When did you stop feeling fat?



  • cindy859
    cindy859 Posts: 99 Member
    I don't know--still feel fat after losing 53 lbs. Some days are really good and others are like wow I really don't look any different
    than I did before I began losing weight.
  • joysu
    joysu Posts: 71
    good question. i have lost 60 pounds and there are some days, more than not, that i still feel fat. i have heard it takes awhile for your brain to catch up. i look at my self in the mirror more now than i used to when i was heavier and to be honest i don't like what i see. we are too hard on ourselves i think. i know we can't be perfect and i guess that is the problem.
  • littlewords
    I am only 5'1" and as soon as I got down to about 125 (from 140-145) I stopped feeling FAT.
    Now, at 120, sometimes my stomach still doesn't feel firm enough, and my thighs and butt will probably always feel too big, but I no longer feel FAT. I don't look in the mirror and feel disappointed by what I see.

    I look in the mirror and I feel GOOD.
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm still fat, but I don't feel that way. I stopped feeling fat when I stopped acting fat.

    I hope that doesn't come out the wrong way. My old habits were literally weighing me down... and my whole life now is completely different. My attitude toward everything has changed, and it just feels good.
    I love that! 'I stopped feeling fat when I stopped acting fat'
    Best thing I've ever read.
  • bookworm03
    bookworm03 Posts: 88 Member
    Last time around I'd day it took me about a year. It did take me about 3 years to grab my correct size pants on my first trip to the dressing room. I went from a size 22 down to a size 6. Is received a lot of strange looks walking to the dressing room on my first trip.
  • JakkiCarter
    In all honesty, to this day I still feel "fat", even though I only have at most 2-4 lbs to go before I am at my goal. For me, I believe it is more of a mental reflection of myself before i lost the weight. I have always struggled with this and know plenty of others who are going through the same thing. I guess it just takes time for that self realization to really set in that the weight is no longer there. Listen to the positive reinforcement around you and really try to take it to heart. That's what I'm trying to do. :)
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I am down 22 lbs and even though I had to go buy new clothes I still feel gross. Funny thing is that before i started living healthy I never felt gross.
  • jdoggie
    That is funny that you say that, I have been fat and skinny so many times that I think I become what I see in the mirror on purpose.
    I decided to take the first thing I feel in the morning,when i am ready for the day, and stay away from mirrors and scales. I was a size 20. three months ago and now I am a size 12. still a great size for 5"10 but i am normally a size 8-10. and I am sure I look like a normal person but even when I go to the grocery store and buy Ice cream or chips for the boys I feel like other people are thinking mmmmm... she might want to cut back. so it is a mental block we have to get over... I wish we could see ourselves in other peoples eyes just for a week... I know you are beautiful just by your story and i don;'t even know you. so believe me when i say it is all in our heads....
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    When I was 16 I was 5ft 7 and about 9 stone on a large frame which looked skeletal. Not a great look. Not that I ever saw that, I can see it in the one and only photo that exists as proof but my brain doesn't seem to accept that its me! That's EDs for you.

    Spin forward 22 years, yo yo diets one after the other.

    I am now 13stone 5lbs (187lbs) or 85kgs, and am halfway on my weight loss journey. I've lost 3 stone since January this year and have approx three more to go to get to 10 stone 7lbs (147lbs) or 67kgs (my goal). But I'm willing to stop short if I look too thin (My best friends have been primed to be brutally honest and intervene if they have to to prevent a repeat ED episode.)

    My clothes hang off me but I'm not buying any more til I'm at the goal, I am not out of breath any more but then I see a photo of me as I am now and i don't see any change. I mourn the loss of my passion for food - I see it only as fuel now. But I'm not sad - I'm happy - my logical and rational brain tells me I am more healthy, have just got into the "Overweight" category of BMI from being in the "Morbidly obese" section for several years. I chose to ignore all that malarky for so long (Can I get a denial from anyone?)

    So I still feel fat. I long to look like Kiera Knightly but you know - that's her, not me. I think I will always feel fat. But I'm okay with it. I'm actually relieved to hear so many of you saying the same thing. MFP is so good for reassuring you that you are not alone, you are not a freak and that it's okay not to be perfect.

    I just want to be healthy and stay there. Best of luck, willpower and all that is good to you all to be happy & healthy.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    This morning, LOL. When I stepped on the scale and it said 128.6 I thought, "Surely I can't still be fat and weigh 128 lbs". I think my biggest thing is (as weird as it sounds) I find the naked body unappealing. The female naked body anyway. My husbands naked body is very appealing!!! But if I am in a swimsuit, underwear, clothes, etc, I am happy with my appearance. The clothes come off and it all looks strange to me. I know, I know.. I'm weird!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am actually gald it isnt only me, I have seriously started to worry about myself recently, I really wonder how little I will have to weigh before I feel alright :|

    I have recently gone down a size in to UK size 10s and whe I went to the shop to buy some I honestly thought the checkout girl was laughing at me thinking, she is deluded she is massive and will never fit into these. Eve though I know I do, its bizarre.
  • hml1976
    Strength training has made me stop feeling fat! I've been very thin before but never in such good shape (at least not in 20yrs or so). Being stronger and having a little muscle has gone a long way to making me feel better about my body.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    This is something that I struggle with most days! I still sometimes see myself as the 130kg version of me. I still sometimes feel that no one cares what I have to say, cos I'm just the 'fat' girl. I feel like people look at me when I'm out eating, or look in my trolley to see what I'm buying. Its getting better, but still there in the back of my mind! The nightmares about waking up at 130 again don't help though!

