Do you ever......

Feel like giving up because you've tried to lose weight, tried to exercise, tried to change, etc. in the past with minimal changes and so you just don't feel like doing it again because you don't think your body can actually change? Am I the only one?

I know I'm just discouraged because I have this darn belly and even when I lose weight it still is bigger and flabbier than the rest of me. I know I would do it all over again because my 2 beautiful children are worth it but they totally destroyed my belly. I know I'm just feeling low and sore!!! I did Day 1 Level 1 of 30 DS yesterday and I HURT!!! I'm working up the nerve to go home right now and do Day 2 Level 1 but I'm scared. Scared that I can't do it, scared it will hurt too much, scared that I will put my heart and soul into 30 days of healthier eating and doing this satanic workout and there will be very little change.

Sorry, needed to vent and have a pity party!!! Anyone else have doubts too?


  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    All the time, nothing wrong with feeling that way as long as you don't follow through with it.

    "Do your best and forget the rest" <--- all you need to do, you know what your best is, no one else and you also know when you aren't giving your best.

    Do it, every day, push play and get through it, I didn't think I could do a round of P90X as I was really overweight, I did it and now on my 2nd round. It is possible, you just need to dig deep and it will come.

    Go home, have an amazing workout, the muscle soreness will dull down (extra protein will help too).

  • couture71
    I feel the same way. The only thing that makes me keep going to that I wan too keep wearing my designer jeans HUDSON TRUE RELION and Joes and I am up to size 31 and they only make to 32. So find something that yoou like wearing that little by little you make changes,
  • melsat
    You can do it. You just need to be patient and positive. I feel the same way about my stomach, but right now I am just focusing on watching the calories and hitting the gym. I think the toning part will come later. I know that is usually the hardest part to get rid of or tone and I haven't even had any kids. I understand your discouragement, but hang in there. I have heard great things about the 30 day shred. I was planning on getting it this weekend and try it out. Keep pushing through. I know you are sore, but that will eventually go away. Soon you will feel stronger than you were because you will be able to make it through the workouts. Just do as much as you can now and eventually you will be able to get through all of them. The first step is doing something about your weight and you have already done more than that. You have join MFP, started working out, and have lost 12 lbs!!!!! That is something to be proud of! Keep your head up! You can do this!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Doubts are normal I think, but you can't let that get in the way of your health. I started 30 day shred 3 days ago and I'm working up the courage to go home and do level 1 day 3! :happy:

    You can do this... you just need support and not to give up! In the end of all this torture (yes I said torture), it will be worth it too... just as it's worth a destroyed tummy to have your two children. Keep your head up and keep pushing forward! Add me if you'd like... I'm a great supporter, although I have my ups and downs as much as everyone else does. :flowerforyou:
  • Katefab26
    All the time. Keep it up, though! Whenever I feel discouraged I just tell myself to work harder and that I have more energy than I thought I had. It's true, too. Unless you're dizzy or about to throw up or something, you can generally push yourself a little bit more.

    As a side note, if you're feeling pain from certain moves, that is not good. There is a difference between that soreness from a good workout and the pain of moving incorrectly.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    Fear can either be a motivator or a reason to stall... Don't worry! You are not alone! Push forward with what you think will work best for you and your body.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Exercise should not be that hard and unpleasant. Maybe that's just not the exercise for you or maybe you're not ready for it yet (no idea what is involved). Find exercise that you enjoy. Buy a bike and go for a ride with your children. If they are too little for that, pop them in a pram/stroller and go for a walk. Try other DVDs. For me Zumba is the most fun I've ever had working out, but you need to find something that you'll enjoy enough to stick with it. You shouldn't have to dread it like you are.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I did it!!! I completed Day 2.....and today I was able to move my arms after the work out!!! I'm still incredibly sore, cannot stand up off chair/couch/toilet without holding onto something but I'm alive and I did it!!! I feel accomplished!!!