time I was in a hurry to lose weight due to a potential job that required me to be more fit. Since then, the economy for that job has faltered and was not available. This time, I am doing it right. Before it was eating whatever I wanted and just being responsible for my calories, this week and likely next week will be the same, however, I am researching and trying some new foods. Additionally, I plan to actually start working out with some resistance training, whereas the last time it was cardio only, and that cardio didn't start till after losing the first half of my goal.

    The plan is as stated above while taking my time, rather than a 2lb a week goal as before (or more), I am aiming for 1lb or thereabouts.
  • I need friends to encourage me on my second journey im in Australia
  • mjglantz
    mjglantz Posts: 508 Member
    Figuring out your "why" is important. In the past I could lose weight quickly and then gain it back quickly. What finally worked for me was accepting that what I did to lose weight I'd be doing for life. And making small sustainable changes that could become habits for life.
    You CAN do it!