New layout



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member

    My bell is constantly covered by ads--can't even see it.

  • bellababy9031
    bellababy9031 Posts: 287 Member

    With a "not eligible for rehire" flag attached to their employee profile.

    This new setup is horrible. My thought is that they are trying to get people to quit using the forums.

    Changes were needed, for sure.....but why not make the little changes that were needed without completely destroying what they had?

  • stearnsdec
    stearnsdec Posts: 3,214 Member

    HOrrible. I am in a group that has ongoing discussions, up to ten at anyone time. The new format is making me miss many of the posts of the group. Do not like it.

  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member

    It hasn't even been a day and the banner at the top still says they're making tweaks. I'd rather them be doing at least some development than nothing happening. Let's all keep in mind this is a fully functional platform that's still accessible for free. The best alternatives of which I'm aware are all subscription-based and geared much more for athletes than the majority of this user base represents.

  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member

    Too soon to say. At this point, it's just a reaction and not an actual evaluation.

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member

    Now it looks like I'll need two browser windows open to access both the forums and my diary. The toolbar (or whatever you call it) that used to run across the top so that you could get back to your logging quickly seems to have vanished.

    Or maybe this is just a me thing, because I had a bad habit of sitting down to log and getting sidetracked reading posts.

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    edited November 2021

    I'm doing the same. Have to keep looking for workarounds.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member

    I've actually always done that. I'm a girl of convenience.

  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member

    what is "logging"? Is that a new feature with the updated forums?

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member

    It's the thing I'm supposed to be doing instead of lurking in the forums 🤣

    Oh, look, expanded emojis. Well that's one good thing...

  • LazyBlondeChef
    LazyBlondeChef Posts: 2,809 Member
    edited November 2021

    Desktop on iMac with Safari or Firefox sucks. I think the app isn't so bad because it's smaller so there isn't so much white space.

    Biggest problem is enormous font and excessive white space. I view at 80% and there is still too much white. Maybe younger people don't have such a problem but those of us with aging eyes need contrast and clear font. The bar around the posts recently added is a slight help but not enough.

    Only plus is they've fixed the spacing problem with icons. Since yesterday they seem to have fixed the double spaces when I do a new paragraph.

    I think disagree should be removed. This site is supposed to be encouraging to people trying to create better health habits. Disagree is too negative.

  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member

    The white space (especially as off-centered as it is on Firefox (PC)) is really grating on my eyes. Either put stuff in the sidebar of white on the right or give me the option of "dark mode" like a lot of other sites offer.

    There is no reason to have that much white space on either side of the forum text.

  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member

    Okay, suggestions (not that they'll listen):

    *Right-hand sidebar: Have the sidebar scroll down as people scroll down the page. That cuts down on the giant *kitten* white space on the right-hand of the screen after the first five-ish replies.

    *Bring back the links to the preceding forum at the bottom of the page. It's really annoying to have to scroll all the way to the top to get back to the main forum (in this case, Chit-Chat) because the link is only at the top of the page. Especially annoying when you read multiple pages in a forum at a time, so the "back" button on one's browser wouldn't take me back to Chit-Chat.. but only go back how many ever pages I had read that reading session.

    *If you're gonna have this much white, please, PLEASE, write code for a dark mode. This is so harsh on my eyeballs. I can't be alone in that.

    Otherwise, I can get used to this forum experience.

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,370 Member

    You're definitely not alone, the vast expanses of white are off-putting. I have early stage cataracts and it's actually painful to look at the screen.

  • Ketch_22
    Ketch_22 Posts: 12,711 Member
    The community link doesn't work on my phone app. Works on my laptap. When I click community it just sits there on a blank screen ugh!