    I've been trying to work on the ways in which I talk to and about myself.
    The other day I tried on some new clothes and was surprised that I could fit into a brand and a size I'd never been able to before....but my brain said "wow, they must have made these sizes larger in this brand now"...I had to stop myself and replace that thought with "wow, I look great and my efforts are showing in the sizes I can fit into".

    Its a work in progress - but so am I.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    This is something that I struggle with most days! I still sometimes see myself as the 130kg version of me. I still sometimes feel that no one cares what I have to say, cos I'm just the 'fat' girl. I feel like people look at me when I'm out eating, or look in my trolley to see what I'm buying. Its getting better, but still there in the back of my mind! The nightmares about waking up at 130 again don't help though!

    I've been trying to work on the ways in which I talk to and about myself.
    The other day I tried on some new clothes and was surprised that I could fit into a brand and a size I'd never been able to before....but my brain said "wow, they must have made these sizes larger in this brand now"...I had to stop myself and replace that thought with "wow, I look great and my efforts are showing in the sizes I can fit into".

    Its a work in progress - but so am I.

    ^^ This. I did the same thing when I put on a pair of size 6 American Eagle jeans, which I had only dreamed of wearing, and realized I needed a size 4. I was thinking sheesh they really changed their sizing!!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    This is something that I struggle with most days! I still sometimes see myself as the 130kg version of me. I still sometimes feel that no one cares what I have to say, cos I'm just the 'fat' girl. I feel like people look at me when I'm out eating, or look in my trolley to see what I'm buying. Its getting better, but still there in the back of my mind! The nightmares about waking up at 130 again don't help though!

    I've been trying to work on the ways in which I talk to and about myself.
    The other day I tried on some new clothes and was surprised that I could fit into a brand and a size I'd never been able to before....but my brain said "wow, they must have made these sizes larger in this brand now"...I had to stop myself and replace that thought with "wow, I look great and my efforts are showing in the sizes I can fit into".

    Its a work in progress - but so am I.

    ^^ This. I did the same thing when I put on a pair of size 6 American Eagle jeans, which I had only dreamed of wearing, and realized I needed a size 4. I was thinking sheesh they really changed their sizing!!

    Its so weird because when I was bigger, I would blame the brands for making their sizes smaller if I couldn't fit into them!!! hehe :P
  • tiedy
    tiedy Posts: 2 Member
    I have tried as I have lost wieght to not judge my body on what it looks like (will never be good enough until I look like Beyonce) to what it can do.

    I can run 21km, I can swim 3km, I try to judge myself functionally.

    But, if I looked in the mirror, and thought, "am I fat" the answer will always be yes, you just shift your focus from the fat rolls to your thighs.
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    When I was younger, I collected buttons with sayings on them. One of them said, "I'm not fat, I'm healthy." I wore it as a joke. In point of fact I was fat. So it was a bit of laughing at myself before others laughed at me about my weight. Now as a young old person, who has lost 60 lbs and gained control over cancer, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, I have internalized that saying. I'm NOT fat, I AM healthy. And I feel GOOD. I will not forget my past and will have memories of me from less healthy times, but I am going to enjoy and savor being healthy.

    In answer to your question, I think I got away from feeling fat when they took a big group picture of all the staff at our office this spring and weight-wise I looked like everyone else. I keep that picture in my "reminder" basket where I try to keep notes of life's lessons that I learned when I was fighting cancer.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Unfortunately, most peoples weight changes but their self esteem does. This is even more so with women as this thread conveys. My wife recently lost 40 lbs (she is 5'2") and even at 125lbs she still wants more. The funny thing is, she swore once she would hit int he 120's she would be happy but she never gives herself credit. The thing for me though, is I have always had high self esteem so I tend to be more arrogant in ways (mostly in a joking manner, especially at work). I see the muscle definiton and go damn I look hot, but I still recognize the area's I need to work. The biggest thing is, people have to improve their self esteem, otherwise, they will never be happy with their body even if everyone is jealous of it. Heck, why do you think people with ED's have a hard time stopping and it can take years to correct that issue?
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    Wow! I'm so glad you posted this. I thought it was just me. When I first started loosing the weight I felt really good about myself. Now the closer I get to my goal the worse I feel about my weight. I find myself constantly looking in the mirror and picking myself apart. I'm constantly looking at other people and trying to fiqure out if I'm bigger than them. Every time someone compliments me on my weight loss I just blow it off like it was nothing, because all I can think is I still need to loose a lot more. It's like the more I loose the more I feel I need to loose. I keep moving my goal weight down and I feel like it's getting hopeless. I find myself binging more and thinking what difference does it make, I'm never going to get there.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    We need to give ourselves more credit. If you have lost weight and inches you aren't worse off. Just stick with exercising, toning and shaping will come. I am still working at it. I have days I feel fat, but what helps me is looking at my before pictures. I was fat then, now I am not. When I start feeling fat I look at my before pictures.