Confused about Fitbit Calorie adjustment

dracarys82 Posts: 5 Member
I normally go for a brisk walk in the morning and walk around 7500 steps. Since I've synced up my Fitbit and MFP, I see a Fitbit calorie adjustment of around 240 calories. I assumed this means I can eat 240 calories more than my daily goal. By evening, this calorie adjustment number drops to 100, sometimes 20, sometimes 0. So sometimes, it tells me I overate, although according to the initial number, I'm supposed to be in the limit. Should I ignore the fitbit exercise adjustment and just stick to my original daily goal ? I don't understand why it is going down.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    What do you have your activity level set to? The FitBit adjustment is just to reconcile the activity level you selected in MFP to your actual per your FitBit. I believe it's also making assumptions after your walk that you will remain more active throughout the day, and when you're not that allotment goes down as it just keeps adjusting your actual activity to what you selected in MFP. I would assume you also have negative adjustments enabled.
  • chench53
    chench53 Posts: 30 Member
    edited November 2021
    I have negative adjustments enabled but yesterday 11/18 it seems negative calorie adjustments was not syncing up. My steps synced, but calories did not, although it worked all previous days.
    Which (sorry) was not really related to your question. I think if you want to maintain, then eat those calories. But if your goal is to lose, then you can ignore them and just eat to your basic calorie goal.
  • dracarys82
    dracarys82 Posts: 5 Member
    I've set my activity level to basic, not active. I don't understand why the calculation assumes that I'll be walking throughout the day. My goal is to lose weight so maybe I'll just ignore additional allotments from now on.
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