Why is your goal weight your goal weight?



  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I weighed in the low 100's effortlessly when I was in my best shape. I wasn't concerned with weight and only knew how much I weighed because my aunt bought a new scale and asked me to test it out and get it working, and I remember being surprised that I was under 105, dressed in the middle of the day. I wasn't scrawny or underweight at all, just fit and compact.

    Now that I'm getting closer I'm realizing I'll have to slow it waaaay down by the time I get to about 110, instead focus on rebuilding all the muscle I lost when I stopped working out and very slowly weed my way back to being in that shape. I figure it'll take much more time to build that muscle than to lose the weight, but I want to get closer to my goal before building since it's pretty much impossible to gain muscle on a deficit. By the time I'm done I'd like to be back around 102-105 and in that condition.
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    well at first my goal weight was 150, but then i really thought i would just love to be able to wear jeans that were sz 6-8, i don't really care how much i weigh, so i went to mybodygallery.com and started looking at all different pics of women my height in all levels of fitness, and piecing together their weight/sizes. i am a medium build, i always thought i was large though, so now my goal is 135-140, the lowest i have ever weighed is 165, and i know i def. had quite a bit to lose then, so when i hit 150, i will see how i look and feel, same with 145,140 and see if i can get to 135, like a personal challenge :D
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    My initial goal was 180 because the last time I felt "good in my skin".... 15 years ago! Then I looked at it again and would really like to get down to a weight where I fall into the healthy range for the BMI. One day I will get there, but it is not a race, this is a journey (very difficult to remember some days!)
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Between 122 and 124 because I know I look my best being a Size 8-10 rather than a 12-14 which is where I was unhappily hovering for the past couple of years.

    I originally though 133 would be my goal weight as that's what I was on my wedding day, I then wanted to get to 126 for my holiday but still felt like I had a few lbs to go! I felt annoyed with myself that if only I had started doing this a couple of years ago I could have lost a few extra lbs before my wedding- but I didn't know about MFP then !:happy:
  • i chose my goal weight because its in the middle of the healthy BMI for my weight and because i want to stay curvy 11 stone for my height will be around a size 10 as i don't want to be stick thin!!
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    I remember the last time I felt fabulous about my size, and when I checked it just happens to be in the healthy weight range BMI.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    My goal can not be judged by a scale but a look.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    goal weight is 170-180

    I embrace my curves but with they weren't so giggly! and i'm totally against the BMI scale for my height. I'm 5'4 but would feel like skin and bones if i were to ever be the weight that stupid "scale" suggests!
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    mine is because it is in the middle of the healthy BMI range for my height/weight :) xx
  • Because its right in the middle of the target weight and high weight ranges that articles say is perfect for my height.
    At 5ft 8, I dont beleive it is possible to get down to the target weight of 10st 4lbs and think I would look too skinny! so 11st (although feels not possible at the moment) seems a bit more achievable.
    Only 37 lbs to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o/
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    My goal weight is my goal weight because I want to weigh roughly what I did 3 years ago.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My goal weight is 115-118 and I am 5'7''. This is my goal because it is on the low side of the BMI chart for a "healthy" weight for my height and frame size. I want to be lean but not muscular and have that perfect body.

    Those weights actually put you in the underweight BMI category.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    'cause it's 10 stone (140lbs) exactly!
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Because its right in the middle of the target weight and high weight ranges that articles say is perfect for my height.
    At 5ft 8, I dont beleive it is possible to get down to the target weight of 10st 4lbs and think I would look too skinny! so 11st (although feels not possible at the moment) seems a bit more achievable.
    Only 37 lbs to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o/

    You might be surprised. I am 176 cm (5ft 9.5") and when I originally lost weight my start weight was 85kg (13.4 stone). At the time I thought that if I lost a stone I'd be where I wanted to be.When I lost the seone I realised I couls easily lose more,and for the past 7 yrs I have been 70kg (11stone) give or take a kilo.

    Just see how it goes, you may not need / to want to lose as much as you think or it may be more, it's as much about how you look & feel as it is about actual weight
  • At my age, gender and height I am considered obease according to my Doctor. My doctor and I discused it and I would be at the top of normal range if I weighed 160. So I though 50 pounds to lose would be a be a good goal.

    If I reach this goal I may go farther and if I happen to lose 20 pounds more than I would be the same weight as I was when I was 25.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Already hit 200/200/300 yay me! Aiming for 300/300/400 now.
  • My goal weight is the higher end of my healthy BMI range. Even though I am rather short, I love my curves and am more keen on being healthier than slimmer. It will also be the weight I was when I first met my partner 10 years ago before I succummed to comfort eating and before my PCOS came into play!
  • songofserenity81
    songofserenity81 Posts: 138 Member
    My goal weight is for now 147 lbs which would put me just at the top end of the healthy BMI range, its also the goal weight set by my Doctor. only about 7lbs to go, then I will reassess and probably try for 140 lbs...because then I can honestly say I am half the woman I used to be with ,y starting weight of 280 lbs :smile: Its very much a case of see how I feel as I go because I have never ever weighed as little as I do now (or at least not that I can remember)
  • robinso5
    robinso5 Posts: 310 Member
    My goal weight would be 145...that is the lowest for my height 6'1. Currently I am at 158 and plan on losing and if I get to someplace inbetween where I feel good that will be my new goal weight. Anyone else a 6'1 female? If so, what's your goal weight?

    You are 2 inches taller than me but my goal weight is 175-185 because i was at my healthiest then. i had just graduated Basic training for the Arrmy. I started basic training at 145. i was totally just skin and flab i guess because all of the lean eating and exercise bulked me up! i went into Basic wearing a size 5/6 i left there with a pair of sweats my mom bought me because nothing i bought with me fit anymore! i knew i was at my healthiest adn best because for those 8 weeks i busted my tail!!!!!!!!!!! but we all have different body types so we should go by what works for us! and who knows that was over 13 years ago when i weighed 175 so i may not be able to get there again, but im gonna try everyday!
  • It's a weight I was once upon a time.