Why is your goal weight your goal weight?



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I no longer have a goal weight. I'm going to work out and eat well forever and if a few more pounds come off and my thighs get thinner great.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My original goal weight (130 lbs) was because it was bang in the middle of my healthy BMI, but I am not happy with my body fat %, so have lowered it to 125 for now, and see how I look then. If I am still not happy, I'll go lower.

    I don't want to go below 118, as I tend to stop getting periods at around 115, so don't want to get close to that.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    It is 20 pounds more than I was when I graduated high school. On the higher end of my bmi, but I think IF I was able to get back to 160 (mind you I am 6 feet tall) I would just be too skinny and I don't mind a few curves, just not the ones I have now. Roughly 42 pounds left to go!!
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Wow! Everyone has some awesome reasons for their goal weight!

    I am struggeling with my goal weight choice...I am 5'2 and a healthy BMi weight is 101-129lbs. So I ade my goal weight as 120lbs. however my doctor does not agree with me. She says that at 120 I would lose all my curves and "women-look" and just look like a teenager. She suggested 140lbs, but that has me in the "fat" range of the BMI scale.

    Decisions, Desisions, Desicions! LOL
  • My goal weight is about 10 lbs less than my lowest weight. Even at that lowest weight, I felt good, but still a little overweight. So I want to be lower than that. Besides, I like a challenge!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Because I think 150 is a good weight for my build, won't know until i'm there though! if I need to adjust once i get there then I will :)
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Its the lower end of my BMI and it's the weight my mom was when she got married and I LOVE her wedding dress, I want to fit into it, to to actually wear it but to get into it and be like, "Heck yes, I'm awesome."
  • My goal weight is 5lbs more then the weight I was when I moved to Hippy Hell. I won't be as thin as I was, which my friends tell me was too thin, but I will be thinner then I am right now!!
  • As a runner, I feel the lighter you are the faster you are...and I want to be a pretty damn fast runner.

    Me too!!
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Because it's where I always used to be when I was my old, fit self. Up until seven years ago, when I started getting injured and lazy, I'd always float around 185. That's when I was at my best at everything I do, and I wanna be that guy again.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    My original goal weight was to land somewhere in the 240s or 250s. 250s I would look normal, 240s would make me athletic. I came to those conclusions because I took my measurements, my height and my weight, plugged them into several online body fat calculators and used a calculator at the gym. All said that at 330 lbs, my Lean Body Mass was 219 (muscle and skeleton). Although my ticker and profile setup still have 240 as my goal, I am more worried about body fat percentage now because even though I have eaten well and done this weight loss the right way, I am losing muscle as well as fat. Sad but true. So when I hit 240, I'll decide whether or not I need to keep losing, or whether it's time to start weight lifting hard again to get back my muscle.
  • Good question! Not only is it slightly on the lower side of a healthy weight for my height, it's also the weight listed on my driver's license. Ready for that weight to finally be accurate again!

    Ha! Actually, my weight now is finally what my driver's license says but I still have about 30 lbs to lose. I picked 145 since that was my weight in high school. I will, of course, be happy if get below that, but 145 just seemed ideal to me.
  • The reason why I aimed 56 kilos which is considered in the middle range of healthy BMI for my height although this figure is actually on the lower-end of healthy weight for my body frame its because since I'm just 160cm (5'3") with a medium frame so any little gains here & there is already making a big difference. Also I want my body to be in the best shape that it can be.

    I don't based my ideal weight on height only rather also in the body type. I used this link to get an idea.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I wanted to be at my 21 year old weight.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    I chose 125 because that's the weight I'll be if I keep my lean body mass and get down to 25% body fat, which is the middle of a healthy range for someone my age. We'll see as I get closer if I need to get down that far (or need to take it down more).
  • It is around the weight I was when I got married. More than in high school, but I felt good, and seeing pics of me then - I realize I looked pretty good too! I'm a long way from that goal now - but with MFP and my MFP Peeps in my corner I know I can do it - and I will feel amazing!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Wow! Everyone has some awesome reasons for their goal weight!

    I am struggeling with my goal weight choice...I am 5'2 and a healthy BMi weight is 101-129lbs. So I ade my goal weight as 120lbs. however my doctor does not agree with me. She says that at 120 I would lose all my curves and "women-look" and just look like a teenager. She suggested 140lbs, but that has me in the "fat" range of the BMI scale.

    Decisions, Desisions, Desicions! LOL
    I think that depends on your body frame. I'm 5'2" as well and almost 140 (141.7 on Tues!) and I can tell you that I am still very very definitely overweight. But I also have a small frame. I say aim for 120, but use your body as a guide to see if you need to go down that far.
  • My goal weight is 115-118 and I am 5'7''. This is my goal because it is on the low side of the BMI chart for a "healthy" weight for my height and frame size. I want to be lean but not muscular and have that perfect body.
  • My goal weight is 141 which is on the high end of the healthy bmi. I am currently 195. I went to my dr and we are working together to get the weight off. She actually told me ab this site. I have to print off my journal for her and go back in three weeks! I looove this site! I used to weigh 140ish and felt so confident. I want that confidence back.
  • loristroud
    loristroud Posts: 138 Member
    My goal weight is 115-118 and I am 5'7''. This is my goal because it is on the low side of the BMI chart for a "healthy" weight for my height and frame size. I want to be lean but not muscular and have that perfect body.

    ^^What you said. I, too, am 5'7" and I am 128 right now. My GW is 115, but I feel like I might be happy at 120 now that I am so close. Not sure yet. :)