Skinny Mini Challenge-Week THREE! (Closed Group)



  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Theresa-I was just about to say ask Jessica! She loves yoga!!! Ok so for today, I had LOTS of water, stayed under calories, did all the challenges except the fallen triangle-I failed you as a leader :( It was so difficult for me!!! I'm so out of shape! But I TRIED and I completed all other challenges for today as well as 3 miles, 200 sit ups, 400 of my arm workouts (100 4x) and I feel good! I had a great day at work too, so Wednesday was a success! Hoping the rest of the week comes together! It's downhill from ladies! so proud of you all!!!! :)
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Hello everyone! I didn't want to post today.. I just got home from school it is 10:43 PM. I drank alot of water, besides my average. However, I was hungry in class and had 1/4 cup of mixed unsalted nuts and that sent me over my caloric intake! Im so mad at myself.. and so I wil be torturing this body for the rest of the weeek... Unlike everyone else- I will NOT have Sunday off- So I will still keep my vow and complete ALL of my challenges!!!! *running away and hiding in a corner* Great Job to everyone who did awesome today!! One thing I promised I wouldn't do was lie to you guys or myself... So here is me admitting to what I did and rectifying it! Case Closed!
  • mazzy72
    mazzy72 Posts: 27 Member
    Beautiful day today! I had a workout with my trainer today in more than one appointment for orthotics.
    So goodbye knee problem!
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    It does NOTHING for us to compete with other people; the person we should be competing against is ourselves. The person we need to improve upon is ourselves. If you compare yourself with other people, you will always come out disappointed, and probably none the better.
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Hey Ladies!!! The single-leg circle wasn't on today's workout! Here's the link:
    So glad that I figured this was the pilates move.... love these... they are simple, but you can really feel them working... and when you get better at them... well, then you know it, but they are still hard
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    Options i must be honest.....i have been doing the challenges, but some of them are very challenging.....i am slightly overwhelmed by some of the moves and i feel as though i am failing because i cant do all of the not losing and my personal trainer thinks im doing too much......i have not lost anything in the last few weeks and i am also becoming more toned too quickly and my personal trainer thinks that do to the toning so quickly ive stopped losing.....i may have to modify the workouts some, but i am not going to quit the challenge....i will do what i can and push myself as always......i know my body can handle the challenge but i cant stop losing not even close to my goal......i love yall and im in this with yall
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    Hello everyone! I didn't want to post today.. I just got home from school it is 10:43 PM. I drank alot of water, besides my average. However, I was hungry in class and had 1/4 cup of mixed unsalted nuts and that sent me over my caloric intake! Im so mad at myself.. and so I wil be torturing this body for the rest of the weeek... Unlike everyone else- I will NOT have Sunday off- So I will still keep my vow and complete ALL of my challenges!!!! *running away and hiding in a corner* Great Job to everyone who did awesome today!! One thing I promised I wouldn't do was lie to you guys or myself... So here is me admitting to what I did and rectifying it! Case Closed!

    you are being honest and i respect you for admitting proud of you.....i probably will not have sunday off either.....but that's ok....
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Great work everyone! Don't be so hard on yourselves, everyone is pushing themselves out of their comfort zones either way!!

    I did not do the whole challenge for yesterday. I did tomorrow's challenge for today on top of my own, and will do all the walking tomorrow.

    It's Thursday already! Have a great day!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    8:00 A.M. Starting the Day off right!! here is to an awesome day for everyone!!! Today is my first Parent -Teacher meeting!!! Looking forward to it!!! :)
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Today was a really long day, but I knew it would be so did my extra miles yesterday and started 30 Day Shred today!!! OMG I am sweating so bad! The good thing is I suck at level 1 (mainly crunches and push-ups) so it is a workout I can build into... I hope this works for me!

    Also, I have been getting tons more bruises since I started working out, is anyone else beating themselves up on accident, trying to get skinny? :p

    Drank tons of water and am squeaking by under my calories!

    Good luck today ladies!
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Options i must be honest.....i have been doing the challenges, but some of them are very challenging.....i am slightly overwhelmed by some of the moves and i feel as though i am failing because i cant do all of the not losing and my personal trainer thinks im doing too much......i have not lost anything in the last few weeks and i am also becoming more toned too quickly and my personal trainer thinks that do to the toning so quickly ive stopped losing.....i may have to modify the workouts some, but i am not going to quit the challenge....i will do what i can and push myself as always......i know my body can handle the challenge but i cant stop losing not even close to my goal......i love yall and im in this with yall

    I think you're doing a fantastic job but would definitely listen to your trainer! I would hate for you to lose your motivation and stop because you aren't losing... I think that's really the only way you could let any of us down!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thank you determined to lose so im in this all the way....i appreciate the support.....i totally love you girls and want the best for us all......

  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Good job Mindey, your doing awesome and just as long as you listen to your body that's all that matters and you know your body better than any body. If it is telling you, you need a break take it, don't want to hurt yourself just to see results, trust me it isn't worth it. Are you seeing a change in your clothes? I always like to say the scale lies because it never tells you if the weight you have is muscle, bone, or fat, so i don't like to see when people stress over numbers, it is all about how you feel and how your clothes fit, best thing is not to stress or worry about lossing weight, the moment you "forget" about it that is when you will see some big changes. So keep up the good work :)

    Good job on starting the 30 day shred catinabox, it's a tough one but so worth it. I remember when I first started it, it kick my a** lol. Just go at your own pace if you don't feel comfortable moving on to level 2 after 10 days stick with level 1 for a little bit longer, it will be so worth it. Now that I am on level 3 i find it so much easier than level 1 and I look forward to doing it every day. So keep up the hard work and it will pay off and you will see results.

    As for today I have completed my 4 extra miles, have stayed under my calories for the day and come later tonight i will have consumed all my water plus some for the day. Keep it up ladies we are doing awesome :)
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    So my rest day was going to be Sunday, but it's definitely going to be today. I"m mentally and physically exhausted! Great job today ladies!!!
  • Andreeann
    I have to say that today I did not have time to do any workout, so I didn't do the challenge. My rest day is today and no rest for me on Sunday. I have a full time job and my part time job (synchronised swimming coach) start this week. It is hard to organised my time, but next week will be better. Even if I don't have a lot of time, I did the challenge for day 1, 2 and 3, but today I was too busy.
    I wish you a good day for tomorrow challenge !!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    I just finished day 3! I am one day behind! But I'm working on it :) had my water, stayed at calories, did 30DS
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thanks so much for the ladies rock.....
    i did the challenge today and drank plenty of water and rocked it......great job everyone
  • Tess12513
    "If we did all the things that we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." -Thomas Ediso

    You girls are all amazing!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    It's Friday! I did my walking already. But, during the work week I can only spend up to an hour exercising in the morning and I don't have time in the evenings anymore, so I only did 2.5 miles (wanted to do 4). I have a treadmill but we live on the 3rd floor in an apartment and I cannot jog on my treadmill so early in the morning because I'd disturb my neighbors. I know, excuses, excuses. But, I do what I can do. Have a great day!
  • TonyaBrandt
    TonyaBrandt Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I skipped my regular workout this moring. The alarm went off at 4:40 and it was cold, darn! Sometimes rest is good. My schedule is crazy, I go to work and then run from one kid activity to another until bed time. It is really messing up my eating. Between not having enough time to eat or not having time to record what I ate I am all over the place, sometimes 500 or more calories under goal and then sometimes a little over. Today I planned my meals and recorded them ahead of time, I am hoping this will help!