Newbie here

So .. What to say? I started on this site about 3 weeks ago. I did great for a week .. But then the weekend hit. I didn't stay on top of it and pigged out horribly. I'm back on it though, and this time for good. I am sad to say that I am morbidly obese, and need to turn my life around. I'm 27, and seriously do not want to die before I'm 40 because I had a heart attack.

I'm walking about a mile a day, and increasing it every day. My daily allotment is 2800 calories, but I am trying to keep it around 2500. I have cut out most of my soda, all of my fast food. I weigh about 450 now, and at 5'7" I am supposed to weigh like 165lbs. I literally have two whole people to lose weight wise. Wish me luck!


  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    good luck!!
  • emaildianeb
    emaildianeb Posts: 55 Member
    Good Luck to you! You're doing a great thing! Just remember that if you fall off the wagon, get right back on. Don't 'start again on Monday.' My biggest problem has always been serving size and the fact that I LOVE carbs. If someone could just invent the all carb diet, I'd be the skinniest girl around.

    If you can just get through the first month of staying super strict, you'll see the weight loss, and it will get easier and easier to stick with it!
  • jlmuhlenkamp
    Keep your chin up. You can do this! Good Luck
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    Good luck! I am sure you're doing great already by deciding to sign on here and do what you gotta do. You go girl! Add me if you like: uyent
  • Shrekkk
    You bet!! Good luck to you! You'll find lots of support and friends on MFP. "Friend" me if you want an extra.
  • Congrats on taking that first step!!! I really admire that you're already walking a mile a day. That's where I'm struggling. I'm the same height as you, and I have about 70 pounds or so to lose (depending on how I feel/look when I get there). But I keep putting of the exercise, saying, "well, maybe after I've lost 30 or so pounds it will be easier". I know, that's a cop out!! Anyway, best of luck to you in your journey. Just remember, don't let "perfect" get in the way of "good enough"....if you mess up, it's not OVER....just start again with the next meal.
  • bmcconn19
    Congrats on starting this journey! I know the long term goal seems overwhelming, but if you focus on meeting those little goals along the way, it will feel more doable. I am proud of you for doing so well so far. Stay with it and don't let one bad day, week or whatever let you get discouraged or off track. Just start again and you will be fine. You sound very determined and that is a great way to start. Keep moving forward and you will accomplish your goals. Good luck!