Women 200lb+, Let's Have A Noteworthy November!!!



  • FushiaKat
    FushiaKat Posts: 541 Member
    edited November 2021
    Height: 5'4"
    Age: 61
    SW: 245
    CW: 197.4
    GW for Nov: 192, I would like lower but this is a good number to strive for.
    UGW: 145 is my BMI healthy weight, but I think 165 is more realistic.
    My weigh in day's are Tuesday's
    11/2: 196.8

    November goals:
    Keep moving as much as possible.
    Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
    Eat under 1200 calorie limit per day.
    Create more meal plans.
    Start back in on my hobby, Scroll Sawing.
    Make an effort to clean out the spare room.
    Declutter, declutter, declutter. (The older I get the less I want to keep track of)
    Sort and donate all of the books my husband has read, I see a large pile next to his chair.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @celticcapergirl1 Welcome! You just did it. All you gotta do is post here and, as if by magic, you're part of the group. :) Most of us weigh in about weekly or so and post those updates; usually the first week-ish of the month is about setting goals and intentions, then we post about how we're doing with meeting those.
  • sarah12277
    sarah12277 Posts: 212 Member
    @sargemarcori I have Planet Fitness as well. They offer free training sessions. Their new member session walks through the machines; outside of the circuit room. If you’re not familiar with machines; I second what goal06082021 said – try out the circuit room. The location I mostly go to by myself didn’t have many regular sessions after 5pm but another location did; but mine did offer the new member session after 5pm I think. Also, they have “group” sessions where at least during covid times it’s a group of 1 but I haven’t tried those yet. The machines also all have a scan code that should bring up a tutorial of how to use it. The machines (at least the regular outside of the circuit room but assume they do too) have images for a quick view of how to use the machines. You can always try out a treadmill first and people watch those using the machines. I do that for some of the machines I haven't used yet lol.

    @goal06082021 Wonderful news for DH!

    @celticcapergirl1 Just jumping in as you did. If you want to, you can post your goals for the month/weekly but entirely up to you. It’s a great group of ladies!

    DH did not have the conversation of my moving into his house last week. I thought that would be the case. Probably didn't have it this week either. Since I'm needing space to get things out of my car and not back in my house; I got a storage space. So we'll see how far that takes me and giving me time to go through things afterward too. No space at mom's house unless I start going through the basement things. Just starting one room at a time for the moment.
  • sandielewis2001
    sandielewis2001 Posts: 318 Member
    Age: 38
    Height 5'10"
    SW Jan 2021: 271.1
    SW this month: 196.8 (10/28/21)
    GW this month: 192
    GW for 2021: 180 (Originally 200)

    11/4 - 195.8 (-1.0)
    11/11 -
    11/18 -
    11/25 -

    LTD: 75.3 lbs

    I have a busy weekend ahead with dinner out with friends on Saturday and a date night wine maker's dinner on Sunday. I am a little worried about all of the food/drinks out but I am trying to remind myself that this is about establishing and maintaining a lifestyle in the long run and not putting my life on hold while I lose weight. I will log honestly, balance where I can and enjoy the weekend's adventures!
  • danikat15
    danikat15 Posts: 113 Member
    Prelogging really helps me in other ways.

    I almost always have my next day prelogged the night before. I meal plan for the week so I know what dinner is going to be. I also always have a premier protein shake for breakfast and pack my lunch the night before. So all I really log at spur of the moment is snacks and sides or if something needs to be weighed. Prelogging helps tremendously!
  • CrystalLaurey
    CrystalLaurey Posts: 5 Member
    November goals - get outside and hike as much as possible
    Stay within calorie goals, no more than 30% of exercise calories
    SLEEP at least 8 hours a night

    I love that you list getting regular sleep as one of your goals.
    It is so important!

    Congratulations on restarting! You can do it!
  • jaded989
    jaded989 Posts: 173 Member
    Hi all

    Age: 64
    Height: 5'4
    SW: 224.9 (09/6/2021)
    CW: 204.8 (11/05/2021)
    GW for November: 197
    GW for 2021: 190
    UGW: 135
    11/5: 204.8 (been stuck here for days)

    Main November goal - to be safely in Onderland
    Add an additional 30 minute walk to my daily routine
    Complete the 2 5k's I entered myself in (I will be walking)
    And just keeping up the good habits I am developing
  • BCLadybug888
    BCLadybug888 Posts: 1,660 Member
    Age 61 / height 5' 4.5"

    8/13/2021 - 298.8 (SW & ATH)
    October- 278.8 (Down 20!)

    11/1/2021- 280.0 (darn Halloween 🎃)
    11/5/2021- 277.8

    I will be in Hawaii 🌴 (on Kauai,  cannot wait) from Nov 7-18th so unable to weigh in then - seriously considered bringing the ⚖ but too heavy! I normally weigh in almost daily but will record on Fridays.

    November goals-
    [v] Get Fitbit charged & synced and start tracking steps - DONE!
    [  ] Go for minimum 15 minute walk each day when at home (will do a ton more on vacation!)
    [  ] Get my water in, minimum 6 glasses, especially while away
    [  ] Continue tracking food daily, making  best guesses & choices while away
    [  ] Get right back on track once home
    [  ] November Weight Loss Goal- 275

    Getting pretty excited about my trip! In line for COVID-19 testing as I type 😆
  • elh3767
    elh3767 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you @goal06082021 both very helpful points! Definitely going to try to prep my lunches at least, it's daytime that I struggle with more as it's just me at home and obviously have my baby girl to look after! Often end up just grabbing things that are easy, so meal prepping would be ideal.

    Day one has gone okay anyway, had a healthy dinner whilst my husband ordered pizza. Unfortunately for me, he has the metabolism of a cheetah.
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    It's FTMF (Face the Music Friday)

    40 y/o. 6'0" tall
    SW: 277.7
    November 1: 232
    November goal: 226
    Ultimate goal weight: 180-185(ish)

    I weigh in on Fridays
    11/5:230.2 (-1.8)
    11/26: (I will not be weighing in this day. I'll be in Mexico)

    This week was just kind of "meh." I've slacked on the exercise (it's getting colder outside, and I'm not wild about exercising inside...but I'm going to have to get that way), but have maintained my deficit.
    I'm anxiously awaiting a trip at the end of the month, and I'm stressing clothes/a bathing suit. There's NOTHING in the stores, and I don't have much that fits.
  • sargemarcori
    sargemarcori Posts: 301 Member
    @TheKookyKiwi what a cute, fuzzy, face! Are you in New Zealand? Welcome!

    Good luck, @Deanner03 ! I imagine it would be a tough time to find a bathing suit. Congrats on nothing you have fitting, though...?